How to make a soul plum in the floor


When equipping a bathroom, you need to pay special attention to the sewage. Today we will tell you how to make in the shower and with what problems during installation works can be encountered.

Drain is an alternative to the sewage system that we used to see, peering under the bath or under the shower with a pallet. But for such sewage you need a place. Accordingly, in order to go into a shower or bathroom you need to raise on a certain height of the leg. Young people cope with this task without problems. But for the elderly population, it can become a large problem.

If there is a drain in the shower, the floor level in the soul zone will be no higher than in the rest of the bathroom. In addition, plumbing is often breaking enough. This can lead to a flood, as a result, you will have to do the repair not only yourself, but also the neighbors. With the drain of such problems will not be.

How to make a soul plum in the floor

When mounting a plum in the shower, you need to take care that the floors be located under the tilt. Moreover, the slope must be made in such a way that water glass to the plum located in the floor. It is also worth noting that after adjusting the drain, the height of the floor will rise, on average, 18 cm. Therefore, it is best to deal with the arrangement of plum in the floor at the construction stage of the house.

You can, of course, in the whole house lift the floors. But it will cost enough round sum. In addition, it is not always possible to lift the floors in the house on such a distance. You can solve the problem of arrangement of a low step at the entrance to the bathroom.

Drain will work efficiently only if the slope of the floor will be at least 3 cm for 1 mongor meter. Therefore, it will be visible. In addition, the body weight will be distributed unevenly. There may be a situation where the entire body weight will be on one leg. Long in such a position is inconvenient.

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The last moment is a plum connection to a riser designed to drive sewage. The system will not work effectively if the drain is located at one level with the riser. It should be slightly higher than the level of connection to the riser. Lower the riser for several centimeters in its own house is quite easy. It is impossible to do this in the apartment. Therefore, you have to raise the floors.

Preparation for the installation of plum in the floor

How to make a soul plum in the floor

All the above disadvantages do not create special problems. If you decay in the floor in the floor at the floor construction phase, then almost all flaws are reduced to no.

To improve drain in the floor, it is necessary to prepare the components for the cement-sandy solution. You can use self-leveling mixtures. It works much more pleasant with them. In addition to the screed, you will need to lay the heat insulation layer.

It is advisable to purchase expanded polystyrene foam. This material is not afraid of moisture and has a small thickness. You also need to purchase collapsible siphon, which can be mounted under the tile, silicone sealant and sewer pipe. Experts recommend to stop their choice on the pipe, the diameter of which is 4-5 cm. From the smallers you will need corners, tees, etc.

Because work is carried out in the bathroom, the floors should be hydroizing. There are quite a lot of waterproofing materials on the market. You can stop your choice on any of them. Ruberoid uses popularity. Waterproofing needs to be laid so that it goes to the walls. The junctions between the walls and the floor are desirable to sample with a special damper tape. You can set the waterproofing material in several layers.

How to make a soul plum in the floor

Well, of course, do not do without ceramic tiles. You need to choose a material having a rough surface. He will not be slippery. Smooth tile, especially wet, is a traumatic coating. Through it will have to lay rubber mats. Tile laid on tile glue. The seams between the ceramic tiles are close in a special composition. For the bathroom you need to choose moisture-resistant composition.

When draining arranged, it will be necessary to construct formwork. Therefore, it is pre-prepare a couple of plywood sheets or wooden boards.

In addition to the materials, tools should be prepared, without which the installation of the drain in the floor is impossible. This is: construction level, Kelma, markup tool (roulette, pencil, line), rule (it can be replaced with a flat rail), a toothed spatula, a container in which can be prepared by a glue composition and a screed, tool for cutting ceramic tiles, a construction hairdryer. If there is no construction dryer at hand, it can be replaced by a soldering lamp or gas burner.

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Mounting work

How to make a soul plum in the floor

First of all, it is necessary to estimate the state of the draft floor. To do this, it is cleaned of dirt and dust. If there are large defects, they need to be treated. You should use a putty or self-leveling composition, pre-diluted with water. It will be possible to start further work after the composition used for the sealing of defects will dry.

Next, you must lay and connect the siphon. Before you should need to decide on the location of the plum in the bathroom. Most often it is located in the center of the soul zone. After installing the siphon, it must be connected to the sewer pipe. At the same time, the pipe should be laid under the tilt. Otherwise, the water in it will be stamped.

All connections need to be processed by sealant. After all, rubber seals will lose their elastic over time and begin to be covered with small cracks. The sealant will ensure waterproofing in this place of the system. Since the entire design will be in a layer of screed, replace the seals will not work.

The next step is to lay thermal insulation. Before laying the thermal insulation material, it is necessary to do the holes for the siphon and the pipe. If there is no damper tape at hand, then the joints between the walls and the floor can be sealed with strips of heat-insulating material.

Next, you need to do the arrangement of the screed. It must be laid horizontally. Before the fill of the solution, it is desirable to put the reinforcing mesh on the floor. The thickness of the screed should be at least 4 cm.

How to make a soul plum in the floor

The next step is waterproofing. During the arrangement of waterproofing, it is necessary to ensure that there are no gaps or gaps for anywhere. The waterproofing material should enter the walls at least 20 cm. The fixation of waterproofing occurs with a ring of a siphon.

Now you need to install a lattice in the siphon. Around this lattice you need to make a formwork. When building, the formwork needs to be traced to in the direction of the plum lattice located in the floor, a bias was made. Formwork in this case plays the role of lighthouses.

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To the screed did not get into the drain, the grid must be closed. This can be done with a wide scotch. Next, you need to make a screed. Regardless of the type of solution, it is necessary to prepare it in small portions. Any screed after a while begins to lose plasticity.

It is very difficult to work with such a composition. After laying a screed, you need to check the height of the slope using the level. If everything is done correctly, you can start styling with ceramic tiles. Pre-waterproof the corners of the soul zone. This is done using a special tape.

Stacking ceramic tiles in the bathroom should be started from the floor. Put the tile on the floor shower in such a way that it approximately comes into the walls. The first row of the wall tile should be placed on top of the floor.

This method of laying ceramic tiles will provide additional protection against the flow. After laying the tile, it is necessary to close the seams with a special composition. Drain in the floor is ready.

What you need to know

The sewer tube in its entire length should either have the same diameter or increase. Otherwise, not to avoid constant shower blockages.

You can create the necessary slope can be used heat-insulating material having different thickness. So, let's say, it is possible to position the material nearby to the lattice, the thickness of which is 2 cm, and the 5-centimeter insulation is located away from the grid. The ledge raises the screed at the same time.

To while taking the soul, the spray of water did not fall on the doors, towels and things on hooks need a soul zone to separate the special curtain. An alternative curtain variant is a sliding screen or a glass door.

Drain in the floor of the soul make it yourself quite simple. It is advisable to engage in its arrangement at the construction stage.

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