Prevention for walls with anti-grib


The appearance of a fungus on the walls of the house is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that you want to overcome as soon as possible. It so happened that the reasons for the appearance of the fungus, we start only when they ourselves fall into such an awkward situation. And here there is an important question, how to overcome the attack and what antifungal agents are capable of helping. In addition to the fact that the fungus and mold spoil repairs, they also cause great harm to health. That is why the processing of walls to prevent the appearance of dangerous microorganisms is important during repair and finishing processes.

Prevention for walls with anti-grib

Anti-Greb Cover Wall Processing

The danger that suits each of us

Prevention for walls with anti-grib

Fungus in the apartment

It's one thing when the mold appears on the walls, and we see it. But after all, there are cases when it is hidden behind the thermal insulation layer and invisible for us. Despite this fungus, damages for our health, and sometimes we can not find the causes of asthma and other diseases. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to use anti-gribery primers, as prevention when finishing or repair work.

I have never thought that the presence of mold can make great harm to health and believed that it can coexist with these microorganisms. But when I encountered this problem and learned about all negative impacts, it was dumbfounded and slightly scared. I do not want to be verbose and write about the specific diseases that the fungus contributes to the appearance:

  • Mycotoxins are the same harmful substances that distinguish mold mushrooms. Poisonous toxins can cause various diseases, acute poisoning, lower immunity and performance of people living in the house
  • In a favorable environment, the mold spreads rapidly and it becomes harder to fight with it
  • It is difficult to believe, but mold mushrooms may cause diathesis in children, allergies, frequent headaches that are moving into a migraine. Also they cause a runny nose, bronchial asthma and can contribute to the appearance of bronchitis and rhinitis. In some cases, they can cause even oncological diseases

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Prevention for walls with anti-grib

Anti-Greed Wall Treatment

The occurrence of mold is scary not only for walls, but also for human health. Before talking about the means of struggle for the walls, you need to know that it is the reason for the appearance of this problem. The reasons may be somewhat and most common of them, it is:

  1. Bad ventation room
  2. Destructive atmospheric effect that affects wall panels
  3. Error in heating and plumbing networks
  4. Increased humidity in the room and lack of vapor barrier
  5. Poor-quality sealing seams on windows and balconies

Prevention for walls with anti-grib

Decoration of the wall in the apartment with antihygribic coating

Important! The appearance of divorces on the walls, wallpapers and on the tile, together with the unpleasant smell of mold, indicates the presence of bio-corrosion. It should be known that almost all varieties of the surface are susceptible to it.

The fungus loves the places that are badly warming up and where the sun's rays do not fall. The effects of sun-rayly for mold, it dries the walls and has antimicrobial actions.

Fighting anti-grib

Prevention for walls with anti-grib

Protection of walls from fungus

If the mold has already appeared on the wall, then you need to know that it happens two types: wet and dry. And for each of them there is a way of struggle. The wet mold is dark, even almost black and is located in those places where condensate or moistened dirt. It is characteristic that it does not apply, but is located on a moisturized surface. But dry rot is more cunning, it appears in wet places, but in the future it turns on the dry surface. It can go to wood, plaster and even paint. A distinctive feature serves her light gray color and loose bloom.

Not only antihygribovociation is required to combat pest. It should be known that to get rid of the fungus for a long time, you need not only to remove it with the wall with the necessary funds, but also to deal with the reasons for its appearance.

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Prevention for walls with anti-grib

Anti-gribrous primer Milkill.

Anti-gribers can be alkyd, mineral or acrylic. These funds are based on fungicides - they prevent the development of malicious microorganisms. Most often, such funds are also antibacterial, and antiseptic. But before buying a necessary tool, pay attention to the description - many antiseptics cannot cope with the advent of fungus, as they protect only from pests and bacteria. Choose anti-grapple solution depending on the material to which it will be applied. It is good that the modern market is full of anti-grab agents for walls from various materials, it allows you to process any surface.

Prevention for walls with anti-grib

Anti-Greb Cover Wall Decoration

Among the huge selection of anti-gribemes for the walls, there are several most popular, and I will tell you a little:

  • Milkill - Deep penetration anti-game resource, it is recommended to use for concrete or brick walls. For a good result, you need to make 2-3 layers. The tool is suitable for wet premises and has antimicrobial properties
  • Ceresit CT 99 - Anti-GrubConcentrate, with which mold and fungus is removed. You can use for poorly absorbing surfaces, is environmentally friendly for tenants. You can use for walls inside the house, and for outdoor surfaces
  • AcrylGrundierung »From the company Olympic-primer acrylic with anti-grab effect. Due to its application, the surface absorbs moisture

Important! To prevent the appearance of the fungus, anti-grab solutions are used, and concentrates are used to combat the problem already appeared. Such substances need preliminary dilution. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for maximum effect.

Prevention for walls with anti-grib

Processing with anti-grapple plated wall

If you encountered the problem of the mold that appeared, I give you a couple of tips, how to handle walls and other surfaces. No need to apply a solution on mold and fungus, otherwise efficiency will be much less promised. For a start, wash the surface with white or bleach using a rigid brush. After that, the concentrate should be applied after complete wall drying. Help the solution with a construction dryer. Such warming will help concentrate faster to cope with the problem. Do not forget that it is best to make prevention and prevent this fungus that the appearance of fungus than in the end to deal with it and repaired repairs.

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