Use in the hall of 3D wallpaper, material features


A large room, a living room or room, this is undoubtedly the face of our apartment, so I want it to look excellent. The use of modern finishing materials facilitates this task. Here, for example, the use of 3D wallpapers that allow you to transmit the effect of volume, will become a non-trivial design solution for your room.

Use in the hall of 3D wallpaper, material features

Combined three-dimensional image

3D wallpaper

The effect of presence or three de long has settled in our lives. Already not remember when the first three de televisions appeared. Improving technologies made it possible to create a unique finishing material, a wobbly canvas with a 3D picture applied to it.

The image made in three de, has a bulk form, this effect is achieved by a special computer printing method. The picture on the wallpaper of such a high resolution that looks like a living thing, which is why it seems that the images from the canvas on the wall are gradually moving into the room space.

Use in the hall of 3D wallpaper, material features

Use in the living room panoramic three-dimensional wallpapers

Three de pictures are applied to the prepared wobbly canvas, specially designed for sticking on the walls. By and large, these are advanced photo wallpapers with a three-dimensional effect. In our case, as in history with photo wallpapers, you can choose a drawing according to the catalog, and you can order an exclusive image.

But this is not the main advantage of an advanced finishing material, the advantages of him at least debund:

  • a large selection of drawings, colors, plots, the ability to choose yourself;
  • High practical characteristics (fortress, strength, etc.);
  • Increased moisture resistance, material on the wall can be washed;
  • High color resistance, wallpaper do not fade, do not change their color;
  • Made of safe, eco-friendly materials that do not harm human and animals;
  • The wallpaper canvas 3D wallpaper is non-combustible, the wallpaper is fireproof.

Use in the hall of 3D wallpaper, material features

Real forest in the living room

The standard set of functionality inherent in the modern finishing material.

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The concept of 3d wallpaper includes several types of finishing materials.

The classic version of 3D wallpapers you choose according to the catalog, which presents ready-made images and their dimensions. To work with such wallpaper, you need to know the clear size of the room to successfully enter the drawing in them. Basic drawings most often represent nature, cities, animals, abstraction or geometric shapes.

In some cases, catalogs contain small 3d pictures that look like ready-made solutions. Based on their sizes, they can also be inscribed in any interior.

A more exclusive option made to order is presented in the form of panoramic 3D wallpaper. These wallpapers are chosen and coordinated by your designers with representatives of the company of the warehousing belt. Then, according to your sizes, we make a canvas for sticking on one or more walls. In some cases, wallpaper is covered with the entire room, thus the maximum three-dimensional effect of presence is achieved. To create an exclusive hall, it is better not to find such wallpapers.

Use in the hall of 3D wallpaper, material features

Three-dimensional wallpapers in the form of a distance in the distance

Turn apartment into the nightclub is very easy with unique fluorescent 3d wallpaper. The peculiarity of these canvases in an unusual glow, if they hit them with light luminescent lamps. In a limited color scheme, the image becomes so realistic that it completely breaks the idea of ​​space. With ordinary lighting, it looks standard, but also has three de effect.

Very often, LED images made from a large number of LEDs are calculated to 3D wallpaper. These pictures are funny and can be activated using the remote control. We would attribute this option to technical devices.


A similar exclusive offer as three de wallpapers immediately found wide application, the material is used in the finishing of various premises.

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First of all, they assumed such wallpaper owners of various malic institutions. Around 3D wallpapers, the original interior of the bar, a snack bar, a small store can be built. This finish adds the place of exclusivity, which means that popularity. For promotional purposes, 3D wallpapers are used constantly, as they attract more attention to themselves.

Use in the hall of 3D wallpaper, material features

Gentle floral motifs in the living room

In many hotels, the hotelians carefully work out the Hall design, as the main place of their institution, therefore the introduction of three de wallpapers is massive. Even nightclubs use 3D wallpapers for visual adjustment of space, often using the images with a luminous effect. Some owners of such places are not limited to the inner decoration of their club, and make out the external side in a similar three-dimensional style. Do you need to talk about how this attracts the attention of ordinary people.

The development and improvement of production technologies three de wallpapers reduced the cost of the material, so it actively began to be used in domestic repairs. You can beat three de web to any room, for example, to make a special flavor to the interior of the hall, or expand the space of a small kitchen, create a unique, light aura in the bedroom.

If we consider the use of 3D cloths in the hall, then the first thing that comes to mind is the creation of an accent with the help of a unique canvase. It is enough just to highlight one main wall and decorate it with similar wallpaper. If you select a couple of walls, you can create a whole zone around a unique image on the wall.

Use in the hall of 3D wallpaper, material features

Modern abstraction in three-dimensional form

Small photo walls perfectly disguise the disadvantages of the room, they can be blocked in a niche or bulge. To give a larger effect, it is permissible to form a white molding.

Very often, the wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern is glued to furniture, doors, ceiling, for giving room one concept.

The cost of 3D wallpaper is not cheap, of course, it has recently decreased quite strongly, but still quite high. At the same time, competently use such things, to enter them into the interior of various rooms, may not all. Therefore, to avoid interior design problems in the future, it is best to immediately turn to experienced designers and tell what wallpaper you want to use and where. In addition, the designer will be easier to communicate with typographic companies when ordering and printing wallpaper.

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Use in the hall of 3D wallpaper, material features

Cute three-dimensional wallpapers for the hall

To the final stage of the finish, and more precisely, the shoes of the canvas on the wall stands the same seriously. You can trust this work to masters, and you can make a couple of people yourself by taking yourself into assistants. It is worth understanding that it is necessary to connect the canvas very accurately, not allowing the gaps and adhesion. Only so you can save the intended three de effect. In addition, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules of sticking wallpaper, get rid of drafts and choose high-quality wallpaper glue.

The use of 3D wallpapers in the interior of the hall, bedrooms, kitchens or another room will allow you to create an advanced, exclusive interior that you will admire for a long time.

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