What better to make the floor in the room


High-quality floor in the apartment begins with a screed. It is it that becomes the most important element of the floor, not allowing irregularities and creating the necessary noise and thermal insulation. In the bathroom, except for the screed, and waterproofing is of great importance, because this is a place where it is constantly raw. What is the floor in the room? More often choose laminate or parquet, as the two highest quality and beautiful finishing material.

What better to make the floor in the room

The color and texture of the laminate is selected under the interior of the room.

So what to make the floor in the room, from a natural tree or not, wonders each. Parquet is made of natural wood and will serve for a very long time, but does not like water and pretty capricious care, because it requires grinding and special lacquet. In this regard, the laminate is more economical, because this material is much cheaper, and it looks no worse.

Overhaul of the floor: what is it

It is necessary to remove the old coating and lags and pour all concrete. It is the monolithic fill - one of the most popular means to equalize the surface of the future floor. In addition, it is not bad to pour a self-level liquid on top, then the process of the screed can be considered complete.

What better to make the floor in the room

Floor alignment scheme with concrete screed.

All this will not be difficult to make it yourself, but only in one case, when the differences in height do not make up more than 5 cm. Otherwise, it is better to invite masters for repair work. The tie is beginning to fill the room from the far corner, evenly throughout the area of ​​the room, and align the special tool - the rule, gradually moving towards the entrance doors, without the formation of voids. It is necessary to let the screed for 3 days so that it takes the normal form.

You can not fill the floor with concrete completely, but to make a screed in the form of concrete bars, which lags and plywood are stacked. The method of manufacturing such a screed can be viewed on the site, however, if there is no experience in carrying out repair work, it is better to do as easier. This new fill technology allows you to align the floor without additional load on the foundation and overlap, because the cement is consumed much less, and the fill is obtained easier by weight.

On top of the concrete you can already lay the lags, Phaneur and the very parquet itself. This coverage will not be demolished, but the parquet is correctly putting enough problematic, so it is worth entrusting it to specialists. But the laminate is much easier for laying, so everyone can try their strength to repair the room.

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Warm floor: He needs or not, features

What better to make the floor in the room

Warm floor laying schemes.

Under the laminate you can lay a warm floor that will not only make the room warmer and comfortable, but also will help save on the heating of the house, if it is a cottage. However, and the apartments became popular to choose a warm floor in the rooms where the winter is cool. You can forget about warm socks and thick carpets, for this floor it is nice to walk even barefoot. We are indispensable warm floor and in the bathroom, because it is so nice to get on the floor with heating, instead of cold ceramics.

To install a warm floor, you can take a special film that is easily cut and connects to the network. A special thermostat will not give the floor to overheat, because it will independently turn on and off when decreasing and increasing the temperature in the room. Such a floor can be put not only in the rooms, but also on the balcony. And most often it is used in the bedroom, children's and living room, where it is most needed. Laminate tolerates the floor with heating better, but the parquet can disappear, so immediately decide what coating to choose when installing a warm floor.

If the tile is placed on the floor, then it must be aligned perfectly, because the slightest breaks will immediately affect not only beauty, but also on the flatness of the floor.

So in the bathroom you need to immediately make a bias from the bathroom, in order to avoid the bay of water. In addition, waterproofing of walls and gender is produced, for which polymer mastic is needed.

After that, the railway rails are selected and the floor is filled with a completely concrete tie. To make materials better, it is necessary to apply primer.

After that, the floor is allowed to stand 3 days and the tile is glued onto the smooth surface, and then rub the resulting seams. Such coatings are not afraid of moisture, look pretenuate and stylish. The floor covered with ceramics or porcelain stoneware looks good not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen, hallway and even the living room.

Finishing style also matters

What better to make the floor in the room

For the classic style interior style, it is recommended to separate the floor with laminate or parquet.

When choosing a floor finish in the room it is very important to determine the style of the room. For example, the classic interior style assumes the presence of parquet, laminate or carpet over wooden floor. Country style fully arrange a ceramic tile or porcelain tiles. For minimalism and style, High-tech parquet is inappropriate. To find out what kind of coating style is suitable for the selected interior, you can take a look at the photo of the premises or contact the specialists. They will advise what to choose the material and the color solution for each specific case.

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It is not worth mixing styles, it will not look beautiful, after all, placing PVC tiles to the floor of the kitchen, put a sophisticated headset, just ridiculous.

Color and texture

Also, the color of the material must be selected according to the lighting of the house. With a small darkened room, light shades will give the volume, expand the space, and the dark, on the contrary, will reduce it even more. In addition, it is very important to know where the coverage will be, and determine its wear resistance.

What better to make the floor in the room

Laminate structure diagram.

So, the parquet will look better in the living room, the bedroom, and the laminate is perfect for the corridor, kitchen and children's. Since there most often moves in the house, and the parquet will not look presented, but just will hang out. Laminate is more enduring in this regard, but it is necessary to choose it is the most durable, which is designed for high permeability. It will cost more. But nevertheless justifies himself.

For a kitchen and a corridor, you can choose ceramic tiles as decoration floor. For the room this option is not suitable, except that you can decorate the floor with a stonework in the living room in the country, but immediately to provide a warm floor, because the ceramics is poorly kept warm.

The perfect solution will be the combined floor, if the premises are allowed. So, in the hallway you can put a tile at the entrance, where the sand and street dirt is usually going, and then smoothly go to the laminate, which will continue in the room. Due to the successful combination of color, such transitions can be made invisible, but cleaning the house will cease to be a problem.

What better to make the floor in the room

Table classes and laminate quality.

The laminate in the room should also be quite strong, because choosing cheap stamps, the client will receive another problem - frequent replacement and repair. If you wish, you can put a parquet board, it will be much stronger, but it will require a more thorough care. The beautiful room and the house is the dream of many homeowners, because from the total appearance depends on the whole apartment or at home. Choosing high-quality materials and making repairs to conscience, you can get not only a beautiful interior, but also the ability to repair as less as possible.

So that there were no spots on the floor, and it was not swollen, it is necessary to choose moisture-resistant materials for the bathroom, kitchen and hallway. In the room, the moisture resistance of the material is not so relevant, but it is necessary to know that the parquet and laminate do not like excessive moisture.

Beautifully looks like the floor indoors when it imitates a natural tree.

Therefore, the laminate is better chosen in the natural colors. Parquet, especially piece, you can put in the form of a mosaic, making the floor in the room with the work of art. Such beautiful laying does not only look very stylish, but also gives the luxury room.

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Not only beauty, but also comfort: recommendations

What better to make the floor in the room

Laminate laying scheme.

Choosing the floor in the room, do not forget that the first floor is almost always colder than others, it means that good thermal insulation and waterproofing will not be superfluous. It is best to envisage this at the very beginning of the repair, because otherwise it is necessary to redo insulation repeatedly. Such work is best to entrust the masters, because it is difficult to perform good thermal insulation. There are a lot of materials that make the room with cozy and warm, most importantly, choose them in accordance with the room. The private house will have to warm more carefully, starting with the ground floor and the foundation, and the apartment in an ordinary house will require fewer work and investment.

Recently, the apartments are placed on the floor with a plug. It is not only very beautiful in appearance, but also has several advantages, such as: thermal insulation, noise insulation. The material is much more expensive than parquet, but it looks clearer.

With budget repairs, you can lay on the floor and ordinary linoleum, but it looks much worse than the laminate, and it is not recommended for rooms, and more suitable for such premises, like a kitchen and a corridor. The room can be treated with natural linoleum, but it is an order of magnitude more expensive than usual, so such costs do not justify yourself, and the laminate is much cheaper. Since the laminate is very easy in laying, unlike ceramics and parquet, then this repair can be made independently.

A variety of room interiors and other rooms require various materials for the design of flooring. To make your home cozy, warm and beautiful, you will have to make some calculations. They will be concluded in the ratio of the appearance of the material, its prices, quality and wear resistance.

By selecting the most acceptable option, you can safely start replacing the floor covering. If doubt, you can always consult with specialists, and they will help you choose the appropriate option.

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