How to beat the ceiling (walls) with your own hands - Tells of lime, chalk and water-emulsion paint


The plains of the ceiling and walls are one of the best ways to make these surfaces look clean, carefully and neat. But first it is necessary to prepare a stream and walls to whitewash, and then you have to beat, while choosing the best way.

Preparation of the surface of the ceiling (walls) for whitewash do it yourself

Before the origin, of course, it is necessary to prepare the surface to further work. For example, you wanted to use a lime blotch, and your ceiling or walls are covered with chalk, in which case it will be logical first to remove the old chalk blame and only then apply lime.

How correctly wash the old whitewash from the ceiling? First of all, you need the whole surface

The ceiling is mixed with water, and then with the help of a car and spatula to cleaned and wash off whitening soapy water.

If there is a desire only slightly update the ceiling. those. Make the repair of the whitewashed ceiling, then first carefully view the entire ceiling for cracks, and then with a spatula, you can be sealed with spacure based on cement.

The seams of the ceiling need to be punctured by a special, similar to the grid, ribbon, and then scream. When the ceiling is driving, it must be treated with sandpaper. Next again we apply primer, and after drying it (after 24 hours) you can proceed directly to the whitewash.

How to beat the ceiling (walls) with your own hands - Tells of lime, chalk and water-emulsion paint

How to beat the ceiling (walls) with your own hands - Tells of lime, chalk and water-emulsion paint

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What is better to bother the ceiling?

Currently, two main types of environmentally friendly materials for whitewashing ceiling and walls are used - this is chalk and lime.

Operatoes ceiling lime

Lime has an advantage, it has bactericidal properties, and also has the ability to tighten the gap, as if closing them.

Poles the ceiling chalk

At the same time, some people have lime can cause allergic reactions, then in this case, of course, it is better to use a chalk, which gives an excellent white color when parsing (although the lime is no worse).

Please note that if earlier the ceiling whitening was made of lime, it is recommended and subsequently use it so that there are no ugly divorces and stains.


Preparation of a solution for plating a ceiling chalk

The grinding solution is preparing for 5 liters. Water add 30 gr. joinery glue, 15 gr. Sinky (for giving a solo white) and 3 kg of chalk. The cooked solution is enough for 10 sq.m.

You can check the consistency of the solution using a knife. If the solution flows freely on the knife, it means that the solution has insufficient viscosity. Then it is necessary to add a chalk still there, but gradually, in small portions, so that the solution is not turned out too thick.

Preparing a solution for plating ceiling Lime

The solution for limeplains is preparing like this: in one liter of water stir 2-3 kg of lime, add 100 gr. Salt, 200 gr. Aluminum Komasans. Mix thoroughly, and then dilute with warm water (up to 10 liters). If you want to change the shade, you can add 200-500 ml of dye.

When paving leverage surfaces must be moistened, then the lime falls at exactly, not leaving the divorces.

How to determine what the ceiling or walls before the repair

Sometimes we do not know than previously the walls or ceiling were whiten, in this case it can be easily checked. Welcomeing any section with water if the whitewas was lime, then the wet surface will darken and if it is lost this place with your finger, it will not be painted.

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How to perform the plain ceiling (walls) with your own hands

Use with whitewash an auxiliary tools: brush, roller or vacuum cleaner. It is easiest to operate with a roller, and the surface is white and smooth (for the brush and the vacuum cleaner you still need experience).

Before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly stir the solution, and then put the blade with a roller at least two times. The first layer should be given to dry, and then apply a repeated layer.

How to bother the ceiling (walls) with a vacuum cleaner or spray

One of the fastest and efficient ways to whiten is the use of a vacuum cleaner that is almost in every home.

For proper bliss, the vacuum cleaner is needed, which must "be able to" blow air, and not blow (not all models have such a function), and among the nozzles it should have a special polyethylene cover with a set of tubular.

How to beat the ceiling (walls) with your own hands - Tells of lime, chalk and water-emulsion paint

How to boil the ceiling (walls) with a vacuum cleaner or sprayer, the lid needs to be put on a liter or one and a half-liters of the jar, and all this is connected to a blowing hole in the vacuum cleaner.

The air under pressure will go through the hose, fall into the sprayer, tightening the mixture from the can, pulling through the tube and spraying the solution over the surface.

The supply of the solution is regulated using another opening that closes with a finger.

In order for the whirlwinds evenly, you need to make smooth circular movements. The spray nozzle must be about 80-100 cm from the surface. You can repeat the procedure several times to achieve an optimal result.

Observe the elementary safety rules when paving the ceiling (walls) with your own hands

During whitewashing the ceiling or walls, you need to get dressed in protective clothing and use security measures: on the face - bandage, eye - protective glasses, on hand - rubber gloves.

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If you want the ceilings for many years to please you with your cleanliness and whiteness, you can safely begin whitening the walls and the ceilings with your own hands, taking into service this instruction!

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