How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces


Windows is our view to the world around us, so the crystal purity of window glass is very important. In order to make them transparent and prevent the appearance of strips and lines, you need to make a lot of effort. Probably, that is why the wash process every mistress is postponing to a special occasion. How to wash the windows without divorce and special difficulties, let's try to figure it out below.

Than to wash windows without divorce at home

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

People living in an environmentally friendly terrain are usually not too difficult during washing such surfaces, it is enough to wash off a little dust or sand. However, living in industrial cities to seek the purity of the glass is more difficult. In many ways, due to the fact that they are settled not only dirt, but also fat from harmful evaporation. Therefore, it is doubly important to find the answer to the question of how to wash the window without divorce at home.

The entire course of work can be divided into several stages:

  • It is not necessary to wash all the glands at once, first you need to completely clean one, and only then take it for the following. And start to wash best with the inner surface, which is much cleaner.
  • First, it is required to dissolve a little powder in a pelvis with warm water and clean using a sponge, the surface of the glass.
  • It is important to wash not only glass, but also a frame, handles and other items.
  • Cleaning agent is necessarily laundered cool clean water.
  • In order to avoid the appearance of divorces, you can hide the newspapers and wipe the glass.

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

Washing windows with a special mop - quickly and efficiently.

In the event that part of the glass is contaminated, it makes sense to use special napkins used to cleanse it. Choosing, than to wash the window, do not forget about washing with a special mop, which has a sponge and scraper from rubber on the end. Such a device needs to be dipped into soap water, squeeze and carefully go through the entire surface. In conclusion, it is necessary to carefully wash the glass with the same mop, only it is necessary to replace the water in the pelvis.

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How to wash windows

To figure out how to wash the windows correctly, you need to pre-prepare some devices:
  • several varieties of sponges differing in hardness;
  • Mopper with a foam tip or rubber scraper;
  • dry cotton matter;
  • synthetic napkin;
  • Capacity with water;
  • Any liquid for washing dishes on a foam basis.

Wash the windows without divorce easily, if you follow these steps:

  • Using a foam sponge, moisturize the entire surface, special attention to the places where the glass is found with the frame;
  • Then take a rubber scraper, and with it to remove excess water down, to the windowsill;
  • Now the second time to moisten the sponge surface;
  • The main pollution is washed using a scraper, it must be kept at an angle of 30 degrees, and lead in a horizontal plane;
  • After the scraper reached the edge, he needs to wipe dry;
  • As a result of several movements of this kind, the surface of the glass will be completely dry;
  • This method allows you to answer the question of how to quickly wash the windows, without applying special efforts. Do not forget that in conclusion you need to move for a couple of steps and evaluate the work;
  • If divorces or contamination is detected, they are neatly washed with a synthetic napkin;
  • When the inner side is washed, you need to repeat the procedure with the outer one.

How to wash windows on the loggia or balcony from the street

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

The first stage is washing frames. Wooden frames are cleaned with a host. Soap.

Loggia, located on a high floor, requires marginal caution during the cleaning of a glass, so here is the question than washing the window so that there is no divorce, it is in second place, after the question concerning the security of the hostess.

Washing such surfaces, especially their external side, should be carried out as follows:

  • first reveal the windows and wipe the frames thoroughly;
  • In the event that they are made of wood, you can use an ordinary economic soap, if they are plastic, then any soap means;
  • My windows are from top to bottom, rubbing the detergent composition with circular motions;
  • If the frame can not be discovered, the answer to the question how to wash the window outside is as follows: Wash them with a scraper with a long telescopic handle, the brush of this type should be moved from the far side of the window to yourself;
  • After all the dirt is accumulated in one place, it needs to scrape from top to bottom and remove;
  • Now the procedure must be repeated, only applying clean water for rinsing.

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How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

If the apartment is on a high floor, then it is better to work on the windows of windows on a balcony or loggia to entrust professionals.

It is worth noting that the cleaning of the brass on the balcony is not carried out too often, so in cases where you live in high floors, it is best to use the help of specialists. They know how to wash windows on the balcony effectively and safely, and take no money for services. Professionals wash the glass using different means and methods, giving them purity to the screenshot and the absence of any divorces.

How to make a tool for washing windows at home

Existing liquids do not always help figure out how to wash the windows quickly and efficiently, many hostesses prefer to make their own products for washing windows without divorce, which are not less different, or even more efficient in comparison with the shop.

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

The recipe itself is simple:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 1/2 teaspoons of any dishwashing liquid;
  • make a solution by adding water, and then pour it into the sprayer;
  • After stinging the tool, you can wash the window, just that it perfectly cleans the surface and washed off with water, this substance almost leaves the divorces.

Each hostess has its own means for washing windows in its piggy bank, which is designed independently and more than once verified on personal experience. They are not only absolutely eco-friendly, but also well saved the family budget.

How to wash windows by vinegar

Folk remedies for washing windows are much more efficient than industrial, so choosing than washing windows, you need to remember the means that are in every kitchen cabinet.

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

Most often a vinegar is used, which has good properties for disinfection and surface cleansing. It is absolutely safe if inhaled and wash them is quite easy. How to do it?

  • Apply a mixture to the surface;
  • Distribute the composition using napkins by the window;
  • Wash the window with vinegar;
  • Wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth.

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How to wash windows with ammonia alcohol

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

The ammonia alcohol and vinegar - wonderful funds, not inferior to the shop.

The ammonia is another fairly effective tool that removes the dirt and divorces from the surface of the glass. To wash the windows quickly, you need to do the following:

  • Remove the curtains and remove all foreign items from the windowsill;
  • handle the frame and windowsill;
  • Mix the sponge in the composition containing the ammonic alcohol and water that must be diluted.
  • Apply a substance on the surface, after which it is thoroughly polished by its soft matter.

Having understood how to wash windows with ammonia alcohol, you may not want to use store compositions that will not give such a result, but also have a decent cost. The ammonia washes the window purely and does not leave the treacherous divorce at all.

Folk remedies for washing windows without divorces

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

Half potatoes will help to get rid of dirt on the windows.

By asking how to wash windows without divorces, in addition to the above methods, you should know about such fairly popular popular recipes:

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

What weather is better to wash windows

How to wash the windows so that there are no divorces

When cleaning windows in hand, it is necessary to wear protective gloves.

Flowing over the better windows wash, do not forget about the main thing - the weather, which is ideal for their purification.

The bright sun is unlikely to help, because the divorces will not be visible, and the liquid on the surface will dry very quickly, not allowing the opportunity to wipe it with a rag. And the rain is unlikely to be an assistant, because it will not let it wipe the glasses. Therefore, it is best to deal with this business in cloudy weather, when there is no precipitation.

In addition, it is worth remembering some rules that will make cleaning safe and simple:

  • Be sure to wear protective gloves;
  • If the tools containing ammonia are used, it is important to manage the room after cleaning;
  • If the windows are high, use mop on a long handle, it is much safer than pyramid from chairs and stools.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the washing of window openings - the task is not the simplest, which requires certain skill and experience. It is important to remember the own security that you need to put on the fore. And the use of folk recipes will ensure the purity of the glass and will allow you to wash the windows without divorce.

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