Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design


We invite you to consider the Suwald Castle, its device and possible varieties, find out how reliable it is durable.

Photo and device

Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design

Suwald lock is a door locking mechanism that has a secret part is made in the form of a set of plates with a complex configuration. Its opening is made due to the movement of these plates when pressed on their protrusions with the corresponding grooves of the opening key.

The origin of the product - apparently, the German word "Suwald" comes from German Zuhaltung, respectively, Zuhaltungsschloss just means "Suwald Castle".

Such locks are made of mortise and overhead types. The first is better suited as farms, and the invoices are very convenient for installation, for example, in the garage doors, which can be seen in the photo.

In comparison with its competitors - cylinder locks - Suwald seems to be losing. The keys for them are long enough (inconveniently worn in pockets), and the degree of secrecy itself has been criticized for insufficient burglary. However, products of this type continue to be produced and improved.

The device of the Suwald Castle is truly simple. This is a set of metal plates (Suwald), which moved by opening the locking reigleel only when all the grooves on the key are coincided. The refund of the plates is performed by the spring, as in the photo. What is fundamentally important in the design?

The main element of the design of the locking mechanism is the rack of the rigel shank. The degree of burglary resistance is determined by the size of the gap between this rack and the groove of Suwald. We will immediately alleged that, since Zuhalta is a female kind, then in Russian translations will be called this element "Suwald", and not "Suwald." This gap should have a rather small tolerance range (in the range of 0.3-0.7 mm), since at smaller values, the wiring force is increasing. So the key is flawed faster, and Suwald itself will be subject to jamming. With too large values, the likelihood of hacking with the help of the kneading locks for the suvalde locks.

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The optimal amount of the gap, as well as the wear scheme of the items of the product when violating the specified conditions can be seen in the photo.

The second secret point that such a lock possesses is the number of locking plates. With an increase in their number, reliability against hacking increases. Although it is impossible to increase the number of such plates, since the product should fit into the dimensional dimensions. Typically, the Suwalde type locks are not released with the number of operating plates more than 6.

Evaluation of reliability

Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design

with latch

GOST 5089-2003 Castle products determines the reliability or performance of the product as the number of cycles of its uninterrupted operation. This parameter also depends on the product class. Unfortunately, in all classes, the castles of the Suwald type lift on this indicator of the cylinder. Moreover, if the difference is small for the highest burglary classes - 15-20%, then for the lower classes - the first and second - it is two-, and then the three-time advantage in favor of cylinder locks.

Explanation of this fact is simple. The device of the Suwald type lock implies the translational movement of figure plates, while in the locks of the cylinder type, the movement along the screw line is implemented - this is visible in the photo. In the latter case, the friction force is much less. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that most of the keys to such products are made from brass (just to reduce friction), and therefore they wear out faster. The wear of the key leads to an increase in the very gap, fuzzy direction of moving the shank of the riglel and other troubles. Nevertheless, most manufacturers produce brass keys, justifying it by the efficiency of their receipt and replacement. Especially if this is done under non-specialized workshops.

Given this circumstance, many experts believe the appropriate installation of suvald castles as duplicating, and the main type of cylindrous (with a disk cylindrical mechanism). At the same time, it is necessary to place it on the doorway as in the photo to make the most difficult access and an overview to it from a potential hacker.

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Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design

SV 8-4 class 1

Despite a number of disadvantages due to non-execution, but design, such products are distinguished by certain advantages. These include reliability. After all, it is easier to break the key, but not some of the desalde plates. Extremely rare cases of breakage of the return spring, as in the photo, are mainly for the products of the lower classes.

Blossom resistance - another positive feature. Suwald locks can be opened only by a power method, very dangerous for a hacker, especially if the door is in an apartment entrance. In this sense, the castles of the Suwald type are significantly superior to the cylinder: drill the larva in the latter's recent difficulty. Even if stainless steel larva is installed, as in the photo, an experienced cracker always has a diamond drill.

The pluses include simplicity of replacement or repair. Spare keys to the same cylinder locks will be much more expensive.

Manufacturers are constantly working on improving the reliability of their products. Developed and manufactured products with reinforced rigels. In this case, the amplification is carried out both due to an increase in the cross section of the protruding part and the production of riggers from the rack steel. Purpose such a rigel will be very difficult. Armored lining, as in the photo, significantly make it difficult to access the cracker to the castle. Rigels with a constructive relaxation of their reference section when trying to join his pressed, it will simply break, and the autopsy will be at all impossible.

Additional sets of replaceable suvald, which are easy to reinstall themselves. With an increase in the opening effort (which is the first sign of wear), through a special hatcher, old suvalds are extracted, and new ones are installed in their place.

Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design

Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design

Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design

Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design

Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design

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Suwald Castle: Photos and Types of Design


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