Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube


At all times, a person was typical of deciding the place in which he lives, thereby giving his house beauty and comfort. One of the wonderful ways for lovers of needlework to decorate your home - the creation of openwork wipes with crochet. Such a napkin will look good on the chest of dresser, a servant, a table or will be a good gift for relatives and loved ones. With the help of thin threads and a variety of masters, air and incredibly beautiful works are created.

With the help of the hook, you can make not only napkins, but also tablecloths, lace collars, dresses, shawl, hats, jumper and much more. In this article we will tell how to link a small napkin under the vase for beginners.

In order to master and start this fascinating kind of needlework, you do not need special skills and tools. It will take only a hook and thread for work.

Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube

Before moving to more difficult work, you need to learn how to knit a simple small napkin. Where to begin? First you need to figure out and master the execution of several loops. The basis of knitting is the air loop and columns with Nakud and without Nakid. The rest are derivatives of these figures, with which patterns are obtained.

Simple option

For the manufacture of a napkin with a diameter of about 30 cm, you will need: 50 g of cotton fabric, hook No. 1. The diameter of the napkin can be adjusted independently.

  • As well as standard for knitting most napkins, work is starting with air loops (V.P.), we will have 8 and they will be closed using a connecting column (compound. Art.).

Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube

  • 2 row: Surrive 3 V. lifting, then 2 columns with Nakud (art. C / H), which are associated together, forming a ring, (on the diagram fragment of the napkin) * 3 V. p. 3 tbsp. S / N, associated together, from * It is necessary to repeat 6 times and finish 3 in. p. 1 compound. Art. together connected Art. s / n. Next, knit rows according to the scheme in the photo, taking into account the designations. It must be remembered that instead of the first loop, the number of lifting air loops is prevailed.

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Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube

Even a beginner needlewoman will cope with such work, having familiarized themselves with the designation of certain loops, schemes and description of the work. Here is a good simple scheme for napkins:

Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube

Revolution of rows. Step-by-step instruction:

  • First, type 5 V.P. And we connect their compound. Art.
  • 2 row: We recruit 3 V.P. Lifting and 2 V.P., in a circle of 7 tbsp. S / N, each of which is pronounced after 2 V.P., carried under the hinge rings.
  • 3 row: 3 p. Lift, 4 tbsp. C / N, accurate under 2 V.P., Between Art. bottom row. Now under V.P. Lower row in a circle of five tbsp. Complete a row: compound the lead loop with 3 paragraphs.
  • 4 row: 3 lift and 4 tbsp. s / n, tie to them with a single vertex. Then 5 V.P. And alternate 5 tbsp. with one vertex and V.P. We finish a series of 5 V.P., the latter of which is connected from 3 p. Lifting.
  • 5 row: We repeat on 9 tbsp. S / N under V.P. bottom row. We connect the lead n. With the 3rd lift.
  • 6 row: 3 p. Lift, 4 tbsp. S / H with a single vertex, accurate in Art. Lower row, then 5 V.P. and 5 tbsp. With a single vertex alternating around the row. At the end - the leading loop with 3 p. Lifting.
  • 7 row: 3 p. Lift and 9 tbsp. S / N under 5 V.P. bottom row. Next * under five V.P. Slip 5 tbsp. C / H, under the next 5-10 tbsp. C / H * and this combination (**) is preferred to the end for another 7 times.
  • 8 row: 3 p. Lifting and 4 tbsp. C / H with a single vertex, then 5V.P and repeat.
  • 9 row: 3 lift, under 5 V.P. The bottom row is tied 9 tbsp. s / n. Next * under 5 V.P. Nizhnya-5 Art. C / N, repeat this step and under the next 5 V.PP is already 10 tbsp. s / n *. Combination (**) continue throughout the circle.

Napkins can be a variety of shape - oval, round, square, rectangular, etc.

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Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube

Next, we consider the schemes, and at the end of the article a detailed video from YouTube for the manufacture of a round openwork napkin "Pavlinje Pen". The work process is quite time consuming and designed for experienced craftsmen, but the finished product will exceed all expectations. A separate report of a napkin pattern, which expands from the center to the edge, resembles peacock feather. The napkin is very beautiful, light and gentle!

The diameter of the product is quite large - 50 cm, so it can be used as a mini-tablecloth for a coffee table. If you want to take a very thick yarn for knitting a napkin, then a practical rug for the living room will turn out.

To work, you will need: yarn 50 g (250 m), hook №1,5 - 2.

Knitting Description Crochet:

  1. We recruit 10 V.P. And connect to the ring.
  2. 1 row: 1 V.P., 24 tbsp. B / N in the resulting ring.
  3. 2 row: 3 V.P. lifting, 23 tbsp. C / H with base loops in Art. b / n previous row.
  4. 3 row: knitting continue according to the scheme 2. Contributing to the end continue according to the scheme 3.

Knitting schemes openwork napkins (1,2,3):

Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube

Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube

Openwork crochet napkin: Scheme and description with video from YouTube

The finished product is to be wrapped, starch, stretch in size and secure pins until complete drying. The napkin looks just gorgeous!

Now not everyone wants to cover all the surfaces in the house knitted napkins. There are many options where you can apply them. For example, such things are perfectly suitable for a vintage photo session, the edges of the curtains, tablecloths will decorate. It will always look stylish and original. Large napkins can decorate clothes, small pillows, make a panel and hang on the wall. All this will give a cozy view of your home.

Video on the topic

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