We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)


We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

Cutting plants in the garden at the cottage

Any gardener dacket dreams to add another unusual original element to his garden. An excellent solution will be the wing types of plants usual, such as apple tree, spruce, pine and rowan. Or traditional views of plants - Iva and Birch. Peculous greenery fountains, separately or in the array, will be able to decorate the country garden of any planning and style.

Wild trees in the garden

In the garden will be perfectly looking at the wreling trees that shade a flower garden or flower bed. For the central part of the country garden, a composition is suitable from different weaving trees. Their duplicated crowns are able to create real shady allys. Several similar trees will bring an extra comfort of the playground. The fabulous atmosphere on the site can help create a molding willow, whose branches are descended directly into the water of a small country water branch. Separately standing on an even lawn, small swambores, create an impression of interesting plant fountains. Instead of the usual lawn, the land plot near the molecurate tree can be filled with teothelobile soils or moss, and the boundaries of the site to plant moisthed marsh-walled iris, Russian or reed. Such an illusory reservoir will become a real pride of any gardener.

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

With the help of weaving trees, you can dilute a large fruit garden. For these purposes, low varieties of fruit crib trees are perfect. It can be a weak peach, wearing an apple tree or a scattering rowan. Watching the rowan, a fragile village with beautiful cigarette leaves, even after 10 years it will look like a toy. In the spring period, the molding row is pleased with a large number of beautiful white colors, in the summer, on a change of flowers, bright fruits come. In the fall, the leaves of the rowan will become a saturated gogrel-yellow color, and the bunches of orange berries will be saved until the winter.

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We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

Ash weeping in the garden at the cottage

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

Trees of weeping form although they have relatively small sizes, but on a small summer cottage, where you can not develop a large garden, even such trees will look like quite cumbersome. However, it is not necessary to despair, modern breeders constantly create new forms of small sizes.

Choosing a molding tree

Like ordinary trees with a normal form of crowns, wearing trefast trees have a wide variety of species and varieties. They can be chosen to any layout and style of landscape design. Since some trees love to grow in the shade, others on wet soil, some are very beautiful during the flowering period, and some are completely converted and reach the peak of their beauty in the fall.

Weeping willow - Weeping tree shape created by nature. It is not a very high tree, no more than 15 meters, with long, very flexible branches. Blossom occurs very long beautiful earrings. Such a tree is not so much soil, but it grows best on loam. Immediately after landing requires abundant irrigation. Poor tolerate cold season, so it is advisable to strengthen the village for the winter. From the trees of Poskachi Willow, beautiful alleys, pergolas and living hedges are obtained.

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

Watching Bereza She is still customary to be called a wart or pole, high, slim tree, which can achieve in a height of more than 20 meters. The tree is well tolerating frost and is distinguished by a rapid growth rate. He loves outdoor sunshines, to soils unpretentious.

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

Ash plastic It is a low tree. Clene rarely exceeds 8 meters in height. Prefers soils with high calcium content, loves light areas. The most advantageous weak ash looks in single landings.

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

Acacia plakula - Very worn tree, reaching no more than two meters in height. Teenstable, tolerates both strong droughts and frosts, can grow on any soils. In the spring blooms with beautiful yellow inflorescences, in the summer period of the tree foliage acquires saturated green color.

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We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

In total, the gardeners on their sites are planted with various coniferous plants with a punching of the crown form.

Putting pine . The most popular three types of pine weep: Weimutova, black and yellow. All these types of pines are light-loving, perfectly tolerate frost and drought can grow on any soil. Different with a thick drop-down crown, which will not lose its beauty even in the winter time period.

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

Larch plain - The plant reaches a height of 6-10 meters, the width of the crown can reach three meters. It is best grows on well-drained, fertile soils, although it will be perfectly adapted to other living conditions. The larch is a light-loving plant, has a needle-green needles, which for winter acquire a yellow color. The most profitable these plants look in group landings.

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

We choose swab trees for summer cottages and garden (40 photos)

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