[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care


Diffenbahia is a bright and luxurious plant that has large striped leaves. This plant is from South America. It is believed to evergreen shrubs and that is why even in the winter season in Russian houses the leaves of this plant do not lose their bright color. However, this plant requires some care. It is about this that will be discussed in this article.

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

Read more about Diffenbahia

As we have already told above, the leaves of this plant do not lose their juicy color even in the winter season. The leaves can fade a little, but they will still please your eyes. However, this plant does not like city apartments. The fact is that it is very rarely blooming in the apartment. But since the Flowers of the Diffenhabia do not really look highly, if compared with chic leaves, then there is nothing terrible.

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

In natural conditions, this plant can grow up to 2 meters, in the apartment conditions can also be peeling to almost 2 meters.

Important! The plant can greatly grow if you do not cut the top in a timely manner. Timely pruning will make the plant bushy and lush. If you do not cut, then the diffenhabia will be more like a real tree!

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

This is a very beautiful plant, however, it can be easily seen in urban apartments.

Benefit and harm

This amazing plant has fleshy leaves. It not only brings aesthetic pleasure to the house, but also ozies the air, supports humidity. His appearance in the house will help get rid of dust and various chemical components. Many are confident that this tropical plant can help allergies.

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But there are different minuses from Diffenbahia:

  • poisonous juice for people and animals;
  • In reproduction with cuttings, without using gloves, you can get serious rogues of hands;
  • If the juice of this plant falls on the skin, ulcers may appear;
  • If suddenly a piece of this plant eat animal or children, then everything can end with anaphylactic shock or dangerous poisoning;
  • Plant juice is very dangerous for mucous membranes. Because of his juice, a person can go blind for a while and everything will be wrapped in dangerous problems with their eyesight, a tongue or larynx swelling may occur;
  • Due to poisoning with this juice, heart problems may occur.

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

Diseases of the plant

If the plant is too often watering and leave on the draft, it can get sick. Also on leaves can form yellowed stains, and the tips to dry out. The plant very often torment parasites.

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

Diffenbachia needs proper care . It is necessary to maintain a normal temperature mode.

Care rules

Behind this tropical plant is very important to care for it.

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care


It is not surprising that this tropical plant prefers to live in warmth. It can not be left on a draft or in the cold.


In the summer, sample the plant from strong sunlight so that it does not receive burns.

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care


The plant needs regular watering. It is impossible to stop the land. Only in the winter time of the year, watering should be moderate, in other seasons abundant. Also, the plant should be indoors with high humidity.

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care


We bring the plant with cuttings, they need to cut off from the tops. As soon as the tops of the flower are cut, it will branch, it turns out a lush decorative flower. For rooting, sand, light and loose soil mixture or water are perfectly suitable.


If the plant competently care, then it will bloom.

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In the warm season, you need to feed the flower. Comprehensive mineral fertilizers or special compositions for the polypox decorative and deciduous plants are suitable for this. In September, it is not recommended to make feeding.

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care


Once a few years, the plant can be transplanted into large pots. Large diffenbachy times you need to change the top layer of the soil.

Diffenbachia Home Care (1 video)

Diffenbachia in the interior (9 photos)

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

[Plants in the house] Diffenbachia: Home Care

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