Sasisiko, bringing great luck


Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we will talk about embroidery - quite rare for our blog theme.

I love to wander over the Internet in search of interesting ideas and once on the Pinterest website saw a beautiful pillow in some unusual execution for me. Further more. In the technique of embroidery Sashiko, it is called, as I later found out, make stunning things in blue-white color.

Sasha combines patchwork and embroidery. Actually, embroidery is not my element. My mother embroidered in his youth with a cross, but I have not passed this love, I still taste knitting.

But, if something suddenly meets interesting, and even more so simple performed, sometimes there is a desire to try to do.

Something long ago in the German booklet Kissen I liked the idea to make table wipes from waffle fabric. It was only necessary to translate the attached pattern on the fabric, to embroider it, and the edges to be treated in the edge of the contrast, suitable for the color of the embroidery, cloth.

This idea, with inspiration, began to perform this idea, and the usual white waffle towels used as a material, while still new, lying in the closet.

That's what I did.

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

And this time. Having learned about Sashiko technique, I decided to create something, the first thing that came to my head is to make a cook for the kitchen. Just there was such a need, knitted tapes perform only a decorative function at least with me.

But first a little history and theory.

Sashiko. A bit of history

Sasha's embroidery is the Japanese ancient appliances of needlework. (So ​​why did it attract me, because I like all Japanese! Just like Japanese rugs and napkins - originality and simplicity).

Article on the topic: How to sew a scarf with your own hands - master class

The word SASHIKO means "small puncture" - this is one of the examples of the peculiar Japanese culture of the ability to combine incompatible, combine the strict framework and limitless fantasy.

The Japanese has such a name Sashiko, meaning "great happiness" or "big luck".

So maybe the things made in Sashiko technique will bring much good luck?

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Such technology was born in Japan in the 18th century in a difficult economic and political country for the country. Then the poor Japanese came up with old things and sew quilted jackets. They folded the flaps in several layers and were stealing them with a simple suture "needle ahead", while creating amazing ornaments. In essence, Sashiko technique is the usual stitch, although it is called Japanese embroidery.

In those days, the lower layers were forbidden to wear bright clothes with a large pattern, so the dark blue and color of indigo in fabric and white threads were predominantly used. Patterns imitated ancient household items, sea, natural phenomena, plants, animals.

Japanese embroidery Sashiko. Technics

Despite the fact that Sashiko's technique requires accuracy, clear lines and strict observance of the stitch size, it is not difficult to master it at all.

And this process is very pleasant and even relaxing.

It is better to use cotton fabrics as a material that is comfortable to stew thick threads. Fabrics with high density of the junction of the threads are not desirable to use, since there may be holes on them.

Threads use any: a special twisted thread without brilliance or moulin or cotton.

It requires a sufficiently long needle with a big ear and thimble.

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

It is starting to stop the product first along the horizontal and vertical lines of the pattern (with the exception of external), and then by oblique.

Bold in the needle a length of the length, which should be enough for the stitch of the whole line from beginning to the end so that there is no extra nodes.

Article on the topic: how to sew a simple skirt - master class

The needle makes several punctures of the fabric, without stretching the thread. After a convenient number of stitches are scored on the needle, with the help of thread pushing the needle and pull the thread, straightening the fabric.

What I like, in this technique of embroidery, the hoop are not used!

By making the stitch of one line, the product turn over and make the stitch of another line in the opposite direction. Thus avoid breakdowns of the fabric.

Complex patterns of patterns are performed, ranging from the middle.

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

The main rule - in the Sashiko technique it is not allowed to cross lines.

To hide the wrong side, things are doing double, sewing the second part after the stitch end.

Modern embroidery Sashiko. Schemes

I placed a few traditional Sashiko embroidery schemes here >> And here >>.

Nowadays, embroidery in the style of Sasisiko is more democratic.

It is best to use denim as a tissue. By the way, an excellent thought - make beautiful things from old jeans with such an embroidery!

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

The current masters use colored threads and tissues. Gabardine works well, for example. You can try the burlap that is very fashionable. That's just where to get it? In fashion and products from waffle fabric, and not just a towel.

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Embroidery can be performed not only manually, but also make a machine line.

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Modern embroidery Sasisiko is perfectly combined with various other appliances of needlework. And you can decorate in such a style anything: both clothes, and bags, pillows, rugs, napkins, tablecloths, panels, furniture, and so on.

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Moreover, you can use not only strict geometric ornaments, but in principle any drawings.

Here are some interesting embroidery schemes.

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

As I already wrote, I decided to try that I would succeed, and embroidered a simple tick. Used old jeans, ordinary needle and cotton threads in two additions. I really wanted to feel my own hands, what is the craft. You know, I liked it! Only threads needed to take a thoroughly for greater contrast, and so the tag appeared a little boring and I sewed still on the edge. Everything is spent two hours of time.

Article on the topic: How to stroke a jacket from wool, flax, venels, synthetics

Sasisiko, bringing great luck

And you can imagine what a beautiful patchwork covered from old jeans with embroidery Sasisiko! Let's try?

In conclusion, a video about the art of Sashiko in Japanese (after all, the tongue of needlework - as a language of gestures, is clear to everyone!

Sasisiko, bringing great luck


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