Garden on the balcony: everything you need to know for newbies


Garden on the balcony: everything you need to know for newbies

Residents of the city apartment can engage in their favorite vegetable garden on their balcony fans of vegetable growing, successfully arrange a small, but full-fledged garden on the balcony. Ecologically clean cucumbers, tomatoes and even strawberries on the loggia or fresh greens on their own windowsill, even for teapots in agriculture, do it yourself. We just need to master the basics and be patient.

Garden on the balcony without excess costs

The cultivation of homemade vegetables on their own balcony does not require significant capital investments. The main costs touch the purchase of seeds or seedlings and some nutrient components of the soil substrate.

Garden on the balcony: everything you need to know for newbies

Your fantasy will help create a wide variety of unique pots.

Basically, in order to arrange a vegetable garden on a loggia or balcony and make the original beds there will fit the old boxes, which have been bins and bowls and even the furniture faced furniture.

Smaller capacity is perfectly replaced by the pots, in which you can raise seedlings on the windowsill. And the great fit to put into them the strengthened plants.

What is grown on the balcony

To equip your balcony under the garden and collect a good harvest of various cultures to a person who is familiar with agriculture, of course, easier. The newcomer in this business is recommended to begin in order to pick up and plant special varieties that are adapted for growing indoors.

It is best for home beds such cultures are managed:

  • fruit: tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper;
  • leafy: mangold, salad, celery;
  • beans: beans, peas;
  • Onion: Green onions;
  • Right-plant: radishes;
  • Greens and spices: Kinza, Parsley, Dill;
  • Berries: garden strawberries.

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If you set the goal to arrange your hands on the windowsill, a garden and grow strawberries, a novice gardener will not only gather the harvest of fragrant fruits, but also will receive aesthetic pleasure. After all, it is difficult to come up with the ideas of a more refined balcony decoration than the motley neat green bushes, hung with bright juicy berries.

Garden on the balcony: everything you need to know for newbies

It is not only an interesting hobby, but also a source of vitamins

Some craftsmen manage to plant and grow even eggplants and carrots on the balcony. But better, nevertheless, large vegetables or such plants, the roots of which require a large number of land.

How to organize a garden on the balcony

It is worth noting that the balcony, on which the owners of the apartment plan to arrange a vegetable garden, should be glazed. If the design is open, make beds that can be used all year round, will not come out. In this case, greens and seedlings in the offseason can be raised on the windowsill. But if the balcony is insulated, it is a wonderful opportunity to turn it with your own hands in a real greenhouse.

Garden on the balcony: everything you need to know for newbies

For growing roots, a deeper bed is needed

Garden on the balcony: everything you need to know for newbies

Every day watering plants

To please your improvised balcony garden to harvest, you will have to solve several organizational tasks:

  1. Lighting. If the beds are used all year round, additional artificial lighting will be done for them. In the winter period, landing is highlighted by fluorescent lamps about 8 hours, in spring time - at least 4 hours. On the balcony, the lighting is organized on the ceiling. If you wish to grow vegetables on the windowsill, the lamp is fixed in the window opening.
  2. Shading. In summer, plants, on the contrary, it is necessary to shadow the beds from direct sunlight. To do this, arrange curtains from the fabric, gauze. Primary paper priests well.
  3. Temperature. In the process of growing vegetables at different stages of plant development, it will be necessary to adjust the temperature on average from + 12 ° C to + 25 ° C. To control the climate, it is necessary to establish a thermometer.
  4. Heating. If the loggia or balcony is not heated, this does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the idea to organize a garden there with your own hands in the winter. With good insulation, there will be enough infrared heaters.
  5. Air humidity. Dry atmosphere is disadvantaged for seedlings. For the normal development and fruiting plants, it is necessary to maintain sufficient humidity on the balcony. As a humidifier, wet gravel in boxes are used.

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Soil mixtures for beds

The beds will be densely, if the soil mixture has enough nutritional composition. Already prepared land can be chosen in a flower shop. For disinfection, it is calcined in the oven. But you can prepare a nutritious substrate yourself.

Garden on the balcony: everything you need to know for newbies

So as not to feed the plant constantly, use long-term fertilizers

Their composition may be different:

  • peat, humus, korovyat and ferry land in 5: 3: 1 ratios;
  • humus, korovyat and ferry land - 7: 1: 1;
  • humid, river sand and compost land - 2: 1: 1;
  • Humidiation and nervous land - 2: 1.

On each full bucket of the mixture, 2 cup of ash are added. The constituents are prepared in advance from the first warm spring days to autumn cold, stored the cool room in a dark place.

Ideas for garden beds on the balcony

A few words about the container, which can be used to seed seeds on the balcony or windowsill. Ideas that adapt to the pot, the most diverse appearance arise.

It can be:

  • ordinary pots for room colors;
  • Thai, boxes, containers who came into dissenting;
  • disposable plastic cups;
  • Volumetric polyethylene packages;
  • Building bags.

It is important that in the bottom there were holes for drainage. On wooden drawers, low planks are stuffed, so that the bottom does not stand on the floor, and had a clearance under him.

Garden on the balcony: everything you need to know for newbies

In addition to the bow, you can grow salad, dill, basil, coriander, parsley and other greens

How to prepare a container for growing vegetables? For this:

  1. The volume of containers to be used as a bed is determined based on the needs of the plant in the required amount of land for its root system. Usually, one instance requires about 3-5 liters.
  2. Before use, these improvised pots must be disinfected by a weak aqueous solution of manganese.
  3. It is necessary to envisage the possibility for the flow of excessive fluid so that the roots do not start.
  4. For all tanks are satisfied with pallets.
  5. A layer of gravel is poured on the bottom of the bed.

The ideas of how to effectively use that small room, which is on the balcony, arise the most unexpected.

For example:

  • Capacities for growing are placed in the vertical plane: put on racks, suspended on the ceilings and walls for hooks, build pyramids from pelvis and pots.
  • Under the strawberry garden, the garden adapts the design of polyvinyl chloride pipes. In the pipe with a diameter of 150 mm at a distance of 25 cm makes the holes for the socket of the plant, fill the volume with an earthy mixture and embrace bushes. The pipe is put in the pallet with gravel.
  • For curly plants, it is easy to make a lattice for which the stalks will be cling. To do this, it is necessary to lend a frame from 4-wooden planks and pull the wire or nylon rope between them.

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Example of garden on the balcony (video)

And these are far from all the ideas that come to mind experienced gardens. It is possible that newcomers in this case will come up with more advanced innovations and will use more efficient non-standard approaches. We just need to start, stock patience, and it will definitely go.

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