Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD "Barkli Plaza"


The elite complex on the Prechistenskaya embankment consists of 12 apartments, one of which received the famous blond Russia as a gift on its 35th anniversary. In addition to Moscow real estate, Nikolai has a villa near Antalya, 400 meters away. Dear Basque gifts received from the Billionaire Fan Telman Ismailov, the owner of the Cherkizovsky market.

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

Luxury real estate: its improvement and maintenance

The order in a two-story apartment maintains a specially hired servant. There is a singer and his own cook, which is for the arrival of the host serves warm dishes.

The Barkli Plaza complex is considered to be elite real estate and is securely protected. Artist has its own car parking. The house is located a number of artist nameplate. Just 300 meters from the complex is the Church of Christ the Savior.

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

After receiving housing as a gift, the artist independently engaged in the selection of builders brigade. Trusted the repair and finishing works of the apartment of their dreams only by professionals with good reputation and with reliable recommendations.

Valentin Yudashkin worked on the interior design. "Imperial" style surprises luxury.

Interestingly: According to Yudashkin, the "Golden Voice" of Russia is suitable for the interior, peculiar to the monarchs.

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

For the realization of his dreams in arranging their own housing, according to the actor himself, he spent one million euros. The cost of the apartment obtained as a gift for today is 650 million rubles. What time does the annual housing content cost, it is unknown.

Living room, decent king

In the apartment, on the idea of ​​the host two living rooms. One is a black piano and a soft white corner for guests consisting of three sofas. With low ceilings hang cascades of crystal chandeliers. Snow-white floor lamps in the center of the room and crystal lamps on the walls pour the room with a bright light. The space fills the white and gold decor. Walls and ceiling are decorated with gold stucco. Furniture stylized under ancient, in a classic style with gold-plated inlay. Complement the interior of the painting in luxurious gilded frames and antiques. Light drapes-curtains hide huge French-style doors located on the sides of the living room. In all emphasized, there is a luxury inherent in the interior of French monarchs of the 18th century, which was conceived by Yudashkin.

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Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

The second living room is as saturated with an abundance of gold and yellow colors. Upholstered furniture in slightly muted brown tones. Rooms are separated into several functional zones. Two small yellow-brown sofas are located in the center with numerous pads and a square glass table for tea. The living room is a piano, a secret, a zone for watching TV. A long dark table made of natural wood with classic soft chairs separates part of a living room for family celebrations. Restrained lighting - white lamps - floor lamps on the walls and on the tables give a cozy warmth.

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

Luxury in everything

Apartment Nikolai Baskova occupies 320 square meters, on two floors. In addition to the two huge living rooms, there is a large kitchen, an office study, two bedrooms, a dressing room, two bathrooms and a jacuzzi. All rooms are sustained in one style, but at the same time they differ in color tint. Many pictures and objects of antiques, some of which are friends of friends. With the abundance of gold and white, the bedrooms are focused on blue and browny tones. Antique furniture is complemented by modern fade design models. In the kitchen and the office traced "Imperial style" in the interior.

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

Basque showed his luxury home! (1 video)

Basque Interior Review in LCD Barkli Plaza (6 photos)

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

Where Lives Basque - Interior Review in LCD

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