Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review


Modern technologies went far ahead, these days there are a huge number of a wide variety of materials for finishing and insulation of houses. Most recently, a substrate for wallpaper appeared in the construction market market, designed to increase thermal insulation and sound insulation of the house and now it is in constant demand.

Today we would like to tell about one of the brands of such an Ecoheat substrate, which is worthy of presented in the domestic construction market.

Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review

Ready to use Roll Substrate

common data

For insulation of apartments and houses, many people use a special substrate that glues wallpaper on the wall. It allows many times to increase the quality characteristics of the room, make it warmer, comfortable for living. The substrate is sold in small rolls, it creates based on polyethylene, the universe by special technology. With wallpapers, polyethylene is closed with paper or phlizelin layers.

The substrate is actively used to insulate the walls of apartments overlooking the street to maintain comfortable temperature in private houses, cottages. Apply this building material is permissible for any wallpaper, there are no special restrictions in the choice of type and color of cloths.

The material has a great functionality designed to maximize the accommodation conditions in the room:

  • The substrate is used as an additional heat insulator, which increases several times the efficiency of the main layer of thermal insulation. With its help, you can achieve a stable warm microclimate indoors. Note that for use as the main heat holding material, the substrate is not suitable.
  • The substrate under the wallpaper has a high level of sound insulation, which is due to the demand among the inhabitants of modern apartment buildings, with thin walls. Save your peace will help rolled material with a high degree of noise insulation staped under wallpaper on the wall.
  • The substrate does not absorb moisture, it is absolutely moisture resistant, so its use additionally increases the waterproofing of your walls. It is noteworthy that the external side of the substrate is designed to fight fungus and mold formations.
  • The substrate is simple in sticking, no complex techniques for its application on the wall there, so any manual can cope with this task. In addition, it is permissible to glue on a non-smooth surface, due to its density and invoice, it will smooth all the hills and dents of the wall. In this way, you can save strength, time and means, without arguing the wall to the perfect state.

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Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review

Sticking sheets of substrate on the walls in the room

  • Wallpaper on a flat and smooth substrate is glued elementary, the main thing is to pre-wait until the material firmly sticks to the wall. For this usually takes from day to two.
  • The term of using the substrate according to the application of manufacturers varies from 25 to 50 years, this means that by planing it once, you can cross the wallpaper as you like, without removing the substrate from the walls. In addition, modern fliseline canvas are easily glued and removed.

Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review

Production of thermal insulation material

Thanks to this wide functionality, the substrate under the wallpaper began to be actively used on construction sites. She is successfully separated by apartments, frequent houses and cottages are used in the construction of offices.


Depending on the composition of the substrate, it may have different characteristics that many manufacturers confirm in practice. The substrate is produced in several versions that have almost similar functionality, but there are nuances:
  • The substrate created on the basis of foamed polyethylene is absolutely safe for people, but it is made of chemical components. At the same time, the material is very light, porous, well preserving heat. Its applied range is very wide, and the temperature mode is in the range from -60 ° C to + 90 ° C.
  • Created from cork material, an eco-friendly priori substrate, since produced from natural components. It is characterized by higher price and excellent sound insulation properties. The cork material perfectly copes with the function of suppressing sound oscillations, so it is often used when finishing recording studios. For sticking to a house or apartment, such a substrate under wallpaper can be successfully applied if there is no high humidity in the room. Like all natural materials, the plug is afraid of moisture, it will quickly deteriorate from it and comes in disrepair. Therefore, for raw premises, this substrate will be not the best.
  • Created from several layers of phlizelin, the substrate is absolutely eco-friendly, easy to operate, easy and reliable. Fliseline is successfully used on meter wallpaper, it securely fastens them on the walls of any material. Fliselin substrate can disguise some surface defects and provide a good basis for any wallpaper.

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Among the popular producers of the foamed substrate under the wallpaper can be highlighted: ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), Penolon, Poly Foam (Polifoam).


The ecoid substrate is produced in the city of Izhevsk from Polyenopoliethylene sheets. White paper is pasted on polyurethethylene on both sides. This is done in order to improve the contact of the material with the wall and wallpaper. The name itself suggests that this material is environmentally friendly, designed to maintain heat in our homes.

Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review

Label on a roll of substrate

If you compare the Ecoheat material with other substrates, the following nuances can be distinguished:

  • Roll material has a strong homogeneous structure, as a result of complex mechanical production. In addition, it is quite flexible and elastic, which simplifies the process of sticking on the wall.
  • Paper pasted on polyethylene from both sides has a pure white color, so such a substrate will not give a shade of thin wallpaper.
  • The substrate is sold in standard dimensions: the thickness of about 5 mm, the width of the sheet 50 cm, the length of 14 meters, and total 7 square meters.
  • It has high moisture resistance, not afraid of solvents.
  • It has a special processing to combat fungus and mold.
  • The cost is quite acceptable for any consumer.
  • The manufacturer declared by the manufacturer is 50 years.

Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review

Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review

Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review

Substrate under the wallpaper brand ECOCHIT (Ecoheat), overall review

It is extremely convenient to work with similar materials, for example, to shove the backing of the eco-wall on the wall, you need to do the following:

  • Prepare the wall to stick, remove old wallpaper, sand, align, remove large defects, to predelve so that the surface is smooth, dry and could absorb glue.
  • Cut the substrate roll into pieces of the required size in advance so that the material is depicted and leveled. Then you will need to dilute the wallpaper glue for heavy wallpapers (you can use vinyl, flieslinic), smear the prepared canvas and give them to be soaked in composition for 5-10 minutes.
  • Stick pieces on the wall of the joint in the joint, neatly, smooth movements, which moves the air from the material with a rubber roller or a plastic spatula. The substrate can be remembered if it is strongly putting onto it in a spot method.
  • Give dry the substrate on the wall of 1-2 days, after which it is necessary to take the seams between the slices of painting scotch, fasten. Now it's time to take for wallpapers.

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According to the reviews of people who used the Ecoheat substrate, it can be understood that the material is quite high-quality, it is not afraid to apply even in children's rooms, where the paper wallpaper is then glued.

If you need to insulate your room or increase its sound insulation properties, look at the substrate under wallpaper, as a modern, high-quality material.

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