New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)


New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself

New Year tree, both for young children and adults is the embodiment of a holiday and joy. There is an opinion that the ritual of the decoration of the Christmas tree helps to come true to all New Year's desires, especially if the toys for the festive Christmas tree are made with their own hands. Such New Year's toys are perfect for decorating the Christmas tree, houses, apartments or office. Such toys can serve as decor and festive table.

New Year's toys from light bulbs

New Year's toys, made of conventional incandescent bulbs look very original. To work, you actually need special stained glass colors or gouache. You can use conventional watercolor paints. Only pre-paints should be dissolved with soapy water. This will help to apply paints on the light bulb with a uniform layer. After painting, let the light bulb trough to dry.

Take the line and put various beads or beads on it. Tie a fishing line to the light bulb. Light bulb can also be decorated with rhinestones, sparkles, coffee beans, etc. The main thing in this work improvisation. Thus, from the lights you can make a whole New Year's composition.

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys from macaroni

Even from ordinary macaroni, beautiful and interesting Christmas toys can get. In order to make such toys you need only different in the form and dimensions of pasta, paints and glue. To start, pour pasta on the table and create a composition of them that you would like to see on your Christmas tree. When the composition is fully ready, neatly connect all pasta with a glue or adhesive gun. After the glue is completely dry, proceed to staining toys. For staining of finished toys, acrylic paints or spray paint are suitable. Such toys can additionally decorate beads, rhinestones, sequins, glitters or sparkles. So christmas toys will look still smarter. Colors for such toys can choose absolutely any. However, the traditional New Year's Gamma is best: toys of snow-white, silver, golden and gentle blue.

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New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

Foil Beads for New Year's Eve

In order to make foil beads you need:

- food foil;

- strong threads;

- needle.

Cut the foil to the same squares and roll out of them tight balls. When the balls are enough to make long beads, connect them with threads and needles. At the ends of the bead make small hooks or loops to better fix beads on the Christmas tree.

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

Papier Masha Beads for Christmas Tree Decoration

In order for you to get beautiful beads from Papier Masha Prepare:

- White leaves;

- PVA glue;

- paints;

- Tassels;

- food foil;

- threads;

- needle.

To begin with, very finely cut the paper, place it prepared container, fill with hot water and leave for several hours. Foil cut the squares. It is possible that the squares are different sizes, then the beads will be different. Then roll the balls from the resulting squares. When the paper in the capacitance takes the test consistency, get it and peel it well. Then mix the paper with PVA glue. The resulting mixture evenly smear all the balls from the foil and leave to dry. After the beads are dried, paint them to their taste. Ready beads will only drive on a thread with a needle.

New Year's toys do it yourself: 4 ideas for crafts (12 photos)

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