Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use


Today there are many ways to transform the inner view of the house, and not all of them require significant costs. For example, the transformation of doors due to stickers is an excellent decoration option.

Varieties and shapes of stickers on the door

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

In addition, the process itself is simple, and any experience can cope with him, even having experience. So, if the door in the house no longer has a former view, there are two options for changing the situation:

  • Purchase a new one (which bears sometimes significant material costs)
  • To decorate a special inexpensive sticker, which in the minimum time will significantly change the general view of the room for the better and give it a real highlight.

Photo ideas for original design

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

Stickers on the door - an excellent solution for anyone who loves experiment. A slight effort - and in a few minutes the ordinary door will turn into a unique landscape. Only if the doors are metallic and stickers fasten outside, it is better to choose more resistant to external factors. What types of stickers are there?

  1. Stickers on the doors of any type of glass. For example, you can stick a photo on both sides and get the original detail of the interior.
  2. Vinyl stickers on the door, as clearly from the name, basically contain vinyl. Such pictures serve for a long time, without losing their attractive appearance, do not require special care, capable of withstanding temperature fluctuations. In addition, they can easily remove them if necessary.
  3. Decorative photo stickers are an ideal interior transformation solution. Moreover, they are inexpensive (in comparison with the new door, for example), and the old product with them will again acquire beauty and charm.

Printed stickers on the door is completely simple, and in the case of repair and changes in the interior, they are as easyly changed to the more suitable for the new style of the room. The main advantage of such a finish type - by minimal costs, you can even turn the most simple corridor or the door to the toilet room into a colorful landscape, create a real corner of comfort and beauty in the house. In addition, thanks to the stickers, you can increase viewing space for small rooms.

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Application options

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

Very fashionable today, at the design of the house or apartment, it is not only natural materials, but in general, similar subjects in general. Especially the desire to bring more natural beauty to the environment, felt in conditions of modern and noisy megalopolises.

What options to the door stickers today offer the market?

  • Photo on all sorts of landscapes
  • The ideas of macro shot are currently at the peak of popularity as one of the ways of the most successful house design.
  • A kind of "window in nature", when on the photo close-up depicted a drop of dew on the edge, flower in the meadow, etc.
  • Vinyl stickers can be purchased ready, but can be ordered under an individual interior. For example, a beautiful garden on the kitchen door will create a wonderful mood of any hostess. Or say, you can easily turn a simple wardrobe in an antique piece of furniture.
  • For a teenager's room you can find something youth, sports themes, etc.
  • It is very profitable to use photo stickers for narrow gaps between furniture
  • The stickers of unusual design are able to decorate not only interior doors, but also doors of cabinets, dresser.
  • For the door at the end of the corridor, a picture of a pretty alley or stairs to the garden is ideal for the door.
  • Any office will look stylish with appropriate stickers on the doors.

When I want to change something, but there is no desire to start a large-scale repair - stickers on the door - exactly what is required. In addition to the transfigured interior, they will still create the effect of presence in the place that is shown in the picture. And this will always serve as a source of positive mood!

Before going for the purchase of stickers, it is better to think better in advance with the general style of the room, the main range of colors, which should be made to the bright accent, etc.

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Wall mural for doors

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

It should be immediately noted that wallpaper with a photo for doors have some differences from wall mounted. Their main task is to change the space in a personally, to make the interior more original, bring the surprise to it. This will not be just a door, but as if the passage to another world.

There are different formats of stickers, some of them are standard, which are great for the door canvase. The most common of them are a photo with dimensions of 73x202, 86x202, 97x202, 73x220, 86x220, 97x330 cm. But if necessary, any manufacturer will be able to make them for a specific order.

Door stickers in comparison with wall-mounted, higher wear resistance and density. They should be made of a whole web, gluing are not allowed, otherwise there will be jokes. The stickers are very different, so you can always choose one that perfectly meets the requirements of the interior.

  1. Stickers for the kitchen door first must be washable, safe, practical and durable. After all, as you know, any family in the kitchen spends a lot of time. The plots are selected depending on taste and desire - landscapes, fruits, flowers. For example, for the style of "Country", stickers are suitable on the door of rural themes. If the interior is made in brown tones, then you can pick up a coffee beans or a glass of cappuccino.
  2. The main requirement for doors with bathroom stickers is increased moisture resistance, because they will constantly be under the influence of steam and moisture. Plots may be related to the sea, coral reefs, a beach, a swimming pool, etc.
  3. The living room is selected stickers depending on the total color solution and style. It can be flowers, waterfalls, landscapes, images of antique furniture, shelf, fireplace or books. Today, motifs are very popular with doors, as if leading to the garden or outside. By the way, if the door to the living room leads to an adjacent room, it can be masked artfully with the stickers. Wall mural on the door can also serve as a continuation of wall wallpaper.
  4. For the children's room, choosing stickers should be especially carefully, they must be made of non-toxic and durable materials, resistant to pollution. For kids you can pick up fabulous plots, images of toys, animals, vegetables, for older children - graffiti, space topics, fiction.
  5. The door to the bedroom can be decorated with stickers of muted tones with paintings of colors, sunset, landscapes, or order images of the owners of the room. Do not use the bedroom aggressive images.

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One very important point - it doesn't matter, for which room stickers are selected. The main thing is that they either identify some details of the interior, or hid something that should be hidden.

Materials and manufacturers

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

In principle, the materials for wallpapers on walls and doors are used almost the same. But there are some differences. So, paper and fliesline as stickers on the door are already irrelevant. It is best to choose vinyl on a self-adhesive basis.

This allows you to do without the use of glue and provides a more durable mount. There are stickers with a special protective layer protected from moisture and small damage. The service life of such products, respectively, above. If the product is illuminated, it is much easier to stick it. You can now meet such.

There are stickers not only foreign companies, but also Russian. As a rule, it is basically a good quality product that can be used not only to row doors, but also any other smooth surfaces. It may be laminate, metal, plastic, glass, etc. Stickers will not hold on only on "loose" surfaces of the type of plaster, concrete, bricks, whitewings and other similar materials.

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use

(Your voice will be the first)

Stickers on the doors - what are and how to use


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