Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works


Today the market presents a wide range of finishing materials. Special attention here deserves decorative brick. Initially, such material was used to decorate buildings facades. Recently, he became an attribute of modern apartments. It is widely used to decorate modern hallways. Such universality of the material is explained by the fact that it has an attractive appearance and very aesthetically fits into the interior of any room. Thanks to the properties of decorative brick, it is possible to build a durable and durable coating that will decorate the room.

Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works

Decorative bricks

Decorative bricks for decoration

Over the past few years, the popularity of the use of bricks for decoration is noticeably increased. This trendy and prestigious material allows you to create a durable and beautiful coating. It has certain advantages, such as:

  • practicality in the interior;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of care;
  • High strength.

Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works

Red brick in the hallway

Bricks used for interior decoration are completely different from the present decorative brick used for facing facades and other structures. The fact is that they are small. Due to this, when it is used, it is not necessary to think about the fact that an additional load is created on the foundation. You can create a brick masonry imitation. Since it has a short weight, it can be used in an unlimited quantity.

Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works

Original laying solution

The market presents a large selection of this finishing material, both by shade and in the texture. This allows everyone to choose a material that perfectly fit into the interior of the hallway. Properly selected material will allow you to express the feelings and character of the host of the house.

Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works

Factory brick

As for the tint itself, it is best to use a bright shade stone to finish the hallway. This is explained by the fact that the hallway often has small sizes. The use of such a material will allow visually to increase the space. Since the brick has a glossy surface, it will be advisable to use good lighting, which is also visually increasing the area of ​​the room. The decorative stone can be postponed both the wall and its separate fragments. For example, you can separate the doorway or niche. Especially often such a stone is used to finish places that come to rapid pollution. This will allow for a long time to maintain the original appearance and beauty of the entire finishing coating.

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Decorative stone and its variety

The decoration of the hallway is a very complex process, to the implementation of which it is worth it very carefully. First you need to choose the stone itself. To perform such works, directly decorative bricks can be used or a tile that simulates it. Such a tile is called clinker. Its installation is made according to a specific technology. Her dignity is that it has a relatively low weight and a small thickness. This will allow finishing work without reducing the effective area of ​​the room.

Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works

Brick "Artificial Stone"

Facing clinker brick is the most expensive finishing material from the group of bricks. This is due to the fact that it has high performance parameters, as well as quality. It has a smooth surface and original flower gamut. Also, such a brick has high strength and density. It is often used to design interiors in the living room, and individually the fireplace, which is due to its resistance to high temperatures.

Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works

Clinker brick

As for the decorative brick, it is formed manually. For production, mixtures based on cement and gypsum are used. For technical parameters, such a finishing material resembles an ordinary brick. But, the difference lies in the fact that it has a high fragility. Due to the fact that it is made manually, it is possible to give a rough and embossed surface.

Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works

White decorative bricks

It is best to use it in places where heavy loads and frequent surface cleaning with water and chemicals are not foreseen.

Basic principles of laying finishing material

If you have chosen clinker or finishing bricks to finish the hallway, it is worth understanding that such a material is difficult to enter the interior of the room. Thanks to some tricks, it can be combined with any stylistic solution. As a result, the interior will become more elegant and unique. Installation technology is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to align the surface to which the finishing material will be attached. This will significantly simplify finishing work and provide high-quality installation of stone. During the work, there may be needed in the cutting of the stone. To do this, use special tools or a conventional grinder;
  2. For fastening the finishing material, a special adhesive solution is used, which can be found in almost any construction store. It should be noted that for mounting a certain stone, the appropriate glue is needed. In some cases, the surface is primed;
  3. The finishing material is stacked on the principle of brickwork: seams of one row should be located on the middle of the bricks of neighboring rows. Finishing work should be started from the corner;
  4. As soon as the solution is captured, its surplus is removed from the seams. It should be understood that some materials, such as slate or sandstone, are laid on a seamless method;
  5. After full pouring of the adhesive solution, the finishing coating should be cleaned of all contaminants. For complete drying, it may be necessary for several days. To do this, you can use a conventional wet rag. It is not necessary to put pressure on not to damage the coating;
  6. To protect the "masonry" from the fungus, it is treated with antifungal mortar. Of course, some brick models pass this processing at the stage of production;
  7. At the finish stage, experts recommend covering the surface with a special water-based lacquer. This will protect it from various pollution and damage. The glossy surface is opened with varnish, will reflect light rays, which will allow visually to increase the space space;

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Bricks in the interior of the hallway: Features of finishing works

Laying of decorative bricks

As can be seen, the decoration of the hallway with the help of a decorative stone is a very simple process. Of course, to perform work qualitatively, you need to possess certain knowledge and skills. But, the main thing is to choose the right stone to make the most naturally fit into the interior of the hallway. With the right approach to solving this problem, you can easily pick up such a finish that will become the color of the entire room.

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