Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment


Yuri Dwell is a journalist and video unit, which everyone speaks about. He organized his unique YouTube - a canal where there invites different famous personalities. In her show, he is trying to reveal the hidden stories of his guest, but his own secrets, but his innermost, he does not want to disclose anyone.

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Before creating a personal channel, the Dory was the chief editor of the sports site

Personal successes

The establishment of bloggers in Russia held a calculation of financial resources that he worked over the past year. According to them, the amount amounted to about 80 million rubles . This is due to the fact that the exclusive duddy canal is enjoying a great success. About five million subscribers are signed on his channel, and each of his video is typing millions of views.

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Important! Yuri Dwell signed a lot of advertising treaties. Their agreement includes a contract with Alfa-Bank.

For personal success, Yuri Duda can be attributed to the fact that in 2018 he fell into the list of Forbes, where the famous personality of show business and the best athletes fall. Yuri took the 50th line in this list.

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Moscow apartment

Yuri Dory does not like to show his personal life. Everyone knows that he is married and has two children. On the Internet it is almost impossible to find photos of wives and children Yuri Dudia, as well as his apartments. It is only known that his wife is Olga. He has a son of Danil and daughter Alena. He lives in a small two-bedroom apartment in Butovo, which he gained back long before he became famous.

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

If you look at the page of Yuri in Instagram, you can find some photos of his apartment. The interior of the apartment is quite simple, and refers to the middle class, which is a little inconsistency in the income of the journalist. From the Internet it is known that the freelance thinks to buy a three-room apartment in the center of the capital.

Career growth

Career journalist began in 2011. He was a leading sports program about football two years. In parallel, he was the chief editor of the sports channel.

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In 2014, he created his own YouTube Channel. But the real glory fell on him in 2017, after the release of the program, where visiting Yuri was the famous Basta Reper. This release in one day received about a hundred thousand views.


From my own blogger's message it became known that its profit is about five million rubles per month. In 2017, he ranked the fourth line in the list of the most well-earning bloggers, and in 2018, the Dwell took second place in the same ranking.

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Scandalous stories

When Vosta Ivelev was visiting the guy, she did not speak very correctly towards Russian President Vladimir Putin, asked if he was tired of editing. For such a statement, some Bestaev filed a lawsuit on the court to Ivel and Dudu. Bertaev asked to post the refutation of this statement, remove the video with this statement, and pay him money, 50 million rubles from everyone.

Another scandalous story occurred in the summer of 2018. The CEO of the PR-agency saw a call for drugs in some of the releases of the channel of the canal, for which he filed him to court. He wanted to be removed some series from the canal, and the payment of psychological damage. As a result, the court did not accept the statement.

In the fall of the same year, an attempt was made to the mother and brother of the blogger. They were beaten. Relatives of the duddy immediately filed a statement to the police, but it did not get their development.

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Personal life

About the personal life of the blogger is known very little. He has a wife and two children. Yuri Dudia's wife told that the journalist is a very good father, in the evenings he reads books to his children, and in the morning - does delicious breakfasts.

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How does Yuri live? (1 video)

Russian video clogger Yuri Dor: Interior Review in Moscow Apartment (6 photos)

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

Russian video clrokener Yuri Dor: Interior Review in the Moscow Apartment

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