Stencils on doors do it yourself: Choosing the type of painting and the manufacture of stencil


Today, many people prefer to replace the old, who have lost their appearance to new doors. It is much cheaper and easier than to restore the wooden structure that has come into disrete. But the surface of the canvas can be restored by painting. And even if you do not have artistic skills, you will come to the rescue. And make stencils with your own hands is not difficult.

Stencils on doors do it yourself: Choosing the type of painting and the manufacture of stencil

Currently, the door is considered not only an obstacle to enter another room, but also an element of the decor of the premises.

After all, it is no secret that modern doors made from combined materials, in many indicators, lose the lefts of the wood array. And the new wooden structure is quite expensive. And you do not need to be afraid if the surface of the old sash is chosen by potholes and chips. Such disadvantages are easy to eliminate, the minor defects will help hide beautiful, active drawings.

Types of screen painting

Before you begin making a stench with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of pattern and the material with which you will create a painting. Today there are three basic material for decorating with templates. These include:

  • decoration with embossed plaster;
  • painting by structural paints;
  • The imposition of the screen pattern using traditional paints.

Stencils on doors do it yourself: Choosing the type of painting and the manufacture of stencil

The scheme of using a multicolor stencil.

At the same time, in the first 2 cases, the drawing is derived relief and volumetric. But the finishing of plaster can significantly increase the estimate for the repair of the door, as you need special fixers and varnishes. They are needed, in order for the drawing does not face and not crack.

For volumetric pattern, special structural paints can be used. They are much thicker than traditional dyes and consistency resemble a putty. In addition, they may contain solid particles adding the finished pattern of texture. Such a painting can be rough, porous, with pearl enclosures and so on. But such materials are also not suiced.

The easiest way to make stencils with your own hands, intended for painting with paints. There are nuances in the application of such a template. The type of stencil depends on the number of colors you are going to use. The painting can be multicolored or made using one color.

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The first type of decorating will suit people who do not have special skills and knowledge. In this case, you need to make one template, consolidate it on the surface and put the dye. If you want to create a multicolor painting, then you will need to make several stencils and impose a layer pattern. Naturally, such work requires accuracy and takes much longer.

Material for the manufacture of stencil

Stencils on doors do it yourself: Choosing the type of painting and the manufacture of stencil

Spread stencil for door decor.

Stencil for painting the door can be made independently or buy ready. Usually they are sold in stores selling painting goods. Such stencils have a number of indisputable benefits:

  1. As a rule, they are made on a special film that does not require the use of glue. Such material is covered with a sticky composition or silicone layer.
  2. Such templates are intended for repeated use. One stencil can be used to decorate the entire door.
  3. The edges of cutouts are clear, they adhere tightly to the surface and do not give the paint to leak under the film.

But the finished stencils have one significant minus. As a rule, they are quite expensive. Therefore, it is wiser to make stencils with your own hands or order its manufacture. Such services provide many advertising agencies. In this case, the pattern is usually printed on a vinyl film. It is easy to use. But it is worth considering that similar stencil is disposable. After you remove it from the door surface, it is impossible to reuse it. But you can order the manufacture of a large template, which will cover all the door canvas entirely.

Stencils on doors do it yourself: Choosing the type of painting and the manufacture of stencil

Corner stencils for door murals.

If you decide to make stencils with your own hands, then you will need paper (for example, a thin cardboard or packaging material) or a sufficiently dense polyethylene film. For example, the one that covers greenhouses or greenhouses.

Each of these materials have their advantages. The stencil of paper is easier to manufacture, and the slits are cut into the drawing easier. The edges of the template are smooth, but the liquid paint can be leaked under them, and the ornament will be uneven. In addition, over time, paper turns, and the stencil becomes unsuitable for further use.

Film is much longer. But the slots on it are not so simple. In addition, such a template is too soft. In order to strip it over the surface, some effort will be required. In this case, it is possible to damage the already applied pattern. In any case, the choice remains yours.

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Making template template

Stencils on doors do it yourself: Choosing the type of painting and the manufacture of stencil

Flower pattern with five petals.

Start making a pattern with your own hands standing from the choice of pattern. It is necessary to take into account several conditions:

  • The ornament must be clear, with obviously drawn contours;
  • It is best to choose black and white images (so you can immediately see the places you need to cut);
  • Do not stop your choice on ornaments with a lot of small parts;
  • Make sure that there are no too thin jumpers between the cutouts (in these places the stencil is often torn).

After the drawing is selected, it must be printed on the printer. If you want to make a big stencil with your own hands, then use the print on several sheets, and then glue them with a painted scotch. Cut the ornament by manicure scissors with sharp tips.

Verify the sketch of the stencil on paper or film. Circuit drawing with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen. Remove unnecessary places to the sharp stationery knife or scissors. Cut the uneven edges with a thin blade.

If you made stencil with your own hands, then for its fixing on the door surface you will need special glue. It can be purchased in stores selling painting goods. It is wiser to choose the composition that is sprayed from the cylinder. It lies with a smooth layer and leaves no flies.

The glue can be replaced by ordinary painting scotch. But first glue a piece in the corner of the door, and then remove it. Make sure the mounting tape did not leave on the painted web traces. Otherwise, it is wiser to choose another material, since the adhesive composition with some types of surface is quite difficult to remove. When everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the door of the door.

Decoring doors using a template

Before using stencil, prepare the door leaf. It is necessary to carefully remove the remains of old paint, dirt and fat. Then prcribpt all chips and cracks. Epoxy glue can be used to eliminate small cracks. Collect the surface and cover the door 2 layers of primer (you can use a tool with antiseptic impregnation). After the primer is dry, paint the cloth in the main color. The paint is also necessary to apply in 2 layers, giving each previous to dry completely.

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If you made a stencil with your own hands, then you will need the following materials for applying the drawing:

  • means for fixing the stencil (glue or greater tape);
  • foam sponge;
  • artistic brushes;
  • small rubber spatula with a smooth edge;
  • Clean rag.

Naturally, you need to prepare in advance and the composition with which you are going to make a pattern.

If you want to use the paint, then stop your choice on water-based acrylic dyes.

It goes well, without forming flops, quickly dries and almost does not smell.

For such a type of painting, car paints are well suited in cylinders. But in this case, it is worth making a pattern with your own hands from a dense food film, and not buy ready-made, since the paint can be contacted under a flexible stencil.

Making painting on the door

Secure the template on the prepared surface. Make sure that the door canvas was clean and dry. Prepare painting composition. If you are using an acrylic dye, then the desired color will help you to achieve special corroders.

The composition for applying painting by consistency should remind a thick sour cream. If it is not thick enough, add special thickeners. Sometimes in this case, experts recommend using conventional PVA glue.

With the help of a sponge, you jump out a bit of paint and apply it into the slot of the template. Decorative material must be applied with lightweight moving movements. Make sure that the layer of paint is not too thick. Work without a rush, but fast enough. It is necessary to fill the entire pattern so that the drawing seek evenly.

Without giving the composition to dry, remove the stencil. If you use several templates, before overlaying the new, the previous drawing must be completely dry. While the paint is still liquid, adjust the contours of the pattern using the rubber spatula. His edge should be clean, so the surplus must be removed periodically.

After the design pattern, the edge edge can be corrected using thin artistic brushes. If you have the necessary skills, then draw a clear contrast contour.

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