How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering


How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering

Knowing how to cover the floor in the bath, you can significantly increase the service life of the coating. In addition, with the help of this uncomplicated action, the interior of the room is transformed beyond recognition.

However, it should be borne in mind that the positive effect of the procedure will be achieved only with a certain order of actions. In case of non-compliance with the conditions, you can only aggravate the situation and instead of protection of wood, on the contrary, reduce the timing of its operation, which will damage the entire design.


How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering

Be sure to treat wood with solutions for a bath

Thinking over what to cover the floor in the bath, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the properties of wood, absorb moisture and undergo the occurrence of fungus and mold, so it must be subjected to pretreatment with special solutions intended to prevent the rotation and destruction of the fiber structure.

Based on this, when choosing an antiseptic for floor baths, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • apply antiseptics intended directly for baths;
  • Use only proven formulations belonging to famous brands.

How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering

Flooring in a steam room and wrapped with organic solutions

Buying the impregnation, which the floors in the bath will be processed, you can face the next issue of the seller: what kind of type you are interested in. To do this, sort out the main differences. There are 4 different categories of antiseptics:

  1. Water soluble view, which is desirable to apply for processing the walls of a pre-banner or a rest room. In the extreme case, cover the floors in the room where they will not be exposed to moisture.
  2. On an organic solvent, gives wood additional resistance in water. A competent specialist will most likely advise you exactly such a kind of floor processing of a paired or oil zone.
  3. On an oil basis, it is recommended to apply only for those rooms where the temperature modes and humidity differences are excluded.
  4. Combined impregnations are used not only to protect wood, but also in order to reduce the possibility of fire.

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How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering

Apply protective mixtures 2 - 3 times

To correctly perform processing, you can take into account the useful advice. Apply any flooring for the bath must be on the surface that should be thoroughly clean and dry.

Impregnation in 2-3 layers will increase the degree of protection. In addition, even the most expensive and high-quality tool has properties to wash out fibers, so it is recommended to perform this procedure periodically.

If you want to handle a painted or lacquered surface, it must be predetermined.


How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering

Lucky for baths should not contain toxic impurities

Conduct the floors in the bath is needed at the final stage of processing. Special, so to speak complex conditions for their operation, require these defined nuances of application. First of all, it concerns the pretreatment with an antiseptic necessary to protect wood from rotting.

In addition, varnish should not pose a threat to the life or health of people and animals. Another recommendation that must be taken into account concerns the sustainability of the composition in high humidity, high temperatures inherent in this room. In this case, the coating should not overheat and distinguish harmful substances.

Based on this, if this recommendation is taken into account, you can create high-quality floor covering in the bath. At the same time, it will correspond to all the main characteristics peculiar to the quality product:

  1. Protects the surface of the boards from mechanical damage.

    How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering

  2. It will prevent it from exposure to high temperatures and sharp drops.
  3. Will be safe for people.
  4. With severe heating, there will be no harmful vapor.
  5. Protects a person's legs from overheating, there is no danger to get a burn.
  6. Put floors in the bath from the appearance of insects.

Painting the surface of the wooden floor is necessary only after it is carefully cleaned, sucked and processed by antiseptics. Apply the varnish is preferably using roller, sponge or brushes. If the boards were previously painted or treated with varnish, the old coating must be cleaned.

When detecting foci of manifest fungus or molds, they are recommended to remove mechanical way and process the antiseptic. With abundant formation of malicious organisms, the element is recommended to replace.


If we consider this question from the point of view of security for human health, it is necessary to take into account that before painting the floors in the bath, you need to carefully treat the choice of a suitable product. The coating is not recommended for cheap materials that, when heated, can highlight poisonous evaporations, dangerous for people. Well, than processing surfaces in the bath, looks in this video:

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Mostly high-quality oil products have the following characteristics:

  • have a wide palette of color shades;
  • form a protective veil on the surface, protecting wood from moisture;
  • Non-natural pattern of fibers;
  • Qualitatively protect the boards from the appearance of fungus;
  • have relative resistance to mechanical stress.

Painting the floors in the bath is needed on the principle of characteristic of varnish, and you can choose the highest quality for your situation, guided by the table below.

View of paintBinderApplication areaService life
AcrylicPolyacrylate.Concrete, Wood, Brick5 - 15.
Water distributionOrganic solventsTree, Slate, Metal, Glass, PlasticOver 20.
OilOlifeTree, metal3 - 4.
SilicateLiquid Castile GlassAll surfacestwenty
SiliconeSilicone resin.All surfacestwenty
EmalevayaAlkyd resin.Wood10

How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering

Separately, it should be mentioned that painted by any kind of paint or varnished the floor will serve a longer period if it is equipped with a ventilated underground.

Due to the fact that the boards will periodically be ventilated with fresh air, the rotating process of rotting will slow down for them.

In addition, with constant air difts, wood will dry faster.

Advise how to apply paint on a tree, there is no need. The fact is that, depending on the brand and manufacturer, the technology may differ slightly. Accurate information can be seen on the label.

How to cover the floor in the bath: tips on the floor covering

Correctly select the paint material for the bath processing is not so simple. It is necessary to take into account not only the properties of the room, but also the type of wood, from which the boards are made.

This is due to the fact that some breeds are not combined with certain varieties of trees. For example, fibers of coniferous plants are not recommended to process materials that form a solid coating, so when choosing, you need to carefully treat the manufacturer's recommendations and consultations of specialists.

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