Bedroom and living room in one room


Bedroom and living room in one room

If you have a three-room apartment or more spacious, it is zonied it naturally, without problems. And if one or two, then the apartment question requires a solution. It is necessary to carry out separation. The living room bedroom design has to think carefully. Especially in a one-room, solitary sleeping place - a dream. Arrange it beautiful and cozy.

Do not worry, there are certain techniques that will help you zone - organize space correctly. The apartment question is sharp, but by attaching efforts, you will correctly produce separation. You harmoniously place the bedroom next to the living room. The hall and bedroom will look great.

The main thing is that the space is divided practically, rationally. Exercise mentally the hall into two parts. Decide in which part there will be a bedroom, and in which living room? Defined? Getting started to arrange housing.

Bedroom and living room in one room


Solving your apartment question and thinking how to make a division, place the bedroom in a piece with a window. For a wonderful mood in the morning, a person needs to wake up in a fairly bright room. The sleeping area should not be through, passing - it is unpleasant when guests pass by falling asleep or sleeping spouses.

The hall in a common part can remain small, cozy, and can be quite spacious, roomy. Design bedroom living room Perform in your taste. If you like a defined style, stick it if not - place the furniture, accessories that like.

It is important that the hall is excellent illuminated. You can do, in addition to the main lighting, the chandeliers, additional light sources - point lamps at the mirror, above the dining table, above the desktop, in other places. If you like and there is a desire, hang a few sconce, put a beautiful flooring on a high elegant leg.


In the interior of the living room bedroom, the situation will be out of the original, cozy, if we use some advice of specialists:

  1. Put furniture that is transformed. In the furniture store, through the online store, select and buy a sofa, which is easily folded, comfortable and comfortable. Remember that native and guests will often sit on the sofa, because buying quite wide, long, roomy. There is an option to buy a wardrobe bed. They immediately zonail space, separate part of the living room from the bedroom.

    Bedroom and living room in one room

  2. It is necessary to make "obstacles" for one bedroom area. If you do not like the furniture in the form of a transformer, it seems that it closes the area, build a decorative septum from drywall or plastic. From the plastic partition will turn out more durable. Combining the bedroom and living room we make the sleeping area from the window, away from the passage, entry.

    Bedroom and living room in one room

  3. For one room, solving the apartment question, use the podium as the zoning method. Above the bed significantly lift the floor and finish the steps there.

    Bedroom and living room in one room

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Organize a cabinet there or, as an option, put a small Chinese exquisite table, put the pillows and conduct tea drinking in the romantic atmosphere with the second half.

Rack, curtains

The embodiment of the design of the living room combined with the bedroom, be careful. Specialists advise thoughtfully zoning the hall. So that the room looked cozy, comfortable, do not build immediately the wall. Try the rack. This design is a through comfortable shelves. The rack will be the height that buy. You can make to order.

Popular separation large, heavy, dark, not transparent curtain. Secure the cord on the opposite walls of the room. Hang on it to the camera. Romantically looks curtains from raspberry velvet. Although, you can choose any favorite color and suitable material (better dense) and make the chart with your own hands or buy ready-made in the store.

Bedroom and living room in one room

If you have a sleeping bed and a sofa in your room, then put the sofa so that in the folded state its back "watched" on the bed. It is necessary so that a person does not feel sleeping with all guests in sight. A little mentally turn the sofa and find the best location location for it.


You can combine the living room and the bedroom in such a classic, but rather radical way. Experts recommend building the wall when the room is a pair of windows and quite large square. If you instruct to solve the apartment brigade of the builders, ask them to make the layout. So you better understand, do you really need to divide the hall and install the wall or can you do by other, less costly, zoning methods?

If hard decided to put the wall, then choose the material suitable and means. It can be:

  1. Brick. Reliable soundproofing material.

    Bedroom and living room in one room

  2. Foam concrete.
  3. Plates with pressed wood shavings.
  4. Gypsum blocks are quite popular.
  5. Designs made of plasterboard. Often used.

    Bedroom and living room in one room

  6. Gasilicular blocks.

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Those interested to use more often as additional (embedding wall monolith), to decorate the wall - glass blocks. In the room with such a partition lighter. And if we have a whole, dividing wall from the glass blocks, the room will look even exquisite. Glass blocks can be put on the level of growth in the highest apartment in the apartment, below or make to the ceiling. Glass in fashion.


Solving the apartment question, as from the same room to make two functional zones, pay attention to the option of the partition-door. Such a partition is popular since Soviet times, but now she transformed, has become beautiful and comfortable. This is a coupe. They are extremely convenient, functional. Guests, taking note of this idea, will make a similar separation of the hall and at home.

Bedroom and living room in one room

They are shifted to the wall during the day, and at the right moment make a partition that protects against prying views. True, heard through such doors coupe is good.

Shellage cabinet

We have already mentioned this popular form of the partition, but consider it in more detail. The interior of the room becomes much more interesting. Such partition is stationary, it does not completely roam the territory in the room, is very functional and in demand, because popular.

Thanks to this shelf, the living room combined with the bedroom is decorated with accessories located on the racks, reflects.

Bedroom and living room in one room

Experts recommend using racks from a material that, but more subtle, light, light. So space seems to be "breathable", "through". The interior of the room is not cluttered.

For example, use the rack to store books other than beautiful accessories. There you can put a box or a few and store the necessary little things. This option zoning space is well known in the people and is practiced for a long time.

Furniture transformer

This method is "young" enough, but more and more attracts the attention of owners of small apartments. The interior of the living room bedroom looks original, modern. A similar transformer is a rather complicated design of blocks of blocks. Blocks can be loosen free from place in place and they are transformed into a sofa cabinet, then in the bed-cabinet. Such an option can recommend that familiar, who have such furniture stands and an experienced designer.

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Save place

If the hall is small, the apartment question, how to save place? It is sharp. In the living room zone combined with the bedroom, as in the bedroom area, you can distribute furniture so much.

Put the TV not to the end, but hang on the wall. And the place will choose such that it is perfectly visible from two zones. The most convenient option is a swivel bracket.

Refuse big, hard furniture. Give the preference of furniture of light shades. Together, the cumbersome sofa can put a cozy, small sofa. Cool other than horizontal and vertical place. Stuff keep top on the mezzans and racks. Buying a bed in the bedroom, select with boxes in which you can store linen. Sometimes the models of beds are such that the head of the shelf is either a small rack. Buy such a comfortable, spacious bed.

If you plan to make a high podium, then think about the design that specialists will make when the bed is rolled out of the podium, and then hides under it. On the podium itself, put the desktop, near the chair, over the table, hang the shelves on which you can put the documentation, books and will be the office.

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