What paint paint glass windows: washable latex and acrylic options


Use glass in your interior is a rather reasonable step, especially if you choose high-quality wallpaper for painting. In past articles, we have already told about the properties of glasses, which are beneficial to them from other similar finishing materials. In the same article we will tell about how to paint the glassy, ​​because the finishing layer on the wall should be from the paint.

What paint paint glass windows: washable latex and acrylic options

Good paint nice to spend works on painting

Suitable paints

It is confident that it can be said that the walls are absurd to painted with glass windows, it is not even necessary to end special rapid courses. However, it is advisable to choose the appropriate paint for the walls so that it looks great and kept well.

I immediately want to say that the choice of conventional water-level paint is not the best because it lies on such coatings with difficulty, and practical properties have not the best. Wash such walls will not work, and the surface of them will be rough, but in some cases the brand.

Another thing is if the paint for glasses will be acrylic, latex. By and large, this same water-emulsion is, but in its composition there are components of acrylic, or styrene butadiene (latex), which improve its quality. It is worth choosing the composition with the mark "washable", since it is the most practical type of paintwork.

Painting of glasses of acrylic or latex paints and varnish material will allow for a long time to preserve the appearance and main technical properties of the wall covering. For example, glass cholester painted acrylic paint will also remain fireproof, environmentally friendly, resistant to moisture, and also stronger. Through this latex or acrylic paint, an excellent word texture is visible, which you liked.

What paint paint glass windows: washable latex and acrylic options

Acrylic interior paint for walls

At the same time, I want to note the dignity of paint:

  • All water-based paints acrylic and latex, do not smell.
  • Paint is applied on glass windows under painting with a roller, a pulverizer or brush, very easy and simple.
  • The speed of absorption and drying in acrylic composition is quite fast, several times faster than other paints.
  • While working should be attentive to get dirty as small as possible, but there is nothing terrible in it, because the water-emulsion paints are easily flushed with water. In the case of acrylic, the water is relevant while the paint does not dry, and then it will be necessary to use solvents.
  • The choice of paintwork is very large, in any construction store you will meet 3-4 decent brand. Among foreign brands, Tikkurila is known, among the Russians you can allocate tex, VGT, Dali.
  • The cost of paint and the koller is low, acceptable for most people.

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After the coloring makeup will be applied to the walls and how it will dry, it will look excellent. Caring for it will not be much difficulty, since such a coating can always be washed using a sponge, a rag and a soap solution.

What paint paint glass windows: washable latex and acrylic options

Practical and durable glasses are used everywhere

Note that paint for glasses for painting is consumed largely due to the technical characteristics of the wallpaper, besides, the first staining is recommended to perform in two layers. Therefore, it is necessary to lay the calculation in the budget at at least 500 ml of paint per square meter. Yes, it is quite a lot, but most likely it is so much a paintwork is required for applying to the walls.

Experts argue that it is possible to reduce the consumption of paint if the first layer on the glass was the liquid diluted glue. This composition allows you to thoroughly impregnate a well-absorbent texture of the fiberglass, after which the paint will go well and less spend.

Color options

One of the most important advantages of glasses is the ability to paint into any color. You can choose a color gamut of millions of colors, tones, shades. Since the paint is sold in white, you will need to compose it (make the desired color) and here you can go on two different ways:

  1. You can scroll paint yourself using a specially sold coloring pigment, concentrate. At the same time, the strong variation with the color you will not succeed, because for the accuracy of the coincidence you will have to dilute the cans of paint with a clear amount of the koller. For example, on a 1-liter bank of paint 1 kaper bank or on a 7-liter capacity of 4 Tubes of the Koller. The advantages of this method lies in the fact that you will always know how to mix additional paint if it is not enough.
  2. The second version of the paint coloring computer, which is made directly in the store. When choosing this method, you are not limited in colors and you can choose any. Experts will make accuracy with accuracy, as paint will look on the wall, because after applying, it often becomes lighter. However, it is necessary to preserve the tincture of the apparatus in order to be able to make another color of the desired color, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially when it comes to fine shades.

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What paint paint glass windows: washable latex and acrylic options

Contrast interior of the living room

Select color for the color of the walls should be on the basis of its preferences, but also to the recommendations of designers to listen certainly:

  • For glazes, it is recommended to choose soft colors, careless, calm. Such a color will be appropriate for all walls, it will not strain and put pressure, and later it can be easily changed to another, repainting 1-2 layers.
  • For people suitable to the interior creatively, which is needed by a living, contrast design, you can offer to make bright inserts on the walls. Against the backdrop of a calm total tone, they will look to catch, attract attention.
  • Do not forget about your furniture that should fit into the total color concept of the room.

Using wallpaper stencils, you can add the necessary elements to the interior, while paint for glass windows is also used, but the other than the other. If you have creative abilities, you can draw a drawing on the wall. Try not to overdo the dimensions of the pattern, for small rooms it is worth limited to the corresponding images.

What paint paint glass windows: washable latex and acrylic options

Coloring walls manually

Paint options

What paint paint glass windows we figured out, and now let's look at how to do it. In order to make the paint evenly evenly, it is recommended to use a spray gun, roller and a silent for point refinement. Initial staining is carried out in two layers. The second layer is applied only after complete drying of the first, which means after 12-15 hours, and it is better to wait a day.

By studying the question of painting glass, we found several original ways:

  • Staining walls using borders.
  • Applying paintwork on stencils.
  • Wheel, textured staining of the walls.
  • Use with painting with lazuries.


The easiest way to paint when using borders can be applied in any room. Such design of the walls is also in the living room, and in the hallway. You can choose different types of glasses and split them with a border, or use the same texture.

The curb between the glass windows is made as follows: first cut the band with the necessary width, paint the wallpaper, and then pasted the prepared curb. They produce color separated sections into the same color or different, if desired. In some cases, even contrasting solutions look great, but it all depends on the overall concept of your interior.

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What paint paint glass windows: washable latex and acrylic options

Coloring of glasses with different textures


Using a stencil, also a simple task. Usually use ready-made stencils with cut out contours, but if you need to make a large drawing with simple shapes, you can take the usual greasy tape and stick it on the wall in the right places.

Glassworks are stained before using the stencil, so the paint is applied on top of the main base. It should be monitored so that the paint does not go beyond the stencil. After drying, the stencil or the paint tape is removed, and the drawing is refined if necessary.

Rauchel color

The shell painting of the walls allows you to concentrate on the unique tissue texture of the glasses. This type of painting is suitable exclusively to relief glass. First of all, it is applied with a layer of bright paint designed to become the main layer. After drying the base, it is covered with a lesing coating, the color of which is selected by close by tone. A translucent varnish can be used as a lesing coating. Make it to be made water based.

After drying the upper layer, it should be processed with a wet sponge. Thus, you remove the lacquer with the released relief parts of the wallpaper, but it will remain inside the invoice. High-quality rocket painting of glasses is possible when using a good plastic or rubber spatula.

What paint paint glass windows: washable latex and acrylic options

Application of the basic layer of bright paint on glass


In some cases, bright and calm tones use large color diversity to give the interior simultaneously, while complementing them with original decorating flakes that can be colored or white. This is how the azure looks like.

It should be applied immediately after drying the paint on the glass cholester, for which it is convenient to use a flat brush. Brush strokes are performed in the transverse direction, short movements. After 15-20 minutes, with the help of a rubber spatula, lazuries flakes smoothed, thus the uniform distribution of decorative elements over the entire surface is achieved.

We hope that now you have an idea of ​​how to paint the glass walls with a variety of ways. In any case, it is always possible to simply paint the additional layer as an unsuccessful color.

Choose a high-quality paint coating for its walls so that it serves as long as possible, and looked as best as possible.

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