Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine


The word "Fenochka" appeared in our territory pretty recently, but in the world these original bracelets were gained popularity since the Hippie times. Fuenches are wearing not only with Moulin and other threads, but still from beads. The easiest way to make such a bracelet for beginners is the usual renovation. Fan beads with names with names will help you quickly master the technique.

Weaving with names

Such bracelets can weave not only as an ornament for yourself, but also as an original gift to friends or loved ones.

This decoration is done very easily and quickly. The advantage of this product is that it can be done not only on the machine, but also on the book or as folded several times with cardboard. For example, if Fuenus is from eight rows of beads, it will be necessary to wind eight rows of threads and so on.

Threads need to tighten only the front of the book, and behind it to fix it with a scotch, which is easily removed and also does not damage the cover.

Then you can proceed to the main weaving. To do this, you first need to ride the need for a needle of the base color on the needle, carefully stretch the needle under the rows of threads, then turn the needle down, slightly tightening the thread. Continue to weave in such a way that in the end it came out the web with a width of a couple of centimeters, which will be the main background. When the width of the phenuschka becomes the necessary size, you can proceed to weaving letters.

For weaving letters, you should or pre-draw a drawing of future baubles or take advantage of a special scheme of bare bags with names. When the names of the name end, it is necessary to weigh another plot of the main background so that the fuenus came out neat and beautiful.

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Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

After the end of the weaving, neatly cropped the thread with scissors, leaving the desired length from both edges so that the fuzheka can be easily able to ride on the hand. At the beginning and at the end of the decoration, the threads need to be fixed with the knots, after which the baubles put on the arm. And so that the bracelet is fixed on hand with not knitted threads, but a lock or clasp, you must simply attach them to the finished product.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

Beads and pins

Thanks to ordinary mappings and painstaking hands of the needlewoman, beautiful and original baubles are obtained.

Necessary materials:

  • pins;
  • beads;
  • elastic cord;
  • glue.
  1. Wear beads on the pin, leave a little bit at the top of the needles so that the pin can be closed.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

  1. Continue to hit the beads until the desired amount of the pin is scored to grab the wrist.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

  1. Turn the elastic lace into the holes through the pins, on top and bottom. It is best to alternate the location of the pin, as in the photo. Ultimately, tie a bracelet and treat the knots with glue.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

  1. Fenechka from beads and pins ready!

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

"Rainbow" and a cheerful bracelet

The bracelet is very easy in execution, so suitable for all beginners. The amount of beads between large beads for each individual and depends on the wrist volume. If we are placed in a circle without a lock, as shown in the picture, you must add a couple of centimeters of the thread. The number of rows to be drawn at will, it is better to do more than five.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

This is the easiest view of the bead feathers.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

For such feathers, the "wire with memory" is necessary:

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

And, of course, beads.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

First you need to take pliers for jewelry and bend the wire at one end to get a loop.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

On the other end of the wire to start riding beads.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

After making at the other end of the same loop, so that the beads did not fall.

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

All, bracelet ready!

Weaving schemes: bare bags with names on start-up machine

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