Openwork tunics Crochet for the summer: Schemes and descriptions with photos


For several seasons, tunic is relevant, especially knitted. And in different stores, it is often possible to see very beautiful knitted products on mannequins. And of course, every fashionista wants to have a similar thing in her wardrobe, but not everyone can afford to buy. Therefore, you can always try to associate your own beautiful openwork cocoic tunics.

The thing that was connected independently will always attract the attention of other people and the owner of such a unique thing will always stand out among the crowd. Therefore, you must boldly begin to try such attempts, even if a similar tunic is the first product in the life of an inexperienced needlewoman. But you always need to start with something.

Openwork tunics Crochet for the summer: Schemes and descriptions with photos

First you need to select the desired model and the pattern that will appeal. Openwork tunics Crochet always look very gently and air, which emphasizes femininity and ease of every girl. After the model is selected, it is necessary to choose the desired yarn, the hook number and possible accessories. And those who are only trying in knitting, it is necessary to practice a little - make a draft work so that the end result has aesthetic appearance.

Fileyan knitting

To tie a similar tunic, used yarn Coco 500 g, hook No. 1, 5. This thing will be size 46-48. Such a tunic is done for the summer.

Circular rows must be kept from the neck.

  • We recruit 318 airclakes and then connect the last loop with the first. In the first row, there are 106 filleled carelies. After that, it is necessary to distribute the loops as follows: 24 loops for the right hand, 29 for the shelf, 24 loops for the left hand and 29 will be for the back.

Openwork tunics Crochet for the summer: Schemes and descriptions with photos

  • Next, it is necessary to check 8 rods of the laset, while you need to expand the product along the RLANAN line.
  • After 8 rows are accumulated, it is necessary to start knitting a drawing with pineapples, while we distribute three rapports to the sseurelessly distribution, but you also need to take into account the central loop. So knit 16 rows, and the laset rushes on the sleeves.
  • We measure the width of handle and back, if such a size is suitable in the volume of the chest, then the parts are combined with each other, and leave the sleeve for the work. Further, the binding comes with alternation - 8 rows fit laset, and 16 rows of pineapple pattern.
  • Upon 5-7 centimeters from the connection line, it is necessary to begin to expand the product for the bevel, which will be on the side - this will become the contours of the regulated. It should be remembered that the added loops constantly knit with a lease.
  • Already before the final rapport of the picture, it is necessary to divide the product to the back and before and continue to knit separately. Everything knives without add-ons.

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Openwork tunics Crochet for the summer: Schemes and descriptions with photos

  • Tunic edges must be tied with rows of pico. The sleeves knit the intended length, and in the final row we remove to the desired width of the sleeve, after the edge we connect a row of pico.

Knitting diagram tunic:

Openwork tunics Crochet for the summer: Schemes and descriptions with photos

Openwork tunics Crochet for the summer: Schemes and descriptions with photos

Outfit for Pyshechyk

Each woman wants to look attractively and refined, regardless of its complex. Therefore, beautiful tunics can be knit for complete women, which will eventually give visual lightness and tenderness. Small patterns in the tunics perfectly hide all the flaws of a woman.

This model fit on the dimensions of S / M L XL / XXL. The tank of small squares will give the opportunity to feel convenience and comfort, even when there is a high temperature of the air, and the tunic of this color visually makes a woman slimmer.

For this product, NOVITA Bomba is perfect for 68% of bamboo and 32% of cotton 500 g. For such a tunic you need to take a hook at number 3. This model is provided in the photo.

Openwork tunics Crochet for the summer: Schemes and descriptions with photos

Schemes and description of this product are shown below.

The back of the tunic and in front of the scheme is taking into account the circle in the circle of the entire product, to the armor. It is necessary to dial air loops 300/340/380 and another 3 loops for lifting. After everything is done according to the scheme. The rapport of this pattern is 20 kettles and 10 rows. When viscating and taking into account the size, 15/17/19 reports were published - 30, 34, 38 squares. Upon receipt during the mating 50/50/55 of the row and 10/10/11 squares in height, then the canvas must be divided into half - the back and the front part.

Tuni's backs: already upon receipt of 14, 19 and 19 row -2, 2, 3 squares, and in the subsequent square motif 4 or 9 row, then in the middle of the product it is necessary to highlight 3-5 rapport -7 motifs, for the neck and begin to knit Premises separately from each other. In each part, it should be 2 = 2.5-3 figures -4, 5, 6 squares. 5 row binds - one square. The next runtime must be knitted similarly.

Article on the topic: Takes the needles: Description and Schemes for beginners with video lessons

Openwork tunics Crochet for the summer: Schemes and descriptions with photos

The shelf tunic: It is necessary to connect 9-14-14 rows -1, 2, 2 squares, and in the subsequent square 4 or 9 row. In the next row, it is necessary to allocate in the center of 7 squares -3.5 rapport - the neckline of the neck and the armor knit alone. On each side there should be 2-2.5-3 rapport - 4, 5, 6 squares. Next you need to tie 10 rows - 2 squares. Now the second prum is tied. When all work is finished, you need to connect the resulting products.

Video on the topic

In this article, a collected video formation, how to tie an openwork tunic with a hook.

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