What glue to choose to textile wallpaper


Do you need the best textile wallpaper glue? Go to the nearest building supermarket or store for the construction of building materials and ask the seller of the consultant to recommend you the best composition - it will be a simple solution.

What glue to choose to textile wallpaper

German makeup is ready to work

Glue for vinyl

Having learned from you that glue for textile wallpaper. He will advise to buy the one who recommends the manufacturer in the instructions on rolls. This will definitely be the best choice. If it is impossible to find the recommended composition, most of the sellers of consultants will advise the use of "super vinyl".

This glue is a vinyl cluster and anti-grab additives. This means that the moisture will not pass through the wallpaper and the air will not fall. A black mold is not formed on the wall.

What glue to choose to textile wallpaper

The composition for heavy beverages from French professionals

It happens that a person needs such a glue that can be attached not only textile, but also other types of wallpaper. Then the seller consultant recommends universal for heavy cloths of the composition. This is a CMC-Profit, Bustilat with Moment, and Cleasters, suitable for textile and heavy vinyl wallpapers.

Almost all major manufacturers who have long work on the market and specialize in the release of adhesives in a wide range, introduced a fungicide and antiseptic into their composition. These additives prevent fungus or black mold on the surfaces of the walls. Bacteria provoking rotting material also due to the additives, do not develop.

Remember it if you look for wallpapers in the kitchen, bathroom and boldly buy formulations for heavy wallpapers from well-known manufacturers.

Of course, it is best if you get the glue recommended by the wallpaper manufacturers on the roll, but if these are exclusive French wallpapers, it will be extremely difficult to choose the recommendation. In general, if you do not find, buy only quality. Mark Seller consultant will tell, most often it will be present in his store.

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What formulations are often used for textiles

Textile wallpaper hard. No shrinkage after sticking on the wall will not be. Therefore, the composition needs reliably fixing them on the walls. Often sellers consultants recommend "Pufas GTV Roll-Kleber". Very high-quality composition produced in Germany. Packaging into small 200 g and standard 500 g of packs.

What glue to choose to textile wallpaper

Standard tutu of german glue

This composition can be attached to any convenient way:

  • Apply it on wallpaper, and then attach them to the wall.
  • Lubricate the wall. Apply and customized strip.

Standard packs are enough to salary from 20 to 25 m2. In addition, you can purchase any other suitable glue. Work on the preparation of the walls of the walls will be similar, regardless of the manufacturer.

Cooking surface

  1. Watch the old wallpaper with water and remove the spatula from the wall. If there was a whitewash, wash it with water using a sponge.
  2. If you notice on the wall of dents or cracks, they need to sharpen them. Collecting water glue can be applied to all the walls of the room. Wait, when dried (from 2 to 8 hours) and the glue wallpaper.
  3. If the primer is not doing the glue, then you follow the wall to be completely clean and dry. In addition to this degreased.
  4. If the wall is made of such a material that perfectly absorbs moisture, it is pre-inflicted in predetermined. Choose such that deeply penetrates and will not allow moisture to leak on the wallpaper. High-quality adhesives in any case impede it.

Cooking glue

Take the plastic, galvanized or enamel bucket or a basin. The main thing is that the dishes are roomy. Pour 3.5 liters of clean water. Large spoon make a vortex funnel and suck there slowly powder. Constantly stir 1 or 2 minutes. Now let it stand 3 minutes.

What glue to choose to textile wallpaper

Ready glue in non-standard containers

Mix thoroughly and you can use PUFAS.

Council. When used for textile wallpaper, follow the instructions and take into account the manufacturer's recommendations. Keep the remains of a dry mix closed. Follow the moisture to make up the composition.

Super vinyl

Consider the popular composition "Bristol Super Vinyl". It is implemented in small packages of 150 g and in the standard 300 g. The surface of the walls prepare similarly as for the above considered PUFAS glue.

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Cooking glue

Look at the instruction how much water is required for packaging and pour it into a plastic or any other bucket. Water should be a bit warm. Approximately 25 ° C. The manufacturer recommends (there is a table) and the adhesive ratio for a particular type of cavities, in our case textile. Divide in such a proportion.

What glue to choose to textile wallpaper

Glue composition from English manufacturer

Now take a big spoon. Create a water circulation in the bucket and slightly retreating from the edge, gradually spare powder. At the same time, continuously stir for about 30 seconds. Let 15 minutes. We stand and mix thoroughly. Our composition is ready to use.

Apply the composition

Cut the desired band size. On the inside with a brush from the center towards the edges, evenly distribute the glue. Do not forget that the edges need to be carefully handled so that they do not dug.

Now the edges are flexing to the middle of that skled side. It is required to get an online jack. It is impregnated with a web minimum 5, a maximum of 10 minutes. So advises the manufacturer. There is instructions and how to stick stripes.

Semin Sem Murale.

Ready universal composition for textile canvases and other coatings. You can buy it in a bucket of 1, 5, 10 or 20 kg. It is transparent, without lumps, white dairy shade, like jelly. Do not dump the surface. It does not appear on textiles. Perfectly impresses the wallpaper base.

Apply it to a brush or roller on the canvas. It easily slides on the wall and you can freely customize the strip to the jack strip. There is a minimum of 5, a maximum of 10 minutes. The composition will not drip or flow, which is nice.

What glue to choose to textile wallpaper

Glue fans in finished form in small buckets

Boots the strips to concrete, any with a smooth surface blocks, if there is a finish primer and the surface is smooth. Wallpapers will dry at least 12 and to 24 hours.

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The factory pack is stored 6 months. Put the powder into such a place so as not to expose to the big heat or cold. + 5-35 ° C Optimal storage temperature.

When used, consider the conditions:

  1. Air temperature in the room is minimal +10 ° C, maximum +35 ° C.
  2. The manufacturer on the label folds the rules. As optimally sticking them. Follow the recommendations.
  3. If you finish and remain a mixture, close the bucket tightly.
  4. If you need to leave plastic, then SEM-SOL XXL will suit more.

The best primers:

  1. If the surface of the wall is loose, well absorbed, recently renovated, then you need DurciFond.
  2. If the room often has increased humidity, it takes anti-humidite.

How to put the junctions

The next strip is adjusted below the pasted. You have 2 or 3 minutes. To come closely to fit them together. Align in the drawing. If the edges dug up, use the Kleo special composition for correction. Slip the edges of the wallpaper and press to the wall.

What glue to choose to textile wallpaper

Glue to work with the joints of the wallpaper, allows you to get rid of small defects

So that in the future the canvas did not disappear, try once again not to go out of the room, do not drive the air and in no case for another 3 days do not open the window, windows. Wallpapers should be secured. Under normal conditions, you do not have to make repairs in 5 or 6 times more often than 5 or 6 years, or even less often.

What be sure to consider when choosing glue

For textile wallpapers you need only high-quality glue. When you choose the composition, consider such basic characteristics:

  1. The main thing is that the composition is not marking and leave no spots.
  2. Follow the instructions on the package, how to cook and apply glue.
  3. The sustainability of the composition at high humidity is important.
  4. Need anti-grab additives.

We hope that now the topic of preparation and sticking wallpaper from textiles has become transparent and understandable for you.

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