How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations


Before starting repairing a loggia, it is necessary to find out how to cover the floor on the balcony is better.

How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations

Balcony is a place that is actively operated in the household. Most want the selected floor coating material on the balcony complied with the following requirements: durability, reliability, beautiful appearance.

When choosing an finishing floor covering for this attachment, experts recommend to take into account the fact that the loggia regularly occurs a large temperature difference and humidity indicator.

Factors influencing the choice of material for landscaping

The finishing coating on the floor for the balcony is selected taking into account, both aesthetic and practical considerations. So, for example, the contamination of this design has a direct impact on the hygiene of the apartment. Especially if the floor is stacked on the open balcony. In this case, the question of choosing the finishing coating for an open loggia plays a decisive role in the purity of housing. The selected material for the landscaping of the floor must withstand both winter frosts and spring warming. The future of the flooring of the loggia should not be deformed from excess moisture.

How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations

Use atmospheric paints with marking "1". They are convenient for outdoor use. Applicable indoors with low or high temperature conditions.

The simplest method of facilitating wet cleaning of the floor is the painting of the finishing coating of the weatherproof paint. However, it should be noted that on the balconies, the more open type, the wooden floor device is rarely stacked. Pain in the same cement surface paint is inappropriate, because after a couple of years such a coating will again need painting. You can do it in one day. However, such a coating does not have a presentable look, although it performs its functions worthy. For painting the floor will be required:

  • capacity;
  • paint (depending on the parameters of the balcony);
  • Tassel either roller;
  • Diluent or Olife (depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer of paint);
  • Gloves (if necessary).

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Linoleum - Economical Option for Glazed Balcony

How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations

Linoleum, like a floor covering, enjoys considerable success due to its durability and relative strength. Modern linoleum is beautiful, muffles the steps, easy to use, has sufficient thermal insulation.

Some households believe that it is better to make the floor on the balcony with a linoleum than at the expense of paint. After all, such a coating is well amenable to care. However, his big minus is a gliding during wetting. In this regard, the specialists of the construction company recommend glazing the loggia. Compared with paint, linoleum is easily careful. However, even the most qualitative material of this type does not withstand the temperature differences and severe frosts. Because of the falling under the linoleum of water, he starts to rot. As for the installation of such an finishing, the linoleum is easily and quickly stacked. Unlike painting gender, linoleum requires the preparation of the foundation. To do this, it will be necessary to draw the following steps: Align the base, to project it and give time to dry. After that, you can proceed to the new screed and primer work.

How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations

Linoleum is attached to a clean and dry surface, usually in one piece, if it allows the configuration of a balcony or loggia. After the flooring after 10-15 days, the linoleum will completely straighten.

Next, the linoleum will need to spread and give it time for stretching. Specialists are recommended before mounting a linoleum to lay the Fanoire. It will allow the finish flooring, how to "breathe" and not absorb moisture. For such sex, the following tools will be required:

  • roller;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • Level and metal line;
  • big scissors;
  • brush with soft bristles;
  • putty knife;
  • vinyl adhesive tape;
  • Dry floor screed.

Ceramic tile and porcelain stoneware, what is better?

Ceramic tile is a great way to make an open balcony terrace. But in this case, it will be necessary to purchase ceramic tiles with a rough surface and high frost resistance. At the same time, glue for this material and grout for seams should also have similar properties. Specialists of construction companies know the ceramic tiles. Make this job more difficult than to lay linoleum or paint the floor.

Article on the topic: Expert Tips - What Linoleum is better to choose

How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations

Ceramic tile tolerates various atmospheric effects, does not break and does not bend like linoleum. Such floors with confidence can be called reliable and durable, if properly approach this issue.

This will require the following inventory:

  • slab
  • building level,
  • Mixer and drill,
  • Capacity for glue,
  • putty knife,
  • Bulgarian with dryness
  • diamond spraying crowns
  • Rubber spatula for grouting seams,
  • Crossings.

Stop the tile on the floor of the loggia is better on the stretched thread. At the same time, the edge will be necessary to make an indent to one row. Baptists for tiles are better to buy according to its size. In the process of installing the first tile, it is necessary to check that it lay down in each diagonal, both across and along. The two following tiles are stacked near the ladder. They also need to be monitored by level. When laying subsequent tiles, carefully check their level is no longer required. Porcelain tiles are great for the improvement of an open loggia in areas with a harsh climate. This material has the maximum density and lack of a porous structure. It is perfectly withstanding frost to - 50. ° C and heat to + 50 ° C. This coating has high strength and wear resistance.

How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations

The surface on which laying of porcelain stoneware or tile will be made, must be smooth, strong, without cracks and contamination, freed from materials that reduce its agidesevity.

Stacked porcelain stoneware as the floor tile. But, unlike painting, the foundation will need to align. Next to the floor and the glue is superimposed on the tile. It is necessary to choose it with the acquired porcelain tile. As for the inventory, it will take: to improve the floor of the floor of the flooring

  • capacity,
  • Drill and mixer
  • spatulas
  • slab
  • Roulette, level,
  • Rubber hammer.

From materials it will be necessary to purchase porcelain stonewares, cross, primer for the base, grouting for seams, tile glue, silicone sealant.

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Decong and Carpet - Pros and Cons

Decing is a durable and lightweight material that is made of solid wood species or wood-polymeric composites. The quality of Decing does not have a negative effect of precipitation and temperature fluctuations. Supply such a device is easily, as Decing is presented in the form of modular structures that are fixed with each other similar to the constructor. You can set such a floor to lag. Unlike tiles, Decing light material.

How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations

The benefit of the application of decoing (terraced board): lightweight and fast installation, flat surface, easy care, a large selection of colors, high-quality imitation of wood of various breeds, including valuable.

For this, the following tools will be required:

  • level;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • tracker;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • scrap;
  • screws, nails;
  • wedge.

According to experts, laying carpet better on a glazed and insulated loggia. However, it is necessary to put this device only on a flat surface. Double deviations should not exceed 4-5 mm. Otherwise, the base must be aligned, and carpet to withstand on the balcony for three days.

How to cover the floor on the balcony: recommendations

Carpet is able to organically fit into any interior design. It provides pleasant tactile sensations. This is the perfect solution in the case when the loggia is construed into the rest room or the working office.

To lay this material, the following inventory will be required:

  • knife;
  • roller;
  • tool for cutting the plinth from carpet;
  • Kickker;
  • Iron for docking carpet pieces;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Influenses;
  • glue.

There are other types of materials used for the landscaping of the floor on the loggia. It is better to choose the finish coating in each case individually.

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