How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with their own hands


After the construction of a wooden house from a bar, it is necessary to deal with this situation - I want to see a reliable draft base from above, instead of wooden beams for the incarnation of conceived design, installation of decor and spectacular interior. To cover the ceiling, I did not have to hire masters, it is enough to fulfill the generally accepted rules to make a wooden ceiling with your own hands reliable for many years.

Wooden beams are used mainly in private houses, in apartments - concrete floors. But it is quite possible to make a beam design with the overhaul of the roof on the last floor, it is better than the creation of a concrete partition.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with their own hands

Wooden beams are used mainly in private houses.

Preliminary preparation

It is necessary to calculate all the costs needed to build a draft base.

We will need:

  1. Ladder;
  2. Building kids;
  3. Selflessness, screwdriver;
  4. Trying material, heat and vaporizolation;
  5. Construction level, stationery knife;
  6. Antiseptic, construction glue, fire prevention.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with their own hands


At first, I inspect the beams for the presence of defects: cracks, chips, curvature, mold, smearing the cracks with putty, suspicious places clean, processing the antiseptic, primer, after which they can be painted if you need to do once and for centuries.

The draft base together with beams can be treated with an antiseptic with the addition of a teaspoon of construction universal glue, so that the mixture does not drip and created a stronger film.

Chernovaya ceiling finish

There are many durable materials for the black ceiling binder device, the embodiment of the intended interior, the special design of the room, even without facing, under the antique. Depending on the purpose of the interior of the room, decoration is selected, decor.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

Barbell ceiling

For example, for rough repair, interior, when designing design, the decor in the bath can not be used by the following elements:

  • Various wooden ceiling panels: chipboard, fiberboard, plywood, because with high humidity they will deform.
  • Plastic, they can be separated by a draft base, a ceiling under a tree and ancient, emphasize the design even without facing the trim, but it has bad thermal insulation properties, condensate will form, and then mold on trim.
  • Timber containing resins that will drip down when heated. It can be a rake and MDF, it is important to clarify before purchasing.

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Mounting board

It is a reliable basis for the incarnation of conceived design. The design of the processed boards by either narrower slats, clapboard, which even without facing is able to emphasize any design, especially under the old days.

Boards are attached at a distance of no more than 30-40 cm from each other - if we do not have enough money. Ideally - online with minimal gaps between each other. Also, if the wooden ceiling will be placed heavy clay with a decor under ancient, it is necessary to connect the rails not on one beam, and in a checkerboard, if the facing decoration is clapboard, plates, plasterboard - then you can save a lot of time consolidating all the rails on one beam .

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

The design of the processed boards or narrower rates

There is one method for a high-quality device of a draft ceiling, which I really like: boards (inches, 25 mm) are not trimmed along the length (6 m), do not serve through the window, doors, and outside, under lags, on the side of the building, all the rails immediately . For this, there are enough two people, you need to make it so that the distance between the wall and the beam lying on it was 5 cm, also the boards with each other, I fix the metal plate. Under their Mauerlat (Wooden Rake, for the convenience of the construction), under it - Ruberoid strips, from three sides, the 4th side is needed to supply wooden slats and materials, I install the last beam with Mauerlat on this side at the end.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

Boxes in a private house

Subtleties at the initial decoration of the board

Consider the main subtleties of work, allowing to make a draft base and a wooden ceiling much faster and save a lot of timber.

It is important that the board will be for the entire length of the room, lay down on the walls, which is very convenient, there is no need to equal, cut a lot of boards, actually no small waste. All rails immediately at the entire length are set outside on the wall, then fed by one person, and the second settles them from the inside of the building on another wall.

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How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

Ceiling board

After the material is filed, is then mounted by self-drawing to beams. It should be replaced that even the 2-screws are enough to hold a person on a blackboard from above, which simplifies the assembly and speeds up the work when applying and their amendment. If the length is much more necessary, then the rakes are not attached to the last beam, if less is cut off on the latter beam with an electroll bison along all length, taking into account that on the beam it was possible to fix the rails on the other side.

The missing length is easy to eliminate the same method - the supply of all the material, fixing on the lags, the remaining speaking length is also cut off by an electroll bison, pre-put a smoothly long rail to the material so that the slice was smooth.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

Rough ceiling do it yourself

Finishing ending

The device of our design is that a small slot remains from the edge, for which you cut off the necessary width of the entire length out of an incision, then mount it to beams. Then we have one side with which we have served a timber.

Ruberoids, Mauerlat, remind you to the Ruberoid strips, remind you that we have no timber from the edge, in connection with which the boards can be bent up, for which they are not nourished to the extreme available beam. After the assembly, they are nailed to Mauerlat, and nailed to Brus.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with their own hands

When performing work, do not forget about security

When performing finishing works, it is extremely important not to forget that the wooden ceiling is still not screwed, the bars are not screwed to the edge, it is necessary to be on the walls and in the locations of the beams, to avoid injuries.

There are also MDF stoves - they are a reliable support for the embodiment of designer masterpieces, and finishes. The assembly is carried out much faster than the board. But the ceiling of wooden plates wins against MDF plates, because the remnants will accurately go to the frame for the binder. Not to mention the high price of MDF, therefore the plates lose, but the rough assembly occurs faster, which is a significant plus.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

Upholstery of wooden ceiling

Hydro and vaporizole assembly

To begin with, it should be declared for what the room will be used if one more heated room will be used, then there is no point in the device heat and noise insulation on the draft ceiling, the wooden surfaces spread quite well noise and heat.

Steam barrier is mounted throughout the perimeter of the ceiling, it takes particularly well in the corners, falls down with the allen, the boards are mounted over the overlap. This will help protect the rough base and a wooden ceiling from rotting and mold.

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How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

Parosolation of the ceiling - efficiently and efficiently

Subtleties laying insulation

With incorrect laying of isolation, the destruction of plinths and decor, a draft ceiling, even the emergence of a fire, for which should be slowly learning the instructions, so as not to confuse the parties, because the labeling of different firms can contradict each other.

Important! If suspended ceilings are not planned, and the distance from point lights to the draft ceiling will be less than 5 cm, then when assembling insulation, it is necessary to know in advance the places of fastening of the lamps, since the insulation may turn around from temperature.

It is enough to cut in the material circles about 20 cm, around the planned lamp, it will create good fire safety, which is extremely important for the wooden house, and wooden decor elements. It is important to install these places even during the installation of the material - measuring from the wall of the place, then put the label from above, in the form of a circle with a diameter of 20 cm.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

Comprehensive thermal insulation reduces energy projects

The same applies to vapor barrier, although the material is quite durable, but unstable to high temperatures, it can melt and lead to a fire, especially if the rough, facing decoration and decor are made untreated with lining. Thus, the underlined design can lead to the sad consequences for the interior and the integrity of the room.

But since the lamps and decor are mounted not to the rough ceiling, like the wiring, it is enough to be lower, in the places of fastening, install heat-reflecting foil on steam barrier, 20 per 20 cm squares. It will not be seen, but it will help save the interior of the room, and not damage the intended Design with decor.

How to make a draft ceiling on wooden beams with your own hands

Installation of thermal insulation in a wooden ceiling

As we see a wooden ceiling with your own hands it is possible to do quickly and efficiently. In addition, it is possible to strip the draft base yourself, faster, better than many workers.

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