What controller choose for solar battery


During the use of the solar battery, the most difficult stage is to preserve the accumulation of energy. Electricity is produced only in a bright period of time, and the flow rate is also in day and night. Of course, there are batteries, but it is impossible to use them directly, because everything will fail. In this case, you need to use special controllers that will regulate the flow rate. In this article, we will tell you which controller to choose for the solar battery with your own hands and tell the main secrets.

Types of Solar Controllers

  1. ON / OFF controller. It can be called the simplest, the principle of its work is only that it turns off the supply of electricity when the battery is fully charged. But, there is also the first drawback, the battery reacts not at 100% and by 70%, so it fails to quickly. Of the advantages of such a device, it is possible to name its low cost, plus each controller can collect with their own hands.
    What controller choose for solar battery
  2. PWM or PWM are more advanced devices. They provide stepwise charging of the battery, allowing him to extend the service life. The charge modes are chosen automatically, the battery may charge up to 100%, which is already considered a great number. However, there is also a battery loss of up to 40% - this is a disadvantage.
    What controller choose for solar battery
  3. MPPT controller. It can be called the best, it allows you to organize the cost-effective and high-quality work of the battery and solar panels. This device works on computing technology and independently chooses the optimal charge of the AKB. We also recommend reading what the best manufacturers of vacuated solar panels.
    What controller choose for solar battery

What controller choose for solar battery
What controller choose for solar battery

Based on the above description, it can be understood that ON / OFF the controller is not suitable for long-term use. It can only be installed as a tester for the operation of the entire system. It is not recommended to use it, because the prices of the battery remember everything.

What controller choose for solar battery

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It is better to look at PWM or PWM or MPPT, they are more functional. Of course, the cost is biting on them, but it is worth it. If we talk for MPPT technology, it significantly prolongs the life of the battery, because the charge holds at 93-97%, in PWM or PWM 60-70%.

Price on controllers

Any solar power station is collected only for savings, so that overpaying the extra money to buy expensive components is bad. Interesting article on the topic: how to choose an inexpensive battery for solar power plant.

We have collected for you the two most popular solar controller, which are universal and best in the price / qualities ratio:

  1. MPPT Tracer 2210RN Solar Charge Controller Regulator It costs $ 75, universal, recognizes day / night, there are quality certificates and excellent efficiency - 93%.
  2. Solar Controller 20a We allocated because of the low price - only $ 20. Works on PWM or PWM technology, can be controlled using a computer. A simple and understandable interface is installed, it allows you to easily install all the standard settings.

How to make a controller for solar battery with your own hands video

Everyone should understand that the controller for solar cells can be collected with your own hands, but for this you need to buy some additional items. But it is beneficial, because you can collect PWM or PWM in just 10 dollars. All this you will find in the video that we found for you online. It is worth noting that MPPT controller at home is impossible.

Article on the topic: The best manufacturers of solar panels.

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