How to cook wallpaper glue at home


Repairs are always troublesome events that, in addition to hard work, also suggest large cash costs. Everyone is trying to save on any little things. If you can glue on the walls, the glue can be made personally.

How to cook wallpaper glue at home

Ingredients for the preparation of adhesive composition

The resulting product in quality will not give up with ready adhesive compositions, but it will definitely be saved to save.

Classic adhesive preparation recipe

Such wallpaper glue can be prepared from flour. It is actively used for sticking paper wallpaper. The main advantage of such a composition remains not toxicity, so it is absolutely safe to apply at home. As mentioned above, the main ingredient is flour, which can be found in any house. Before making glue, it is necessary to determine the consumption of adhesive composition. To break the 2.3 roll of wallpaper, there are 1 liters of glue.

How to cook wallpaper glue at home

The main component of the adhesive composition

To prepare the composition you need to take the following items:

  • Capacity for the production of glue;
  • Flour in the amount of 60 g and 1 liter of water.

To make the adhesive composition for wallpapers at home, you can use the following action plan:

  1. Heat the water so that it starts to boil. Take another container, connect the flour and cold water so that the mixture is obtained, a consistency resembling sour cream. Watch that there is no lumps in the cooked product.
  2. Thin jet pour hot water into the resulting composition, while stirring with a spoon all the time.
  3. When everyone was stirred, then the container is again installed on fire, wait until boils and use after cooling.

The resulting self-made consistency glue should resemble thick sweets. You can prepare the adhesive composition for wallpaper not only with flour, but also starch. In terms of its properties, these two adhesives do not differ by anything, but they will be able to compete with many industrial compositions, such as CMC.

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How to cook wallpaper glue at home

The desired consistency of the adhesive composition, can be repaired repair work.

If you are afraid to distribute glue on the canvas, you can first test it a bit. Apply the composition into two small cuts of wallpaper, and then glue them with each other.

You can carry out gloves on any surface, as well as achieve an excellent paper and cardboard hitch. In general, carry out experiments and make sure the high quality of self-made wallpaper glue.

PVA glue

The next adhesive composition, which can be obtained independently, is called PVA glue. Many people believe that at the factory, this composition for plating wallpapers is made by some special technology. This opinion is erroneous, since at home to actually make a similar composition and save money at the same time.

How to cook wallpaper glue at home

Factory packaging PVA glue

This product is considered to date the most common. In addition to sticking wallpaper, it is actively used in the office, construction. For this reason, PVA glue can be called unique. If you are interested in this product, then it is worth considering the recipe for which it is preparing:

  • Water purified - 1 l;
  • Photographic gelatin - 5 g, it is really found in the store, which is engaged in the implementation of goods for cameras;
  • Glycerin sold in a pharmacy - 4 g;
  • Wheat flour from the grocery store - 100-150 g;
  • Alcohol - 20 ml.

The process of preparation of PVA glue is conditionally divided into two stages. The first is a predetermined work, which involves the procedure for soaking gelatin. To do this, take a glass of water and send the product presented there. The second stage is already directly preparation.

How to cook wallpaper glue at home

Glue PVA domestic destination, for work on the house

When the gelatin scatter (about a day), it is possible to prepare glue:

  1. Take distilled water and heated it in a water bath. After that, it is worth sending the gelatin there, thoroughly stirred with flour so that lumps are not formed.
  2. Install the resulting mixture in the container on the fire, wait until it boils, but not boil. When the mixture becomes a thick consistency, it will become white, then constantly interfere with the wallpaper glue that it is adopted by a homogeneous structure and was without clots.
  3. Now you can send glycerin and ethyl alcohol. At the same time, it is very important to stir the mixture all the time so that it acquires the maximum dense. It is necessary to interfere for 10 minutes so that you do not think that two stirs will be enough.
  4. When the glue homemade glue is cooled, it can be used for sticking of the canvas.

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If you need to glue the dug wallpaper, the presented composition will be the perfect option. It is very easy to do at home, spending at least time and money. The glue is based on dextrin, which can also be done at home, and not to search in the store. You can cook it from starch.

How to cook wallpaper glue at home

In this recipe, the basic element of starch, and not flour

This ingredient is taken in the desired volume, and after placing in the heat-resistant container, which then put in a slightly heated oven. Bake starch is necessary at a temperature of 160 degrees for half an hour. Thanks to the effect of hot air, starch begins to decay and goes into dextrin. After that, you can make homemade glue.

Required components:

  • dry dextrin - 60 g;
  • water - 4-5 spoons;
  • Glycerin - 1 spoon.

To get glue, it is necessary to mix dextrin and water. After installing on the fire, it is silent to heat so that the powder can be powdered well, while it is necessary to mix all the time. After that, the glycerin can be added. On this, the prepared composition can be used for sticking paper canvases.

Moisture-resistant composition

When you are going to glue the wallpapers in a room where there is an elevated level of humidity. If you beat the wallpaper in the bathroom, you can not worry that after a while they will dug, since such glue has high moisture resistance.

How to cook wallpaper glue at home

Granulated joinery glue

To get it, you need to take ordinary carpentry and send it to the water until the swelling occurs. Now you need to pour it into a bowl with flaxseed oil and wait until the mass become a pupil.

Get homemade glue is easy even at home. In addition, the composition is obtained quality, it does not require special efforts and money. All components used can be found at home. Also, the homemade product is considered absolutely harmless, because only natural components are present in its composition. If you take advantage of the presented recipes, the result obtained will enjoy you.

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