Distance between pillars


Distance between pillars

Distance between pillars

Distance between pillars

Distance between pillars

Distance between pillars

Distance between pillars

Fences are of various types - from modern fences with horizontal metal stakenists, order which can be on the site zabor2000.ru, to brick or from the chain grid. The choice always remains for the owner of the country area, but with its independent installation or construction, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the design, and most importantly - the distance between the columns in the 1st span. From this depends on the sustainability, reliability and durability of the entire design.

The length of the span between the supports is chosen depending on the type variety. In the greatest demand enjoy the enclosing structures from such materials:

  • brick (stone);
  • Professional flooring;
  • wood;
  • Rabitz.


When building a fence from brick or stone poles, as a rule, they are made from similar material or reinforced concrete. The distance between the columns is predominantly provided within 2.5-3.5 m. It is found with spans up to 6 m, when the total length of the fence is too big, and the finance for the purchase of building materials is limited. In this case, in order to increase the strength characteristics, the design is recommended to additionally reinforce - in the seams between the rows of bricks (for all their length) additionally lay steel wire with a cross section of 4-6 mm. It is more expedient to reinforce every 2-3 rows.

There are many options for designing brick fences - with forged sections, inserts from professional flooring, wood, mesh, etc. But this should in no way reflect on the length of the span between the supporting supports - it should be no more than 3.5 m.

Installing the posts for installation of a fence from a professional flooring, boards and grids Rabitsa

As a pillars for fences from these materials, it is advisable to use a profile pipe with a cross section of 40 × 20 or 40 × 40 mm. It is allowed to use a round tube with a diameter of 40 mm or a corner No. 63.

Under the installation of supports, it is necessary to prepare a hole with a depth of 500-600 mm and a width of 300-400 mm, accommodate the prepared post in it and score a little into the ground. Tamper to a height of 100-200 mm unscrewed slag and pour the base with concrete to the level with the surface of the Earth. This will significantly increase the rigidity of the fence.

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When creating a fencing between the columns, the distance within 2-3 m should be observed. These are optimal values, with which the high strength of the design is ensured and the minimum complexity of the process is ensured. The increase in step leads to a decrease in the reliability of the fence, its increased tendency to deformation, and as a result - unreasonable financial costs for recovery.

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