Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands


The arrangement and melting of the site involves creating tracks. Moreover, the requirements for them are quite serious: they must be reliable, comfortable, functional, beautiful and very desirable - inexpensive. On how to make garden tracks with your own hands with low cost, let's talk in this article.

What makes the tracks

The path of the track is solid or bulk. The following materials are used to create a solid coating:

  • Concrete . Conceonated tracks are not only the usual gray tape. In addition, that there are dyes and it can be decomposed if desired. There are still forms to fill immediately in place. It turns out homemade paving slabs. Another option is to pour on your own small concrete slabs of the desired size, then put them on the subference. For examples of registration, see the photo.

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    And everyone has forms for such a path in the farm - cut on the cylinders of water cylinders for water, place them as you need and pour with a solution: beautiful and cheap

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Large pebble as a filling and plates from colored concrete

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Another option of laying homemade concrete slabs in the garden path

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    And this is a concrete path with compensation seams. If you look around, it can be seen that the stripes are accepted across. This is to be wet surface to be non-slip

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Another of the finished forms for homemade paving slabs

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Due to the border and nonlinear form looks attractive

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Simple concrete tape can be decorated to your liking

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    So bridge the path in the country or near the house using ready-made forms in which concrete solution is poured

  • Flagstone. This is a natural stone that cut into the plates. It is placed on the prepared basis (about it further), the gaps are filled with backing. It turns out beautiful, reliable, several. No wonder it is the stone tracks from the tumka so love landscape designers.

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Failure is one of the important elements that shape appearance

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    In this form, the track from the flap does not break the lawn, and it is convenient to walk

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Stone color can be any

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Quite cute tracks from the old brick. And if the backfill is made on the sides and in the seams, there will be generally beauty

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    These are two types of bricks - ceramic and grinding

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    The track from the clinker brick is beautiful, you will not say anything .... Maybe too beautiful for the garden?

  • Wood . Such seemingly inappropriate material, but with proper processing, it can serve for a long time. Moreover, many of the wood made by their own hands can be attributed to the discharge of low-cost. For example, invented the use of hemps and spins of trees as borders or coverage. Also make flooring from well-processed boards - it's better to terrace, but if not, it will be suitable from the old floor.

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Stroye tree can become a great track

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    This option is wooden bridge for giving

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Correctly treated tree can serve several years

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Combination with pebbles - convenient to walk

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Gorgeous track for a plot near the house

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    And this is how to make a walkway from the boards

  • Plastic. There is a tile for garden tracks from plastic - polyethylene or polypropylene. It has a square shape and system of locks, which is attached one to the other. It can be stacked right on top of the lawn or the previously trotted in the country or on the trail site. This option is quick and cheap. It can be called "with low costs." It is better, of course, to make the rules to the mouth of rubble and sand, and to lay plastic elements on top. This is a little longer and more expensive. There is still an indiscreet, but very beautiful version of plastic tiles for tracks. There is also a "garden parquet". These are plates or boards of wood-polymer composite - DPK (they are in the photo, look exactly like parquet). This material appeared relatively recently. In appearance and sensations, it looks like wood, and in essence - a mixture of wood flour and polymer. These are very beautiful coverage, but there is no modest value. Although not fabulous.

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    The plastic track in the country or on the site is good because it is possible in a few minutes

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Another type of plastic tiles for tracks

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    It is a garden parquet. Elegantly, but it is indisputable

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    And another variant of the polymer tile for garden yeast

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    And this is a bunch of plastic tiles for the garden

  • Pebbles. These are rounded natural stones that can be found on the banks of the rivers or lakes. For making tracks, more flat pebbles are suitable. There are different shades of gray, black, white, sometimes you can find burgundy. Of these stones laid alone to another, the mosaic paths are obtained by amazing beauty. But this is a lesson for the perfected and stubborn. Those who have a patience lack, can find large flat boulders or large pebbles and put them in the sand. It is not so luxurious, but no less reliable. You can also enroll with granite or other similar stones. It is important that at least one face is relatively flat. This flat part and exhibit up, the rest burst. Work is not easy, but on the track you can not only walk, but also ride.

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Different types of tracks from alert

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Large pebble does not require so much time to lay

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    Beautiful pebble paths in the garden.

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    From a large natural stone, you can choose good corners

  • Screw materials. Country tracks make old tires and bottles.

Article on the topic: Color a veneered door: Rules of painting

There are still paths with a full-fledged coating: these are gravel or from rubble. Their feature is that with a small layer of 2-3 cm and with sufficient compaction, it is convenient for them. If a layer is slightly larger, irregularities are formed when walking, and such a walking tedious. Because you have seen in many photos, gravel and crushed stone are used as a backbone, which stacked hard elements from other materials. With proper execution, this is convenient: gravel is well conducted water and the puddles are not formed. Those who do not like the gray color can be advised to paint it: many designers do this when organizing rocaries.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Example of a gravel path

About the plot layout secrets here.

How to make garden paths with your own hands

To know little, from which you can make garden tracks with your own hands. You need to know how to make them right, so that it serves not one season and not two. Laying of different materials may differ slightly, but there are several rules and actions that are repeated in any technology.

The first rule : When laying or forming a coating track, it makes it with a slight bias. If the material allows, a slope of several centimeters do on both sides from the center. If, for example, a concrete track is poured, the slope is formed in one direction - from the house, if it is nearby. The slope is taken to the lower part of the site if the track is located on the slope.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Slicing Saddle or Country Track

Second rule : Under any coverage requires the preparation of the base. If you put stones (for example) right in clay or loam, use, of course, it will be definitely more convenient to walk, but the stones are "staring" after some time. Simply will lead to clay. When the device is a subfolder, this will require much more time. And if you still do a drain pillow and a side, the water removal will be even more efficient, and everything will look even more beautiful.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Under the coating required base

Third Rule : The level of covering the track must be a pair of centimeters higher than the adjacent area. Then the water will quickly go, it will be more convenient to clean, and cleaning will need less frequently: there will be no blurred earth or during rains, neither during watering the flower, which often makes along the tracks.

About how to make beautiful beds read here.

Step-by-step instruction

Making garden tracks with your own hands, start with markup. In theory, dimensions and shape should be applied to the site plan, and the markup should occur on the project. But most often everything is done at the place. In order to be viewed, the future track is visually, its contours can be pre-spinning with white sand or something like that. If the form arranges, you can drive the pegs and pull the twine between them, but you can also work on the ot.

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Next, to make a walkway out of stone, tilgeon, bricks, pavers, pebbles and other similar materials such:

  • Between two marks remove the turne. The ditch depth should be about 15-25 cm.
  • On the edge, the border is bored if it is provided.
  • The bottom of the ditches align, removing the roots, stones, eliminating significant pits or hillocks. Dno trambet (tamping in the photo below).
  • Put a layer of rubble large or medium fraction. To save budget, you can fall asleep a broken brick, another major construction trash. If there is a vibroplitis - excellent, if not, take something similar to the tool in the photo (you can make a big log, to which you drink across the handle). Such a tool align the bottom. If garbage was falling asleep, you need to squeeze the rubble slightly a little and put it again.

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    This is Tambrovka

  • The layer of geotextiles on top. His edges climb lifting with sides or even slightly higher. This layer is better not to skip. It does not allow sand, which is usually poured on top to crushed stone, prevents from growing the roots of plants that destroy the path. Very useful thing.
  • Sand pour into geotextile. Its layer should be so that the laid coverage is slightly higher than the overall level on the site. The sand first spread the shovel, then, evenly distributing, roll up with robbles. Then the trambet and level into the level. To align the sand level, you can use a rule (a construction tool that is often used when pouring a concrete floor) or simply take a large line, a construction level, a flat rack. Sometimes you have to plunge several times, to rub, smooth. It is advisable to achieve an ideal surface.

    Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

    One way to level the sand under the path. But it is necessary to insert a pre-board and set them in terms of level. Then they make such a workpiece and sand align, stretching it on the guides

  • In the sand, they laid stone, pebbles, plate, blocking, bricks, etc. They put them in the right place, then knock the rubber Cyans: drive deep into the sand.

Along the beautiful track, you can place a flower garden or flower bed. How to do them, read here.

Beautiful track of pebbles do it yourself

If with a tumor, a paving, brick, more and less clearly - everyone has already seen and more than once, as it is done, then how to lay the pebbles in the patterns are incomprehensible.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Photo instruction on the manufacture of lane

The photo report on the manufacturing process of pebbles is posted below. It shows the main techniques: lines are applied to the aligned sand, which will spread the pebbles. If these are arcs, they are done using threads and two sticks / nails.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Apply a drawing on sand

Selecting the stones, they lay them on the edge close to each other, slightly beating in the sand.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Lay out the stones close to each other

The board is placed on the folded pattern, take a rubber image and knocking on the board, scoring pebbles in the sand. So the whole drawing is plunged, following the edges of the pebbles on the same height.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Stones "Complete" in the sand

Take a mixture of sand and cement (sand 2 parts, cement 1 part) and pour gaps, moving with a brush layer.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Pulling the finished pattern of sand and cement mixture

The fragment of the pebble track is gently watered with water so that the backup does not blur. Waiting for several hours, while a little grab cement, then the surplus is removed with a soft brush.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Surplus of concrete rally remove brush

It is important not to miss the moment: the solution should not get dirty, but also become a stone too. If you pick it up with your finger, it should crumble. It's time to clean the surplus.

About how to grow a green hedge read in the article "Fence Livestore: How to grow and form"

Wooden hemp and crushed stone track: video

Old logs or trees can be turned into a beautiful track. From cutting into a scrabacle of the desired length, the facial spice is grinning, all the wood is treated first the composition of the biomoshtics (can be powered by spent oil). After drying, dip in Kuzbas varnish and dried again. Then cover the paint of the desired color facial pieces of hemp - which will be outward. We are dried again and only then exhibit in the sand.

The process is described in detail in the video. This is step by step explains how to make gardens tracks from hemp or logs with their own hands.

We independently make a concrete track

The process is generally similar to the one that is described in the beginning. There are some differences about which and talk.

After the trench is dug, and the bottom is aligned, formwork is installed along both sides. These are boards from 25 mm thickness (it is thicker, it is thinner undesirable, you can use the phaneer with a thickness of 16-18 mm, chipboard). Their height is the height of the track. If you form a bias, the boards should be placed with its account - one side is slightly higher, the other is just below.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Formwork is exhibited in level - it will be peeling concrete

To make a formwork, a pegs are driven into the ground with a step of no more than 60 cm. They nourish the boards. The inner surface of the formwork is better to smear through working or other oil: to be removed easily. Next to the bottom, crushed stone and tram. But it is necessary to rub it thoroughly: if you go along the bottom, it should not be seen.

Further, so that the track does not crack, the metal reinforcing grid is stacked on crushed stone. The strut thickness is 4-6 mm, step 5-10 cm. It is sold by pieces, they must be bonded with a steel wire.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Reinforcing grid (note that the formwork from slate, it will not be removed)

Then, to compensate for expansion in the winter period, it is necessary to put a wooden plank with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. They are made across the tracks, exhibit so that the height of the planks was to flush with formwork boards. Compensation strips are exhibited at least every 2 meters. More often, it is less common - no. Why make more often? For beauty. Squares look better than long rectangles.

A concrete solution of the brand is poured into the finished frame at least M-250 (about the brands of concrete and make it cooking here). For him, take 1 part of the cement, 3 pieces of sand, 4 - rubble. Everything is kneaded into a solution of average yield (thick sour cream) and poured into a formwork. When pouring, you need to monitor so that there are no air bubbles. To remove them, the solution is picked up with a pin, slightly sharing it - plump. Ideal if there is a surface vibrator for concrete - it quickly seals the solution, creating a perfectly smooth surface. If it is not, you will have to double the rule, using the edges of the formwork as lighthouses.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Approximate conservation concrete

After a few hours, after the concrete is captured, you can process the surface. It can be left as it is, you can spend a rigid brush on it, making transverse strips, you can finally be put in a not quite hardened solution to lay pebbles, stones, tensile, etc. It is not very economical, but reliably. After a couple of days, the formwork can be removed, and on the track can already be walking.

About what fences are and how to make them is written here.

Budget tire track

What you just do not make out of the car: flowerbeds, swing, ponds and ... tracks. Everything is simple: the old tire needs to cut off the sides, leaving only the protector. What can be cut off? Bulgarian. Someone manages a knife, but it is only if the cord is not metallic.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Leave only the protector

The projector is cut across to get a path. Then the sides are made by suns of centimeters 15 - depends on the diameter of the tire. They will be able to deploy rubber.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Do shorts of bent edges - the surface is still non-linear

In this form, it can already be laid on the bed. It will serve for many years. This is exactly the garden tracks at low costs.

Garden inexpensive paths with their own hands

Such a coating will endure for many years of active exploitation.

As you understand, options for how to make garden tracks do it yourself a lot. You can tell about all and it is impossible to describe, but we try ...

About the manufacture of a playground with their own hands is written here.

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