[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?


Cyclamen is a water-loving plant, but it is not worth overdoing. Too frequent watering ensures that the flower will definitely begin to start. In this article, we consider how the frequent watering threatens and what to do if the plant fades.

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?


Cyclamen is a multiple plant. The flower itself is from the Mediterranean. It reaches a height of 30 centimeters. It has flat, oval tubers with a diameter of 15 centimeters. The leaves begin to grow from the root itself, and have a form in the form of a heart. Their color is usually from light green to dark green. The beauty of the leaves gives a silver cut.

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

Cyclamen flowers from light pink to purple color. Usually five petals on bud. Petals have an acute form. His fruit is a box with small seeds.

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?


Watering cyclamen needs to be water, which has room temperature. Water should stand a little before irrigated.

Tip! For irrigation, rain or melt water is best suited.

In order for water to be satisfied, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Pour water into the container and leave for about 6 hours, while you do not need to cover the lid.
  2. After six hours pass, it is necessary to pour some water to remove the top layer.

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

If it is not possible to gain snow to pour a plant with melt water, you can make it yourself. To do this, pour water into a jug, and put it in the freezer. You need to freeze only up to half of the jug. Unnecessary bacteria remain in unnecessary water.


There are signs of which the frequency of watering the cyclameman depends. These features include:

  1. How old is the plant itself;
  2. What time began to develop cyclamen;
  3. The air of the room where the flower grows;
  4. As far as the room is light;
  5. A pot in which the flower grows.

Tip! There is a soil about the need for watering. If it is dry at the depth of the phalange of the finger, then the plant needs watering. It is best to use special moisture measurement devices.

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

In order for the cyclamen's tube to not rot, several drops of phytoosporin can be added to water for watering.

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When cyclamen rests watering can be reduced . You can not bring the soil to complete drying. This will lead to the death of the plant.

When irrigated, it is impossible to fall on the leaves and flower petals. When buds appear, it is impossible to quickly increase watering. This will lead to root rotting. If the plant blooms a whole year, it is necessary to strictly observe watering mode.

The flower feels better if he lack moisture. Much easier to return to the life of a dry tuber than to clean his rot.

Indicators of excess water

Signs of excess and insufficiency of water are very similar. Such signs refers to the wilting of leaves and flowers of the plant. If the leaves in the flower wishes, and the trunk of the crown, this suggests that the plant is flooded with water, and his roots have already begun to rot . In this case, in order to save the cyclamen, it needs to be rehanced immediately.

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

If during the transplantation it was found that they began to rot the roots, then they must be rinsed, and then replant the plant in another pot.

If all the roots have become brown and soft, unfortunately, the plant is no longer saved. In this case, you can cut off the processes from the plant and put them into the water.

If the tuber began to rot, then you need to remove the rotten part, dry and treat activated carbon.

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

Based on the article, it can be concluded that the cyclamen begins to rot from excess moisture. Therefore, you should not pour it with water. Watering should be clearly on schedule . In this case, there will be no problems with him, and the cyclaman will delight with its beauty all year round!

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

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[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

[Plants in the house] Why does the cyclamen start?

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