How to paint the laminated door: features and processing algorithm


Today, laminated coating is considered one of the most durable finishing materials. It is successfully used to arrange the floor, for the manufacture of furniture and interior doors. Repeating both in color and drawing natural wood, the laminate has an attractive appearance, successfully imitating parquet or wood products.

How to paint the laminated door: features and processing algorithm

Laminated door in the context.

Interior doors made with the use of lamination combine long service life, stylish look, good heat and sound insulation characteristics. But even a durable laminated coating, which is constantly used for many years, is able to lose attractiveness. In order to give him a new life, a restoration is necessary, which can often be in painting.

Features Restoration of the coating with paint

How to paint the laminated door: features and processing algorithm

The colors of interior laminated doors.

During operation, laminated doors are covered with scratches and scratches, which are especially noticeable in the area of ​​the door handle. Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of these mechanical damage. Due to its structure, the laminated coating is almost not amenable to any kind of processing.

So, it is impossible to use for the restoration of strongly damaged doors of varnishes or verses, which are extremely popular when processing natural wood. This is explained by the fact that before processing by these materials it will require the restoration of the smoothness of the doors with the help of spacion materials, and they will be visible under the layer of varnish.

Of all the paints and varnishes, only paint is able to give laminate former attractive appearance. But make painting with your own hands is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The main complexity is the complete absence of adhesion, that is, the clutch between the coating and the coloring agent.

Smooth laminated door surface very poorly holds enamel, which is usually used for painting products from wood. The paint can get caught in a month, due to which the doors will look even worse than before processing. To understand the painting principle of laminated coating, it is necessary to consider what is its structure.

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Structure of laminated board

How to paint the laminated door: features and processing algorithm

The structure of the laminated board.

Modern laminate is a material consisting of several layers:

  1. The top layer is a protective coating that is responsible for the stability of the board to a different kind of mechanical damage. As a rule, it is made of paper impregnated with a special solution of corundum and melamine resins.
  2. Decorative coating. It consists of paper, which is due to embossing and painting the texture of wood.
  3. The base is made of plastic or fiberboard. The base is quite dense and the fattest of all layers of the laminated board.
  4. Under the basis there is a substrate (bottom layer) that is responsible for laminate waterproofing. This layer is very difficult to destroy, usually it remains as much even with the strongest influences.

Having considered the composition of the material from which laminated doors are made, it can be understood which technology will be most suitable for staining. First, you need to specially handle the protective layer, giving it a good adhesion. Secondly, it is necessary to align scratches and scratching surfaces, covered them to the depth of no more than 2 layers. After that, it is possible to paint enamel.

Algorithm for painting

Installing interroom doors.

For painting laminated doors, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • rags or rags;
  • sandpaper with grains of different fractions;
  • putty knife;
  • Putty on a tree;
  • White Spirit;
  • Emale PF 115 or PF 226;
  • Brush for painting.

First of all, it is required to prepare the treated surface. For this door, the doors are carefully laundered from possible contaminants and dried. After that, it should be removed all the scratches and scratches, applying coarse-grained sandpaper or grinding machine. All dust is neatly removed using a clean cloth.

The next step is to apply putty. The mixture is applied in 1 or more layers in such a way to make a single integer with an array of the door. When applying multiple layers, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the previous layer. After drying, the sweafing composition is required to align the treated surface using medium-earnest papers.

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Then the door again is cleaned with a clean cloth and makes it matting sandpaper with small grains. The main task here is to make the surface of matte and a little rough, which will significantly increase the adhesion of the protective layer with a coloring matter.

How to paint the laminated door: features and processing algorithm

Painting the door of the canister.

When the door acquired a matte, the same over the entire surface area, it is necessary to wipe it with a soft cotton cloth moistened with White-Spirit. After that, it can be painted. Since the enamel will be applied in several layers, it is required to dilute the White spirit to the liquid state and mix very carefully.

It is necessary to produce not a roller, but a painting brush, which will allow you to better cry the entire surface of the door. The paint should not only be applied, but also thoroughly smear. After applying the paint material, the laminated door must be left to completely dry the paint. It is then applied 1 or more layers of substance.

When the paint is completely dry, the door is ready. To give it a more attractive appearance, you can use varnish, which is applied using a brush or collapse. If necessary, several layers of varnish can be used. Each subsequent layer is required to apply 24 hours after applying the previous one. Varnish coating will give the door strength and aesthetics, make it more durable.

Restoration of laminated doors who do not have serious defects

If the laminated coating door has scratch, but there are no scratches and other serious defects on it, you can use simpler restoration methods.

How to paint the laminated door: features and processing algorithm

Common doors model.

So, a small stain on the doors can be smeared with the marker of the same color as the surface. You can also apply the veil.

In order to handle the door by the verse, you will need to cook:

  • Grinding machine;
  • emery paper "Zero";
  • soft rag;
  • solvent;
  • veil;
  • Malyary roller or paintopult.

The main task in carrying out work is to remove the upper protective layer of the laminated board. It is necessary to do it extremely careful not to damage the foundation. When the protective layer is removed with a grinding machine, the base is neatly processed by sandpaper, and then wiping into a soft cloth moistened in the solvent.

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When the solvent is driving, the surface is required to be treated with a verse. To do this, you can use a roller or pour the solution into the crash. The veil in the same way as paint, it is desirable to apply in several layers. 12 hours after drying, the solution can be treated with lacquer doors.

If the interior doors in the room aged and lost their former beauty, do not rush to throw them out. In order to update the interior, try to paint the laminated doors or treat them with a verse. This method will save the family budget and still long use the destination doors.

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