Repairing a warm floor with your own hands


The modern system "warm floor" ranked its place in many homes and apartments. Sometimes it happens that the "warm floor" system stops working, and this is when the upcoming cold months on the threshold. What to do under such circumstances? Of course, it is possible to solve the problem to radically and fully replace the floor with heating. True, you will have to implement a whole range of works: tiled disassembly, construct screed and, finally, laying a new electric floor. In addition, the cost of such an event is high. And if in the house to repair a warm floor, then you can save a family budget and save the heat and a cozy atmosphere at home.

How the warm floor works

The floors with the function of heating are an electrical system mounted in the floor, the wires of which are located under a tie or tiled design. Thus, the surface of the floor seems to be a big large-sized panel at which heat is uniformly.

The supply of electricity occurs through the cable, which at the same time heats up and gives heat to the floor. Before supplying electricity to the heating mechanism through a temperature controller, with which the warm floor from the current is turned on and off. Also, it helps to install the desired temperature in the sex surface and makes off the warm floor forcibly, if the thermostat is overly heated, which avoids in the future of the defective operation of the device.

The floor with the heating function is assumed to be one of the most convenient ways to create uniform heat in the room. Already many owners of such a system managed to estimate this method of housing heating. The benefits also include saving place in the room, the desired air temperature in the level of plinths, the absence of radiators, which often have an inesthetical appearance.

When you need a warm floor repair

The presence in the house of such a convenient and new-style adaptation, often contributes to the life of the hosts enough of worries and troubles. Another story begins when problems with a substrate for a warm floor arise.

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To repair a warm floor, it is necessary to identify the reasons that caused its malfunction. Competent and professional specialists share the breakdown of the "Warm floor" system into three main categories.

Damage to the heating element

In a situation where it takes a warm floor repair with their own hands, often does not entail complex approaches to the diagnosis of the cause of the breakdown. Heating wire can overdo it for simple reasons. Either the residents of the house were like that, or the laying technology was originally violated during installation, not timely detected.

When repair work was carried out in the apartment to breakdowns using a drill, perforator or saws, the cable may be randomly damaged, for example, if it was thoroughly hidden on the site. When the spoiled wires were found, you can start repairing the "warm floor" system yourself, replacing the damaged cable to the new one.

To correct this damage, you will need to open the screed itself. Putting a damaged wire by attaching the values ​​of the corresponding size in diameter and crimp them with pinching ticks. The connection site is fixed by a heat shrinking clutch, which is pre-heated by the construction hairdryer and give it the ability to cool. This is necessary so that the connection is pulled as much as possible and sealed. The restoration place of the cable for the repair of a warm floor is poured by cement mortar.

Damage to the temperature sensor

The temperature regime sensor failed will still provide an opportunity to work in normal mode, only without using all its power. Its automatic shutdown will not be done, and the electricity consumption will be maximally spent. Nothing will give any attempt to reduce the temperature of the country itself.

The problem with the sensor is solved by means of its complete replacement. Since the sensor when laying is mounted in a special pipe with a corrugated structure, the opening of the walls and the base will not be required. You need to fix the position of the faulty sensor in the pipe and insert a new device into its place.

The establishment of the sensor into the screed, without mounting it into the corrugated pipe, is a violation of the technological process. In the case when the device is set to the base, that is, it is necessary to insert another sensor under the temperature regimen. Here the sensor regulation occurs due to the air movement along the perimeter of the room, and not the internal capabilities of the entire system. The temperature controller also needs to be replaced with a new device. Also read: Warm floor on the balcony.

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Repair works of warm water floor

Operation of warm water floors, subject to all installation rules, will be about fifty years. The guarantee of such impeccable long-term work is the use of whole high-quality pipes in the installation. In the event that the pipe was damaged as a result of the work of the grinder or perforator, it is necessary to deteriorate to repair the water heated floor. The main requirement is the immediate disconnection of water without removing the nozzles from the perforator or the grinder.

To carry out the repair of heating gear, the presence of two fittings, a piece of pipe and press. A place near the pipe breakthrough must be preparing to be preparing, providing unhindered access to the pipe. It is necessary to isolate the special tape of the hose ends so that the dirt does not get into the pipeline. You can put on the ends latex gloves. The final part of the cooked pipe will need to be inserted into the attachment at the end of the area subject to repair. From a piece of inserted pipe, it is required to cut off unnecessary and combine it with the second end of the pipeline. Then it is necessary to subjected it to pressing it.

To check the correctness of the events performed, it is enough to open access to water. If there are no obvious problems, you should pour a repaired area with a screed.

When the breakdown is impossible to reveal

In cases where the diagnostics of the breakage delivers certain difficulties, you need to measure the voltage on the network. Normal working voltage is usually indicated in a technical passport. Data measurements should not leave the following indicators by more than 5%. You need to look at and on the sensor indicating the mechanism. If the light bulb does not burn, the voltage should be measured on the outputs. If there is no voltage, then this is a direct evidence of a thermostat fault or the sensor itself. Also, contacts on the temperature regulator can be faulty. Then the external temperature indicator sensor is subject to check. Try to disconnect it from the thermostat and measure the resistance. Its indicators should vary in the range from 5 to 30 com. The instruction will allow you to determine the desired indicators.

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When checking the thermostat, you must turn off the warming cable. If the malfunctions in the sensor and the temperature regulator are not detected, then the true cause in the absence of heat should be sought in the heating mechanism of the system. To do this, it is required to measure the resistance of insulation and wires, and then make verification of indicators in accordance with the instructions. Low insulating resistance indicator indicates a wedge of heating wire cable, as well as to repair a warm floor. Only special equipment and devices are able to accurately determine the necessary place of damage.

Bugs when installing a warm floor

In order to avoid breakdowns of various character, it is necessary to carry out the right installation. To install a warm floor with high quality, you need to take note of a few moments.
  1. The length of the heating mechanism should be taken into account with a free area, since heating cable wire is not carried out under furniture. This can create opportunities for its damage.
  2. At the time of laying the floor, the heating cable must lie freely, it is not necessary to walk along it.
  3. The surface where the cable is stacked must be clean. Previously must be completely cleaned.
  4. The heating element must comply with the desired parameter, since when making installation, the cable cut can lead to a breakdown of the entire system. This reduces its strength.
  5. The temperature sensor is to embed so that at the time of probable repair, access to it was free.
  6. Near the heating mechanism, it is unacceptable to leave emptiness that usually provokes it out of order.
  7. Sketch-sketch should be made with an indication of the size, which will help in the future in carrying out installation work to avoid its involuntary damage.

After the floor laying is complete, resistance should be measured, whose indicators are important before and after installing the floor heating system. To bring a system into action, you must wait for a complete drying of the screed.

It must be remembered that it is better to make the whole range of activities to prevent possible problems than to eliminate the consequences of a negligence attitude to work. Correctly conducted installation works guarantee the warm floor of the long service life.

Repair of a warm floor video

Recommended reading: warm floor from heating.

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