Features of furniture from Karelian pine


Features of furniture from Karelian pine

Furniture from Karelian pine is popular today. Nature presented the world many unique tree breeds, most popular among which is pine.

Its wood has a unique structure, so the furniture from pine is in great demand, and thanks to its valuable properties are often used for the construction of houses and for cladding saunas and baths. But why exactly pine became so popular?

First of all, due to its prevalence, because in Russia it is represented by almost 50 species that are used in production and in construction. Each variety has its own characteristics, but the general properties characteristic of pine are the amazing aroma of coniferous forest and low cost.

For centuries, our ancestors skillfully used the properties of wood and knew that one kind was more suitable for the construction of houses, the other - for the lining of the bath, the third - for the manufacture of home utensils.

Karelian Pine - Miracle of Nature

Features of furniture from Karelian pine

Karelia - a unique, environmentally friendly natural corner. There are many forest lakes of the bizarre form, as if the mirrors are framed by precious frames of coniferous forests.

Karelian pine forests are fascinated by flavors and bright colors, as if some unlucky artist accidentally poured his palette. Timber, which give the generous Karelian forests, have many beneficial properties that have favorably affect the human body. I did not exception and Karelian pine.

Her and furniture manufacturers are distinguished, since the structure of its trunk has a natural density and protection against rot.

Karelian pine is a real gift of nature, because, besides its unique structure, bizarre drawing and golden, solar color, its wood for a long time retains its initial useful properties. Thanks to this, furniture from Karelian pine is so popular.

What properties is this wonderful tree? First of all, it is a lightweight resin fragrance that retains the furniture from Karelian pine. Essential oils conifers positively affecting a person, possess an antiseptic effect, soothe, which means that the sleep on a pine bed will be healthy and strong. The natural tree "breathes", due to which a normal oxygen exchange occurs in the room, and the air becomes clean and fresh.

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In addition, Karelian pine is very durable. Such an effect gives it a special small-layer structure of the fibers, due to which the excellent density of wood is achieved, and the products from it are durable. A variety of annual rings located at a minimum distance from each other are folded into a unique natural pattern.

Features of furniture from Karelian pine

In nature, as a result of the impact of climatic conditions, the dried tree acquires a light, silver shade. This property noticed designers and took it into service. They offered a specially "together" tree, this effect is achieved through the use of a special production technology.

As a result, a pine array of gray is coming out, thanks to him, the furniture made of karelian pine grip with the effect effect quickly gained popularity, because it can be decorating any interior.

Pine - excellent material!

The tree was used by mankind for thousands of years. Many generations of woodworking secrets were transmitted from generation to generation. But the development of the industry brought us a lot of new, modern materials that can imitate any natural product: stone, wood, etc.

In addition, artificial substances have sufficient strength, but how durable are they? Can the properties of imitated materials or at least do not make harm?

Synthetic and semi-synthetic materials are, of course, more accessible, you can make cheap furniture "from Karelian pine" any colors, but here you can argue about their harmlessness. What you can not say about furniture made of natural natural materials, including about products from pine and other trees.

Considering the purchase of furniture from a pine or from synthetic materials, many preferred the latter, believing that the colors of natural wood are limited. Modern paints and varnish materials help to give wood any color and tint, while maintaining the natural properties of the tree. Special texture of natural wood makes furniture from pine unique.

Features of furniture from Karelian pine

The natural golden shade of pine furniture is best suited for creating an interior of a country cottage or hunting house. Pine aroma, filling space, gives the condition of peace and joy.

Since pine is a fairly common tree of wood, this material is considered one of the most affordable and inexpensive. Modern woodworking technologies allow you to create all kinds of pine furniture and receive different material textures and drawing of various types.

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In addition, due to the natural strength of pine, with the help of grinding, you can achieve the perfect smoothness of the surface, eliminate the slightest roughness. Furniture made of pine can be made from both an array and glued bar, thanks to which you can get an unusual drawing and significantly reduce the cost of raw materials.

Furniture from pine

What can be compared with the charm of a natural tree in a modern interior? For many decades, it absorbs solar heat and the amazing energy of the coniferous forest. Wooden furniture stores the heat of sunlight, accumulated over the long life of the tree, filling the room with a special, mysterious light.

Pine as well as any tree, gives home the atmosphere of comfort and heat.

All sorts of furniture and items for the interior decor are manufactured, which are most often used to arrange children's rooms, bedrooms or kitchens. Furniture from a universal pine, it is well suited for creating classic interiors, and for design in minimalist style, and for the arrangement of Loft premises.


Features of furniture from Karelian pine

  1. Furniture for children.

Special properties make pine perfect material for the manufacture of furniture for the children's room, including newborns. If you want the baby to be healthy, and his sleep is strong, pick up for children's furniture from Karelian pine. Its unique properties that contribute to the strengthening of the child's immunity are preserved even after wood processing. Children's furniture made of pine is absolutely safe for the baby, because it does not use harmful chemicals, and the corners, for the safety and elimination of the possibility of serious injury to the child during fall, are specifically made by rounded. Well polished wood is very smooth, so that it does not require additional coating with paint and varnishes.

  1. Bedroom furniture.

Pleasant coniferous flavor and good breathability make a pine optimal option to create a bedroom interior. The room, the setting of which is made with a pine furniture, comes out calm and harmonious, and special properties contribute to rapid falling and calm sleep, which means that every morning will necessarily be kind.

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Features of furniture from Karelian pine

  1. Pine furniture for kitchen.

Furniture stores offer different options for kitchen heads and lunch groups. These are furniture and chipboard, and from an array of different types of wood, but the cost of some rocks can be very high. Therefore, pine is the optimal material in the production of kitchen furniture. Its integral structure has good water repellent properties, due to which, unlike furniture from LDSP, it does not swell and retains his original appearance.

Wooden furniture care

Over time, the natural tree can change the color, roasting, scratches may appear on it.

In order to preserve the original view of the wooden household items for a long time, including furniture from pine, they should be care for them.

Wooden furniture care is quite simple.

To do this, comply with some recommendations:

  1. Dust removal.

    So that the wood remains beautiful for a long time, it is necessary to regularly clean the surface from dust, for this it is enough to wipe with a damp soft cloth.

  2. Cleansing.

    In no case cannot be used when cleaning household chemicals, since, firstly, natural wood absorbs chemical compounds well, and secondly, it can damage its surface. Just wipe the surface with a damp cloth, in extreme cases you can use special means.

  3. Polishing.

    Periodically produce polishing wooden furniture. If its surface began to fill up, the initial gloss can be applied using wax. In addition, a well-polished surface prevents the dust accumulation on the surface of the furniture.

  4. Removal scratches.

    If for one reason or another on the surface of furniture from pine appeared scratches, they can be removed using special wax for this. First, the surface is thoroughly cleaned from dust, after which the scratch is witched.

Compliance with these simple recommendations will help for a long time to maintain the initial properties of natural wood and will prolong its service life. And what could be better than a warm, cozy situation, which the interior of your home offers furniture from natural materials?

Furniture from Pine For many years will warm your home with warmth, and family evenings behind a large pine table will be the best moments in the life of households!

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