We repair yourself: options for sealing holes and slots in the walls


Damage to the plasterboard surface or concrete wall in the domestic room is considered the most ordinary phenomenon. The situation in which the grinding of holes in the wall may be needed, often arises, for example, during the repair (replacement) of heating pipes, rearrangement of furniture, installation of air conditioning or other household appliances.

We repair yourself: options for sealing holes and slots in the walls

No matter how long concrete walls were, they still have cracks in them.

Immediately note that you can understand how to close the hole in the wall, can any domestic master, even one that has no experience in performing special works. It should be noted that first of all the choice of the method of repairing the damaged section of the wall depends on the type of material from which it is made.

As for cracks in the walls, it is quite frequent in our daily life phenomenon. There is not a single structure, on the walls of which they are not formed after a certain time, whether it is a private house or an apartment building. And cracks also need indispensable elimination.

In modern premises, the material for the construction or decoration of the walls is either concrete (brick) with a layer of plaster, or plasterboard sheets. In the material of this time, methods for sealing holes and cracks for both wall variants will be set.

It should be known that the technique of damage to damage is also determined by the size of the formed holes and cracks.

They may vary as small holes, a large deep or through hole and, finally, a deep gap or a crack, which is formed, as a rule, on the walls of the newly erected structure due to the violation of the technological process or simply because of its shrinkage.

Elimination of holes in concrete walls

The damaged place must be pre-cleaned from dirt, dust and residues of plaster.

The hole in the concrete wall of a small size, which remained from dowels, nails or self-tapping screws, as well as narrow slots or cracks, using an ordinary putty. This material must be applied to a damaged place using a small spatula, after that it is waiting for its complete hardening and sandpaper we clean the plot. After these events, it will remain only to paint the restored area or cover it with wallpaper.

Squares of small size in a brick or concrete wall can also be eliminated using the so-called "repair lineup" - a dry building mixture, which includes special additives that provide fast screwdriver. Before using this mixture, the surface of the damaged area must be prepared: to clean the residues of paint and dust and primed. It is necessary to take into account that the mixture is needed quite quickly, for 5-10 minutes, in addition, it is not suitable for the painted surface.

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It should be known that when you close up any kind of holes, you should always perform preliminary preparation of the foundation, namely: the damaged place is cleared of dirt, dust and residues of plaster. In the event that the layer of plaster on the edges of the hole or hole cracked, but it still rests a little, it still needs to be removed. It is recommended to independently remove the plaster that does not hold very well, otherwise they themselves will fall off after a short time, and you have to repair it in a new way.

We repair yourself: options for sealing holes and slots in the walls

Scheme embedding holes by plasterboard.

A deep large hole may form, for example, as a result of unforeseen damage when moving furniture or on the site of a previously dismantled electrical outlet. Such a hole, first of all, you need to fill out. For these purposes, you can use dried plaster or alabaster. Only after that you can begin to put the damaged place.

As a filler for holes, you can apply the old plaster or cement mortar with an increased content. It should be noted that before proceeding to climbing the hole in the wall, it is also cleaned from the remaining small particles of plaster, after which is abundantly wetted with water or primer. Then it is tightly stuffing the hole with cement mortar and leave it to complete drying. After the filler is dropped, you can proceed to restore the damaged area by it, it should be noted that by performing this process, it is mandatory to capture and part of the wall that comes to this place. We wait for the complete drying of the putty and proceed to the processing of this area with sandpaper with fine graininess.

In order to fill a large gap or a hole, you can apply the construction installation foam, which is capable of tightly clog the damaged place. For better fixation of foam to a damaged surface, be sure to remove the dust trails and moisten it with water. As soon as the foam dries, with the help of a stationery knife, it should be removed its surplus, then proceed to the sealing of this place along the scheme described above.

To close damage with very large sizes, they need to pre-invest pieces of broken concrete or bricks. To close the through hole, it is necessary to pull the plaster grid on both sides to it, then close with a solution from above. After the solution is driving, you can proceed to align the surface with a putty.

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Elimination of gaps in brick walls

As a rule, cracks on the walls appear due to the fact that any building gives precipitation, especially for new buildings during the first years after the construction. After 3-4 years, the built building is not so much so much, and cracks are very rarely formed, but still a minor sediment will occur, which means that the cracks in any case will appear.

We repair yourself: options for sealing holes and slots in the walls

Cracked sealing scheme in a brick wall

The second reason for the appearance of cracks on the walls is a violation in the construction of the process of the technological process. This includes: the incorrect composition of the cement mortar, violation of the laying of bricks, errors in the construction of the foundation and so on.

The third reason for the appearance in the wall of the crack is the incorrect use of finishing mixtures: cement, putty or plaster. Standard builder errors consist in the fact that they are separated by the wall too thick layer of the mixture, and ultimately it begins to "start" cracking. The use of poor-quality and cheap mixtures also contributes to the formation of cracks.

First of all, when detecting a crack, it is necessary to explore the wall. Measure the depth and length of the crack, and also determine where it was formed (in the wall or on the finishing surface). If the crack becomes wider or longer, then on the wall surface it is necessary to make white paint or chalk tags that will help you do measurements. After that, you need to immediately refer to the specialists to prevent the destruction of the entire building. In case the crack has a slight size, you can eliminate it on your own. If you have been established that the crack was formed directly in the building wall, and not on the finishing surface, then the removal method directly depends on its size.

Ways to remove cracks in the walls

If a vertically located crack from 5 mm in the wall was formed in the wall of your house, then the first thing around it should be knocked down the angles (45 °), this will allow the layer of a dry mix that will be applied at the finish stage of the work, to be with the wall plane at one level and reliably " Cry "with her.

Then, with the help of a tassel or a vacuum cleaner, clean the crack from dust and process it with a primer means. After drying it, using the mounting foam, fill the crack. Surplus foam are cut immediately after it froze, therefore, so that its surface was 2-3 mm deeper the level of the wall surface, it will allow it to be hidden by the layer of putty.

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Close-to-end slot from the outside close the cement, and the inner side is embarrassed by plaster. This method of sealing cracks will give the opportunity to perform reliable sealing and prevents the fall of various living organisms.

The nature of the formation of cracks.

Worse, if a horizontal crack appeared in a brick building, such a problem with the help of a mounting foam is not solved. The emptiness of the crack should be laid in order for the upper part of the wall to be support. This will help exclude the seating at home. Often in such cases, the cavity of the crack is filled with cement mortar, which after a petition becomes a reliable support. In this situation it is very important to know that, as a cement solution, experts recommend to apply a special adhesive composition for laying ceramic tiles, the base of which consists of cement. This adhesive mixture is strong enough and has an excellent adhesion with various surfaces.

When you form in the wall of your house, the fine slit is primarily processed by primer, after that, along its entire length, a layer of sealant is applied. After that, using the reinforcing tape, cover the crack over the entire length and then close the damaged place with a layer of putty or plaster.

How to close the hole in the wall of plasterboard

Thought of small size, holes from the screws and other damage to a small character in the drywall are close in the same way as the holes in the plastered wall. However, the walls of drywall as a result of an unexpected strike can be sold inward, resulting in a deep or even through hole. In this case, you will need to replace the entire damaged area. To do this, you will have to repair the repair operation in the following order:

  1. On the wall, mark the square in such a way that it fully covers a dent.
  2. Cut the marked square with an electric bike or manual hacksaw.
  3. Using the previously cut square as a template, cut out exactly the same workpiece from the new HCL sheet.
  4. Fix two wooden bars using self-tapping screws from the inside of the base from drywall (to the bottom and top edge of the cutting hole).
  5. The cut blank by mounting into the hole and carefully fix it to the wooden bars using self-tapping screws.
  6. On the resulting butt cracks we put the "Serpianka" tape and put them on them. After the putty is completely dry, the surface is detected using sandpaper, then ground and stains or it is covered with wallpaper.

Eliminate the hole in the wall in different ways. The most important thing in this business is to make the right choice of embodiment. Then the repair of the damaged segment of the wall will be performed quickly, efficiently and efficiently.

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