[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?


Snow-white plastic window sill, if it is wrong to care, quickly loses his attractive appearance. To wash away from the stains, to return the former whiteness of the window sill helps some cleaning secrets will help.

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

We present a list of the most popular and effective means of cleaning plastic window sills.

Laundry soap

Alkali as part of the economic soap helps to quickly cope with rust stains, fat.

Algorithm of actions:

  • The terrub of the household soap is rubbed and dissolved in warm water;
  • The surface of the window sill is rubbed the resulting mixture and leave for thirty minutes;
  • The plastic surface is washed with water, dryly rub with a clean cloth.

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

Tip: Do not use the ready-made liquid economic soap. The minimum consistency of alkali in this means will not allow achieving the necessary effect of purity.

Washing powder

Load the solar stains, whiten the surface of the window sill will help washing powder.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Several spoons of the washing vice are mixed with warm water (there must be a pound mixture);
  • With the help of a soft sponge, the resulting means is applied to the surface of the window sill. The solar stains are processed again;
  • Footage of the powder from the surface of the window sill is removed with a damp cloth;
  • Clean windowsill wipes with a paper towel dry.

Tip: For cleaning the windowsill, it is better to use powder with bleaching effect.


The effective remedy in a convenient spray bottle will make the process of cleaning the windowsill fast and pleasant.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Means for washing windows sprayed over the windowsill;
  • Plastic surfaces wipe with a soft sponge. Especially persistent spots are treated with windscreen washing again;
  • Clean surfaces are wiping with a damp cloth.

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

Tip: Use the sprayer only in a well-ventilated room.

Table vinegar

Lighten the surface of the window sill, remove rust and fat stains will help usual table vinegar.

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Algorithm of actions:

  • Vinegar is bred by water in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • the windowsill is treated with the remedy and leave for fifteen minutes;
  • Purified surfaces are washed off with water and wipe dry with a paper towel.

Tip: The window sill, covered with color PVC film, should not be treated with vinegar. Interacting with acid, the decorative film can change its color.

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

Melamine sponge

The universal cleaning agent is a melamine sponge will help to quickly cope with any pollution on the windowsill.

Algorithm of actions:

  • The melamine sponge is pre-wetted with water and pressed;
  • The contaminated surface of the window sill is carefully treated with a wet sponge;
  • The purified surface was washed out with water and wipe with a towel dry.

Important: After cleaning, it is necessary to remove all the crumbs of the melamine sponge. Melamine - the material toxic is because it is very important to ensure that its particles do not get into the food, in the water, in the mouth of children and animals.

How to prevent the appearance of spots on the windowsill

Maintain clean the plastic window sill simply, it suffices to comply with simple rules:

  1. Before installing the windowsill, it will not be superfluous to find out what material it is made. Preference is better to give smooth surfaces. To maintain purity, they are enough to periodically wipe wet cloth. Save the initial appearance of the windowsill with a rough surface is much more complicated. Fat, dirt and dust, penetrating into microscopic recesses, form labor-based spots.
  2. You can not put on the windowsill hot dishes . Under the influence of high temperatures, the windowsill is deformed.
  3. Daily wet cleaning will help save the windowsill whites for a long time.
  4. At least once every seven days window sills need to wash with soap solution . This simple rule will help to avoid the appearance of difficult fat spots.
  5. The surface of the window sill can not be rubbed abrasive powders. Otherwise, microscopic scratches appear through which dust and dirt are entrusted to the surface of the window sill, making it gray and dim.
  6. Before processing the surfaces with a new detergent, it is worth tested on a small, low-odd segment of the window sill.

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[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

Regular care for plastic window sills will help longer to preserve their original appearance, preserves the appearance of complex spots.

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How to wash the plastic window sill? (5 photos)

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

[Will be clean!] How to wash the plastic window sill?

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