Plasterboard shovel under the wallpaper: the need for procedure and features


Plasterboard is often used to level surface alignment and as a basis for further finishing works. Such material is then possible, for example, paint. But you can enclose with wallpaper. Do you need to put plasterboard before sticking the wallpaper? It is worth understanding this.

Plasterboard shovel under the wallpaper: the need for procedure and features

Perfectly smooth joints are becoming after painstaking layer-by-layer putty to give the surfaces of the necessary geometry.

Why is shepherding of plasterboard?

So, is it necessary to put the plasterboard before glue the wallpaper? Experts believe that it is necessary for some reason. Below we list the main problems that may arise if the GLC is not torture.
  1. Someday wallpaper will definitely come into disrepair, as a result of which they will need to be changed. And if there is no plasterboard, the wallpaper can be removed with the part of the gypsum. And it turns out that everything will be changed. And this requires quite a lot of effort and costs.
  2. If the wallpaper is thin and paper, then after applying glue and glue to the surface, some base defects can be visible. Thus, the plasterboard can have a rather dark color, inscriptions can be applied to sheets, and the joints will be different in shades. In addition, moisture-resistant sheets are green. All this can be quite noticeable. But if the surface is placed, then, first, the color of it will be uniform, secondly, a part of the glue will be spacing. Therefore, through the glued wallpaper nothing will be shifted.
  3. Plasterboard should also be placed because such a procedure will make the coating more durable. So, the putty is perfectly associated with the surface to which it is applied. In addition, part of the glue penetrates into it. As a result, the relationship between wallpaper and sheets will be durable, so nothing else will fall behind. And if the plasterboard is moisture-resistant, then the wallpaper can simply not stick, as the adhesive composition literally repel.
  4. The joints between the sheets of GCL certainwise need to put off. As a result, it may turn out that these zones will stand out on a general surface against surface (or they will be more convex, or, on the contrary, in-depth). And the putty of the whole area will allow such differences and irregularities to avoid.

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Now you know why the walls of the plasterboard need to be placed. This will make the surface more even and will avoid multiple defects, often emerging from those who neglect this procedure.

How to choose the right putty

Plasterboard shovel under the wallpaper: the need for procedure and features

An example of the classification of mixtures for putting the appointment

So, you know why plasterboard walls should be placed.

But if you choose a poor-quality putty or not the one that is needed, then all work will be in vain.

Therefore, we list some important points that you should pay attention to when choosing this composition:

  1. The putty can be starting and finishing. The starting is usually used for primary application on a clean surface. This composition has better penetrating ability, so it is excellent with the walls. It is necessary to put any surface in several layers (minimum two). So, for the latter it is worth using the finish putty.
  2. In addition, the composition can be intended for internal works or for outdoor. If you glue the wallpaper in the house, then you need to use the corresponding formulations. The fact is that in the facade putty may contain components that protect the outer walls of the house from climatic influences. And such substances for human health can be dangerous if they are constantly in contact with them (especially in the closed space of the room).
  3. You need to pay attention to the price. If it is too low, it can talk about low quality components. And the specialists know that the consumption of cheap compositions is much higher than more expensive. Therefore, the miser in any case will pay twice.
  4. Putclone can be sold in a dry form and be a powder that will need to be dissolved with water. But there are ready-made liquid mixtures, which can be used immediately after opening the packaging. What to choose? Ready liquid compositions are not stored for a long time, they should be spent immediately. But the powder can stand much longer. But the finished mixture is prepared as it is necessary, it has an ideal consistency. And the dry makeup must be breed. It is important for this to know the proportions and it is desirable to have tools for cooking and stamping putty. But in this case, you can prepare such a number of composition that will be required.
  5. Different putty are and in composition. So, it may be a gypsum, cement or polymer mixture. If plasterboard is processed, you can use any kind, but you need to choose it depending on the room, the walls of which are glued. For example, in the bathroom, the plaster putty cannot be used, because when exposed to drops of moisture after drying, it can simply crack. So it is better to choose a cement composition. And the polymer mixture is universal and economical. Pay attention to the wallpapers that are used. Some useful recommendations may be given on the package.
  6. And even on the packaging of the composition should be indicated by everything that you need to know: the expiration date, instruction on the use, properties, features of application, manufacturer and its contact details, composition, storage conditions, and so on.

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How to put plasterboard

It is important not only that the putty of the walls will be made, but also how exactly it will be done. Therefore, we describe the main stages and important points.

Plasterboard shovel under the wallpaper: the need for procedure and features

Scheme of putty seams of drywall

To begin with, we list all that it is necessary to perform work:

  • primer;
  • roller for applying primer;
  • putty;
  • 1 Wide spatula;
  • 1 narrow small spatula;
  • Schucker or sandpaper.

Now the technology itself:

  1. For the beginning of the plasterboard must be projected. For this, the roller will be worked. You can use any primer, but not alkyd, as it can lead to strain sheets and their swelling.
  2. The walls can be placed only when they are completely dried. To begin with, it is necessary to handle all the seams and joints. Make it with a small spatula. Keep it at an angle to the surface (approximately 45 degrees), put pressure, but not too strong. If necessary, align everything.
  3. When the first layer is dry, it must be projected, and then put off again. Large areas are put off with a wide spatula, but the composition is applied to it using a small one. Start working from the windows and move on along the wall.
  4. The number of layers depends on the state of the surface. If it is uneven, it may take 3-4 layers. If the walls are smooth, it is enough and two. Glkl sheets are usually attached with self-tapping screws whose heads will be allocated on a general background. Therefore, in this case, the number of layers will increase, because all the convexities need to be eliminated. Each layer must dry. It is advisable to apply primer each time (it should also dry completely).
  5. After the last layer of putty is dry, you can align the surface using sandpaper or skins.
  6. And now you can proceed to sticking wallpaper.

In conclusion, it is possible to add that the putty of plasterboard walls before sticking on them wallpaper is worth paying special attention. The quality of the coating and its durability depends on this procedure.

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