Is it possible to lay a tile on linoleum: the process of laying


Over time, most people, passing to the kitchen or bathroom, pay attention to the launched plumbing type, which is no longer possible to put in order by means available. This is what makes you think about buying shells, replacing plumbing and changing the appearance of the room.

Is it possible to lay a tile on linoleum: the process of laying

Device floor under the tile.

Surface preparation

First of all, you need to remove all the old plumbing from the room. After that, it will be necessary to protect your hands from sharp tile fragments with gloves. In addition, it is necessary to wear glasses, which, in turn, will protect their eyes from entering them flying away during the operation of dust and tile particles.

The tile is fighting down using hammer and chisel gradually around the room.

After this work is completed using the chisel, it is necessary to remove the remaining layer of the old glue on the surface on which the tile kept.

Laying tiles

Now you can directly proceed to the question, how to put the tile on the linoleum. It is necessary to remember that the main key to successful laying of the tile depends on how much the surface you turned out.

If there are some irregularities, the process of laying is significantly complicated, since the tile will need to align the glue on which it is fixed. The horizontal of the floor must be checked using the construction level for this task.

Tools required for work:

Is it possible to lay a tile on linoleum: the process of laying

Ceramic tile laying scheme.

  • glue for tiles and a bucket in which mixing will be made;
  • Spatula with teeth about 15 cm;
  • spatula made of rubber;
  • slab;
  • drawing accessories that will be needed to designate places where the tile will be fixed;
  • sponge;
  • Crossings made of plastic.
  • linoleum;
  • tile.

Decide the pattern and method of laying tiles. It is very important to immediately determine the location of the first tile, from which further drawing depends. Consider the fact that the trimmed tile looks not too beautiful. Because of this, it is necessary to carry out the laying of the full tile starting from the place that in the future will not be forced to be furnished.

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In the same case, if you have to lay a tile with a diagonal pattern, it will be best to start working from the window of the window, following the work of parallels. When you enter the room in the future, the deviation from this norm will immediately rush into the eyes.

Linoleum preparation before laying tiles

Getting Started, I do not want to spend time to remove the old floor covering, especially if it is in good condition. Therefore, many are wondering how to put a linoleum on the tile or how to perform the laying of the tile immediately on the linoleum, without dismantling the old flooring.

Is it possible to lay a tile on linoleum: the process of laying

Tile laying scheme.

  1. In order to put the tile on the linoleum, you will need to pull the grid on it and make a screed for maximum surface alignment. Thanks to the screed, it is possible to achieve not only perfectly smooth, but also to get the hardness and strength of the surface needed for further laying.
  2. If you decide to perform a warm floor in the room, the screed will help high quality hide all cables and pipes, evenly distributing heat intake throughout the floor.
  3. The maximum quality of the screed can be achieved if you use a dosage amount of special dry mixtures. If the screed will be performed with errors, the floor covering at the end of a certain time will begin to deform. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to immediately estimate the thickness of the screed used in the room where repair work is carried out.

The main varieties of screed are:

  1. The wet screed is a special mixture made using sand and cement or a special dry mixture, which is based on plaster and cement. The floor surface is flooded with a cooked mixture and is aligned. The most popular wet screed has become in private construction due to the fact that its thickness can reach 10 cm.
  2. The team or dry screed is performed from large sheets or plates whose thickness does not exceed 30 mm. Most often, this version of the screed is used immediately after the wet is performed as an additional layer before laying the main flooring.
  3. Next, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory primer of the floor surface. This is necessary in order to reduce the penetration of moisture and increase the tile adhesion with linoleum.
  4. The primer reduces the likelihood of tile deposit to a minimum, in particular with sharp differences in the room temperature. The selection of primer for finishing works can be compared with the foundation, because it depends on it, how long the tile can hold out on linoleum.

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Floor screed in this case can be so smooth that without primer a clutch with a tile will be quite problematic. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to apply a special primer on top of the screed, which includes small quartz sand. As a result, the surface obtained to work will be sufficiently rough, so that the tile will receive the maximum clutch.

In addition, the primer can also be used as antibacterial surface protection. Thanks to special additives, the development of fungi on the tile can be reduced to no and protect the room from mold for many years. Choosing a variety of primer is quite extensive. Due to the content of glue, oil and resins in liquid primer, a special protective film on the floor surface is created.

Direct Laying

Getting Staged, try to lay out the elements along the wall, without attaching them immediately on glue and watching them, so that they do not go aside.

Then prepare a small amount of solution, taking into account that it dries quickly enough, and proceed to laying from the pre-selected angle of the room.

In order to apply the required amount of the mixture on the product, use the toothed spatula and press the elements to the floor. In order to glue the following, first press it to the already glued design, but only after that move to the required distance, using plastic cross-trash products.

Performing laying, be sure to check the evenness of the rows by level. If necessary, the tile is cut with a tile cutter or a grinder. Approximately after a day after the installation is performed, it will be necessary to perform the sprinkle of the seams, from which the appearance of the tile will be directly dependent. Grout is selected directly under its color in any construction store and applied to the tile using a rubber spatula. After drying the mixture, the tile is wiping with a damp sponge.

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If you need to put the linoleum on the tile, cut it up to the desired size and let it be searched for several days. Then, with the help of bilateral tape, glue the linoleum to the tile. In case you are not sure about the reliability of this work, it is best to perform a screed, on top of which linoleum is glued. For this work it is better to purchase a semi-commercial variety of linoleum, which is less susceptible to shoes with constant movement in the room.

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