Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup


Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

Warm floors are a sufficient new type of heating, which quickly gained popularity among different groups of the population. The new heating system has many varieties and is represented by electrical, infrared and water floors.

Each type of heated flooring has its own characteristics and advantages, but the heated floor controller is applied in all configurations of warm flooring. It may differ in parameters and a device, but the appointment is the same - adjustment of the temperature parameters of the warm floor.

Device of water heat and its main working bodies

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

Metal and polymer pipes are used in the water floors

Considering the principle of operation and the device of water heat floors, it is worth saying that the functions of the coolant in this case performs water, and the control body is various flowmeters of warm floors and regulators.

Metal (copper and stainless steel) and polymer pipes are used as the heating element for water heating systems.

For this heating system, there are two connection schemes for a highway:

  • spiral;
  • zigzag.

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

Spiral stacked pipes in cold latitudes

"Spiral" predominantly heating elements are stacked in the regions where cold weather prevails, in large rooms. This scheme allows you to evenly distribute the heat (interleaving the warm tube with cold) throughout the room, when using "Spirals", many people use a simple regulator for a warm floor (or refuse to install it) and the floor covering will not be deformed.

There is a table calculation table depending on the hinge step.

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

The scheme of the location of the water warm floor "Zigzag" is applied in small rooms. The principle of operation consists in entering hot water from the outer wall and gradually cooling it (with the passage of all zigzags) to the inner wall.

To create uniformity of heating both sex and premises, as a whole, it is recommended to lay the pipes "double zigzag" with a mandatory installation of a collector for a warm floor.

Warm floor collector

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup


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The collector for warm water floors is the main controller. This mixing unit is mainly designed to adjust and circulating the flow of water inside the pipes of the warm floors, as well as with its help, the heated floor is adjusted, or rather its temperature values.

In the collector's tasks, not considering the duties listed above, it includes:

  • liquidation of air from the heating circuit;
  • control and ensuring uniform water supply inside the system;
  • measurement of pressure parameters in the heating device;
  • Accounting coolant costs.

For most of the functions performed by the collector, the additional devices that are installed directly on the node or in any way are associated with it. Such additional devices are the thermostat for water heat with flow meters for a warm floor.

The collector is recommended to be installed at a height of not more than 1 m from the floor level. When organizing warm floors around the apartment, the place to install the collector is selected so that the length of all heating circuits is the same. Pipes when connecting to the device should be cut strictly at right angles.

Device and features of additional flooring devices

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

Most additional devices installed on the collector or "attached" to it are somehow responsible for performing separate functions.

Flowmeters for flooring collectors are responsible for the function of controlling the amount of coolant in the heating system, and the thermostat controls the temperature parameters of the heater.

Water heat thermostat

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

Lady heat regulator already outdated option

Almost every collector for a warm floor in its device has a valve that follows how much hot water circuit is heating. Permanent control of heating system by manual way with the help of valves is a fairly obsolete option.

Customize the necessary parameters of the flooring is thus difficult, since when the flap is turned, the heating of the floor changes dramatically, but with time stabilizes. Therefore, adjust the temperature of the heated cover is not easy and necessary to memorize, to which marks you need to set an adjustment handle to obtain the desired result (experience comes during operation).

Today, few people use the above-mentioned floor temperature control. This adjustment method turns out to be relevant when the electric thermostat does not work.

Electronic thermostats for aqueous warm floor are capable not only, thanks to the installed sensor, control the temperature in the flooring, but also monitor its values ​​indoors. Mounted thermorel allows the device to respond to an increase and decrease in the normalized temperature values.

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Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

The principle of operation of the electronic thermostat is to determine the deviations of the indicators and transmitting signals to increase or decrease the temperature on the servo drive.

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

Servo device

The servo is a three-stage electric flap, which is mounted on each heating circuit, extending from the collector, regulates the supply of hot and cold water, as a result of which the temperature indicators of the warm floor comes to normal.

It can be said that the wall thermostat is a brain and reactive center (together with the sensor) of the general regulator, and the device that controls the flow of the coolant into the warm water floor is considered to be a servo. About automatic systems for thermoregulation, see this video:

When choosing a thermostat, it is worth considering such a factor as the time of finding a person in a heated room. If you or the members of your family have long spend your homes for a long time during the day, it is recommended to install mechanical thermostats that are relatively inexpensive and allow you to adjust the heating of the warm floor manually.

When carrying out most of the life at work, it is worth installing automatic regulators that will independently control the temperature.

The flow regulator of the coolant

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

The flow meter can not only control the amount of coolant in the heating system, but thereby averaged the temperature indicators of water in the contours.

In the absence of flow meters installed on the removal of the collector, the temperature on different circuits (in all rooms) will differ significantly (it depends on the heated room area) and the thermostat, along with the servo, it will be hard to cope with the constant adjustment of the indicator (there will be electricity overrun).

The automatic flow meter in conjunction with the thermal sensor installed on the collector can replace the thermostat and independently monitor the circuit temperature. For details on the water heating device, see this video:

The principle of operation of the device is to automatically trigge the valve, which when a certain temperature is reached in the system, begins to narrow or closed completely (by a temperature sensor signal). It is using the sensor that the temperature indicators of the heating circuit occurs. Installation of a warm floor with flow meters replaces the electronic thermostat, and at the same time the device does not require electrical power supply.

It should be known that after installation, the flow meter should be in a vertical position, strictly perpendicular to the collector, which is exhibited by level. If these requirements are not followed, the temperature control and water flow control will have large errors.

Heavy Panel Regulator: Principle of operation and Setup

Warm floor regulators play an important role in the proper functioning of the entire heating system. Mounting water warm floors in the rooms of the house or apartment, it is recommended to install the flow meter on the common manifold, and the thermostators with the servo drive - for each of the heated contours.

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Such an arrangement of the heating system will allow not only accurate temperature adjustment, but also will give a chance to equipment work not at the limit of their capabilities, which will extend the life of the entire design of the warm floors for many years.

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