How to paint the door: order and features of painting (photo)


Almost every householder periodically makes the repair of their housing. Interior update is a useful and interesting thing, but almost always troublesome. Solving many more complex tasks, especially when it comes to a serious reconstruction of premises, many people sometimes neglect the answer to the question of how to paint the door.

How to paint the door: order and features of painting (photo)

If your door has lost your attractive appearance, you can update it by painting.

Meanwhile, despite all the seeming simplicity of this task, it has its own "pitfalls". To take them into account when upgrading the wooden doors with their own hands - it means to prevent offensive lights and make old doors of a real "business card" of the room. After all, it is the doors most often come across the eyes of guests at home.

How to paint the door: paints or varnishes?

The first thing to pay attention to the master, who wants to paint the doors as beautiful as beautiful as possible, is the appointment of the element of the interior. It may affect the principles of color and materials used.

The fact is that the conditions of operation of interroom and entrance doors are very different from each other.

How to paint the door: order and features of painting (photo)

Rules painting a wooden door.

And if the first remains in a relatively "greenhouse" environment (they do not affect the increased humidity, wind, sharp temperature differences), then the composition and quality of paints and varnishes used when painting inlet wooden doors are made, much more stringent requirements are presented.

Today, before those who gathered to paint old doors, there is a rich choice of various properties and the cost of varnishes and paints that satisfy the most demanding tastes of the customer. But most often, alkyd and acrylic enamels, nitroquras and various oil options are used together with suitable varnishes.

It should be noted that the last type of paints, due to some of its not very pleasant properties (in particular, the sharp odor and a long period of drying), gradually loses its popularity. Increasingly use other materials from the list of the list, although they, having their advantages over oil paint, are not deprived of certain flaws.

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So, alkyd enamels have excellent resistance and durability, but it is unpleasant to smell, and for quite a long time (up to two days). This shortage is deprived of acrylic enamels, but they should be used in combination with the corresponding varnishes. Enviable durability differ nitrocracies, but they are pretty toxic, so they recommend painting old doors in non-residential premises.

How to paint the door: order and features of painting (photo)

Table of color characteristics used for painting doors.

Summarizing the well-known properties of all colors, it can be noted that alkyd enamels are the most common type of paint for interior doors. In addition to the above qualities, they also have a wide range of color gamut, which is very by the way when interior design.

As for painting inlet wooden doors, here the master in the preparation of materials it is necessary to pay attention to paints intended for external finishing works. Thus, the same alkyd enamel, top, forms a layer, effectively repulsive water. Therefore, it is used for painting not only input doors, but also wooden thresholds.

Do I need to apply a new paint on the old coating?

Surely before each person who decided to take the restoration of doors with their own hands, I got up question: Do I need to paint over old paint or still pre-remove the old layer?

It is necessary to solve in each case. But do not think that the application of fresh paint on the old coating is devoid of all sorts of hassle and factors that can spoil the final result. Even by choosing the specified version, the master will have to be eliminated from the surface of the door canvase all noticeable cracks and chips. To do this, it is necessary to sharpen the identified defects, to clean their shallow skin, primed the oil and only to paint.

How to paint the door: order and features of painting (photo)

If there are cracks and chips on the doors, then after careful cleaning, they need to apply a layer of putty.

Of course, in the case of the door staining after removing the layer of old paint, there is a few more effort. But it is worth it, because the old coating can have many small hidden cracks, which leads to its destruction. Coating over time can be lost its protective properties, peel from a wooden basis, deform. It is not difficult to understand that staining over such a layer does not guarantee normal quality, and the new layer will be short-lived.

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Therefore, in many cases, such a coating before painting fresh paint material is better and practical to completely remove. This can be done at least in two ways: either a grinding or a drill with a special nozzle in the form of a metal brush or a special solution.

For the second case, a 20-30% aqueous solution of caustic sodium, potassium or carbolic acid can be made and using a soft cotton swab to apply it on a layer of old paint. After waiting for a while, you need to remove the wash with the rest of the old paint with the same tampon. If the old layer is too thick, then the operation should be repeated 2-3 times.

Materials and tools used when staining doors

High-quality painting of wooden doors is performed using the following tools and materials:

How to paint the door: order and features of painting (photo)

When painting, the doors may need rollers of different sizes, tassels, greasy tape, etc.

  • paint;
  • putty;
  • Olife;
  • solvent;
  • primer;
  • set of emery paper;
  • brushes, greasy roller, sponge;
  • bath under roller;
  • Rubber spatula;
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • Source lighting.

Order and features Painting of a wooden door

To begin with, one important point should be understood: for impeccable quality, it is advisable to paint, after removing the door from the loops and placing it horizontally. In such a position, the cauldron is more convenient to cover the paint, and the tree dries faster. Naturally, all accessories are metallic, plastic, wooden - should be completely removed.

The preparatory stage includes putty and grinding. Remove the old coating from the door cloth, look at its surface. Running places are removed. Then the spatula is embarrassed by all recesses, scratches, hurriedly and chips. At the same time, additional attention is paid to possible cracks: they are processed especially carefully.

How to paint the door: order and features of painting (photo)

Before painting, the entire surface of the door should be pulled out by sandpaper.

After the completion of the putty process, it is necessary to wait for the entire mamazka to dry. Everything can be blocked with a vacuum cleaner and wipes it in full wet rag. The surface preparation is completed with grinding using sandpaper. It is necessary to conduct this operation until the door can not be completely even smooth.

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Once again, the rubbed surface is embarrassed directly to painting. First, neatly score ends, various recesses, recesses and other not very comfortable embossed places and surfaces. Then continues to aback with a brush (roller) basic flat fragments. In this case, paint should be applied evenly throughout the painted area.

Usually on wooden doors are applied to the paint in two layers. And this is not immediately done, layer behind the layer, but only after the first layer of paint will dry completely.

But sometimes removing the old door with the loops does not work and then you have to paint it in a vertical position. In this case, after staining the end parts and decorative irregularities, the paint is applied first to the upper left quarter, then - on the upper right quarter and finish with lower quarters (successively left and right). You can use the door for its direct purpose only after the absolute drying of the paint.

Nuances Painting Doors

How to paint the door: order and features of painting (photo)

When painting the door, paint should be applied with a roast layer.

To avoid the formation of ugly flows and non-accurate droplets, it is necessary to stir well and apply it with roasting layers.

If you remove the fittings from the door, it is not possible to paint, but it is necessary to paint anyway, then for their protection against paint, you can use the painting tape. They are stuck fittings for all time painting.

When painting large fragments, it is better to use a wide brush. Standard, without complicated decoration, doors are easier and faster to treat painting roller.

We must not forget before painting about the primer of the lower and upper ends of the door. This is the guarantee of reliable protection of the door leaf from the all-perch destructive moisture. Staining the door frame or platbands starts with the upper inner surface. The door threshold is painted last.

Holding the door after painting on the loop, you need to think about the protection of the box from a random sticking of a non-finally dried door canvase. To do this, on the vertical end of the door and other points that it can touch with the door frame, temporarily glue a greasy tape or an ordinary adhesive tape.

Observing all these uncomplicated rules, you can achieve an excellent result. Moreover, it will not require undue effort.

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