How to care for leather furniture?


Leather furniture has long symbolized wealth and high position in society . Previously, many castles in Europe were decorated with leather sofas and luxurious chairs. Kings and princesses loved to relax on them. Today, the former glory of leather furniture is reborn. She adds luxury to any interior. Its forms have become more modern, and the prices are landed. If you follow the rules below, you will succeed long to use leather furniture, perhaps turning it into a family relic.

How to care for leather furniture?

Right humidity

The room in which the leather furniture is worth it should be wet. It is enough to maintain moisture at 65-70% . If the air becomes too dry, the skin surface will overheat, cracks will appear and the paint will begin to peel.

How to care for leather furniture?

Sources of light and heat

So that leather furniture does not fade, try to beware of entering the furniture of direct sunlight . It is also not recommended to dry leather furniture with a hairdryer or other heating device. The skin with moisture evaporates some fats and oils, which is why it dries and cracks, losing good quality and aesthetic look.

Removal of stains

It should be properly cleaning the skin, carefully rub it with a dry cloth.

How to care for leather furniture?

If vegetable or animal fat appears on the skin, it is not recommended to flush with water or detergent. It is enough to clean the stain with a dry cloth. Soon it absorbs and will no longer be visible.

If you shed liquid to leather furniture, try to dry it as soon as possible with a cloth or a sponge, just do not wait until the spot dry naturally.

If a dirty spot appeared, carefully wipe it with a cloth or a piece of cotton wool. If this is not enough, moisten a piece of wool and clean the dirty spot with accurate circular motions. Remove the drip cloth left on the skin.

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How to care for leather furniture?

If the furniture was strongly stained, then you can only contact a specialist in furniture cleaning.

Enemies leather furniture

Water and soap

Tap water is not the most suitable tool for cleaning the skin. It is either too soft or too hard. It drags the skin, damages its protective layer, causes small cracks, not noticeable for human eyes. Human sweat, moisture molecules - all these contaminants will deepen microcracks, and you will soon notice that leather furniture has come.

How to care for leather furniture?

Soft water easily penetrates the skin of the skin, which entails the appearance of mold. And fighting the mold of the skin is hardly possible. Also, tap water often contains salts of heavy metals - they leave difficult to clean white stripes on the surface of the skin.

Chemical cleaning products

Never for cleaning leather furniture do not use chemical solvents, alcohol, stains, etc. Any of these liquids in contact with the skin will destroy its protective layer. These chemicals can change the color of the furniture, the skin will lose its elasticity, and the lacquered surface will begin to peel.

How to care for leather furniture?


Leather furniture in no case should be stitched. It is recommended to clean its surface with soft circular motions, not falling, slowly moving from one piece of furniture to another. Remember that sharp movements are especially dangerous for skin surface. . It is recommended to lubricate leather furniture with a special means to care for her one or twice a year.

If you follow these rules, you can rest for a long time on a comfortable leather sofa or chair.

Useful Tips on Protection and Transport Leather Furniture Winter

  1. When transporting around the city it is desirable to cover the leather furniture with a blanket.
  2. If leather furniture moves in a container or in a trailer, you should take care that nothing is put on it.
  3. If the furniture was transported for several days at low temperatures, it is necessary to observe special caution in its unloading. Under no circumstances can you take furniture for the handle, and it cannot be turned over. Leather furniture can be lifted only below.
  4. After unloading, leather furniture should be left unpacked at least 24 hours in a warm room.

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How to care for leather furniture?

Leather furniture care Useful tips - Means for leather furniture (1 video)

Leather furniture cleaning (7 photos)

How to care for leather furniture?

How to care for leather furniture?

How to care for leather furniture?

How to care for leather furniture?

How to care for leather furniture?

How to care for leather furniture?

How to care for leather furniture?

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