How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)


How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

Decorating garden trees

In order to revive the garden decor slightly, you need a desire and some free time. Garden trees can be decorated with almost any submitted items, while material costs will be minimal. With the help of several ideas, you can perfectly decorate trees on the household plot or in the garden. Such trees will not be unnoticed and will become the subject of the pride of the owners of the country area.

Pictures on the trees

In the presence of artistic abilities, the trunk of a tree can be turned into a kind of canvas, which will be good to look at the picture written by its own hands. This type of decor of trees is becoming increasingly popular. Some owners of the country area specifically dump in the garden dry trunks of trees to make such fakes.

In order to create a tree-picture, you must first clean the bark of the tree. It is best to do this with a metal scraper and preferably after the rain. Since the wet bark is so much easier. If the rain was not long enough, the trunk can be powder to pour water. Then the trunk must be cleaned with a metal brush, and then either emery. Small defects in the tree trunk should be sharpened. If the trunk has significant cracks or depressions to eliminate them, you can use the mounting foam. Then rinse again and leave it to dry. After the trunk is driving, a layer of primer is applied to it. Now you can proceed to the painting of the tree. When the finished picture is driving, it must be coated with two layers of waterproof, frost-resistant varnish.

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

Tree - "Kashpo"

From ordinary garden tree you can make a beautiful exotic plant. To do this, it is necessary to hang a few pots with blooming plants on its branches. Such a tree can please the eyes of its owners from the beginning of spring to autumn. For such purposes, pots with petunias are best suited.

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How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

Houses for fairies, elves and gnomes

For those who love fairy tales about the dwarfs, elves and the fairy. The best way to decorate trees in the garden will be houses for these fabulous characters. Especially since such an element of the garden decor makes them very easy. At the roots of the tree you can make a small door - entrance to a fabulous house, or supplement it with various windows, steps, tracks, balconies and even a small garden.

To the small door, located at the roots of the garden tree, began noticeable it can be painted in red, orange, yellow, blue or green. The door will look more magical if you do it not traditional rectangular shape, but round or oval. If the composition seems not fully completed next to the door, you can set several small windows made in a single style with a door. Also, wooden or stone steps can lead to the door. You can lay out a narrow track made of small pebbles. In order for the fairy house to be more noticeable, the doors can be installed not at the roots of the tree, but a little higher. In this case, the trunk can be decorated with a small balcony and steps that shook the tree. And around you can make a mini-garden of small things and colors.

The house for fairies can be stylized under the nest and install it on a stable tree branch. In this case, the fake will look like a real dwelling of fabulous characters. The tree decorated in this way will like not only to children, but also adults.

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

Wind Music Feng Shui as an element of decor of garden trees

Such a talisman Feng Shui like a wind music, which is also called a windmill or wind bells, some perceive just as an element of the decor of garden trees or the interior of the house, and some sincere believe that it can attract good, positive energy into the house. In any case, the wind music will never be excess elements in the garden. Moreover, you can easily make wind music with your own hands from almost any materials that are at hand. If you connect fantasy, you can create original Feng Shui elements and decorate the trees in the garden with these fakes.

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For the decoration of the autumn garden, the wind music is perfectly suitable, made of dry leaves and various beads. It will be originally looking at the Garden Trees of Wind Music from seashells, which will remind about the past rest on the sea. Chinese talismans, made of cutlery, flower pots, coins and cash banks, tin cans, various beads and metal sticks look interesting. Those who are fond of Chinese philosophy, it is better to decorate a tree in the garden by classic variants of a windmill from bells or bamboo.

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

How to decorate trees in the garden at the cottage (4 photos)

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