How to place the frame of the doorways in the modern style


Interroom door - a typical element of a city apartment, must divide the premises, ensure noise and thermal insulation, as well as the privacy of the inhabitant of the residential room. But if there is no need for all the listed, but. On the contrary, it is worth the task to give the apartment a view of the free space, the flaps are not affordable.

How to place the frame of the doorways in the modern style

Modern style design

The decorative framing of the doorway allows you to solve this task. At the same time emphasize the selected dwelling style and its individuality.

Types of registration

In practice, all the fair amount of methods can be divided into 3 groups.

  • Framing of the doorway by stone, wood, polyurethane, imitating stucco, decorative corner and other materials. The decor does not affect the form of the opening, but emphasizes it and serves as a background for the design of the room itself or the corridor.
  • Form of the door lumen - in typical dwellings there is only one option: rectangular with dimensions involving the installation of one sash. You can change the value only if it comes to a interroom partition, and not a capital wall. But give a friend a form is quite acceptable.

How to place the frame of the doorways in the modern style

  • Textile Frame - This category includes porters placed on both sides, as well as dense, tape and other structures that overlap the interroom opening.

You can sell most of the techniques with your own hands.

Arched structures

Most of all it is necessary to change the form. Perfectly, if the height can still be increased, but if not, you can do and proposed sizes.

Allocate several options available for apartments:

The portal is a rectangular standard form, as a rule, has large dimensions. It is drawn up by simple good - in the classic version. However, the stone, and stucco, and decorative corners can be used with the same success.

How to place the frame of the doorways in the modern style

  • The rectangular arch, but with rounded edges - an excellent solution for wide, but not high openings. Create such an arch is very simple - the plasterboard design is mounted, and the view it has very spectacular.
  • The right arc is that is, a design with a rounded arch. Usually the radius of the arch is equal to half the width of the portal. This is a classic composition suitable for any interior.
  • Ellipsoid - with a smaller radius of rounding. It is implemented in cases where the height is insufficient for the classical arch.
  • Trapezoid - complex shape with angles.
  • Asymmetric - half a day, for example. This decision is suitable only for the appropriate style: modern, vintage, futurism.

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How to place the frame of the doorways in the modern style

The framing of the doorway is a corner, brick, wooden panels attaches an arched structure individuality.

Materials for design

Actually, all materials used to finish the walls can be applied to the framing portals. The choice is huge here, although in fact it is not so many options for doing with your own hands.

  • Tree - or MDF. Meaning both standard dobors, and more complex designs. Moreover, dogs can be applied for conventional shape, and for arched. The wood, of course, is more afraid of moisture than plastic or brick, but there is no high damp in the apartment and does not happen. In the photo - Arch, decorated with wood.

How to place the frame of the doorways in the modern style

  • Stone - here are used several ways. The framing of the doorway with decorative material is the most expensive, but also the most spectacular solution. Pick polished or satin finish, with a rich interesting pattern and color.

No less interesting option when the finishing is used to simulate a roughly treated natural stone or brick. In this case, not only the color and drawing are important, but also the method of laying and scheme. With the help, you can noticeably change the proportions. In the photo - a sample of asymmetric lining with brick.

  • The framing of the doorway from polyurethane, as a rule, mimics the stucco. The decor can be diversified by installing not only narrow moldings, but also intricate sockets and imitation of columns. Such a solution is excellent for Baroque or Ampire style. Polyurethane corners are easy to face, so with time the decor can be updated.

How to place the frame of the doorways in the modern style

Columns and even pseudo portico can be made of drywall - parts will have a volume. In combination with molding, they will turn the usual portal in the royal doorway.


This is the easiest and affordable design method.

  • Traditional - assumes the curtains on both sides of the opening, the gardens, as well as other elements of the porter composition, if the style allows them. This option is universal and is suitable for the door design of any size and shape.

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How to place the frame of the doorways in the modern style

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