Rating of means for cleaning pipes from blocks


In order to correctly eliminate the blockage in the pipes, it is necessary to deal with the reason for its occurrence and select the appropriate cleaning agent. Most often, the blockage may arise as a result of the following circumstances:

  • Violation of plumbing rules. The neglect of the public rules by some tenants often leads to the fact that large items, plastic bags, cardboard boxes and tight paper thrown into sewage stocks become the cause of the interface.
  • Corrosion action. In the houses of the old building, metal or cast iron pipes are used, which over time are subjected to a negative effect of corrosion processes. As a result, the inner walls of pipes become rough, which contributes to the formation of deposits on their surface.
  • Formation of plaque. After washing the dishes or washing into the sewer, the mud or fatty falls from the residues and detergent falls into the sewer. Hosted on the walls of the pipes, it increases over time and, as a result, leads to a narrowing of the diameter of the pipe cross section. This leads to a slowdown of water outflow.

If there is a blockage, you should not panic. EVERYTHING Under its strength to its home, without the help of plumbing.

How to eliminate crowds by folk remedies

Rating of means for cleaning pipes from blocks

A good owner in the kitchen is always at hand there is a food soda and a table vinegar. They will come to the rescue when the crowding occurs.

To clean the pipe, you will need half a pack of soda and a glass of vinegar. In the drain hole of the sink or bath suits the soda, and then vinegar is poured. The fatty flask enters a chemical reaction with these substances, accompanied by the formation of foam and hissing.

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It is necessary to give the reaction to continue for two hours, and then clean the drain system under the head of hot water.

Some hostesses are offered in the absence of soda to use a large table salt, but this method of cleaning blocks is not suitable for ceramic and metal pipes.

Contrary to the seeming simplicity of the method, the benefits of purifying pipes by people, the following facts are spoken:

  • All components of the folk remedy for pipes are available to everyone;
  • In contrast to the means containing active chemicals, they are absolutely safe for health;
  • Allow you to quickly cope with a blockage.

Chemicals from pipes

One of the most common ways to solve the problem of blocking pipes at home is to purchase a special means of clearing the reaches formed in the pipe.

The modern chemical industry offers the buyer a wide range of products for cleaning contaminants in the pipes. How to choose the best and effective remedy for pipes for pipes? Let us try to figure it out in more detail based on the review of the most popular samples.

Tools from the tube must be divided according to the following features:

  • According to the method of action: acid and alkaline;
  • In the form of release: powdered, granular, liquid.

The tools containing acid are usually used to eliminate a blockage in kitchen pipes, on the walls of which fatty food remains are harvested. Alkaline tools are used to clean the tubes in the bathrooms, where the cause of the cloth is the remains of the soap and the hair gathered in the lumps.

Means from blocks "Mole"

Rating of means for cleaning pipes from blocks

Over the years, it does not lose its popularity. Due to the fact that this tool produces different manufacturers, before purchase, you should carefully examine the information on the packaging. But in general, its composition in all manufacturers almost the same.

Means from blockage in the pipes "Selena Antisazor"

Rating of means for cleaning pipes from blocks

Just like "Mole" has an affordable price. But unlike the latter, it has not such a caustic composition, but also acts effectively.

  • In the number of its advantages, the absence of caustic smell can be called, the ability to use for cleaning plastic sewer pipes and toilet bowls.
  • To remove the blockage, you must pour granules into the drain hole and pour 250 ml of warm water. The result of the action will have to expect within an hour, sometimes a little more.

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The drug from blocks "Flup"

Rating of means for cleaning pipes from blocks

Another accessible to the price of the "Mole" is a granular drug "FLUP". This tool from the blocks is equally well used to clean pipes in combination with both cold and hot water. It can split resistant fat deposits, destroy bacteria and has a pleasant smell.

Tire line range "Tiret Professional"

It can be successfully used both for emergency cleaning of pipes and for the prophylactic cleaning of their surface. Many hostesses appreciate him for universality, as well as for the fact that it is safe for plastic and rubber pipes. In addition, as practice shows, the Tiret gel is capable of providing a long exposure to deposits on the pipe walls, destroying them.

Deboucher cleaning agent

Rating of means for cleaning pipes from blocks

Has an attractive price and excellent performance:

  • neutral smell
  • packed in a comfortable container, on the lid of which there is a lock from children,
  • safe for plastic pipes,
  • Excellent to remove blockages at home in case of emergency cases.

However, it is worth noting that for cleaning the metal, in particular aluminum pipes, this means is contraindicated, due to the high content of chlorine. Another minus "Deboucher" gel is the low cost economy: one fill will have to spend not less than half liters.

Tools to remove blocks "Potechan"

Rating of means for cleaning pipes from blocks

In the event that you need to clean the pipes as quickly as possible, it is best to use a means to remove the "Potchen" blocks from the Israeli bug manufacturer. Due to the fact that it is the foundation of caustic soda and surfactant, it is able to clean the pipe from the crowding for counting minutes. In addition to the speed of action, this means is attractive efficiency of consumption, convenience of packaging and the presence of blocking from children.

But with all the advantages, this fund has significant disadvantages:

  • It has a high price;
  • packed in a large container, implying multiple use;
  • requires the presence of means of protecting hands and respiration during the cleaning of the pipe;
  • It is prohibited to use the means for cleaning pipes in obsolete water supply systems.

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Summing up the review, it can be said that the choice of means from blockages in the pipes should be made on the basis of the domestic budget and the state of the pipeline system. And for emergency cleaning, and for preventive pipe cleaning at home, you can always find a tool that can fit your needs.

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