Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes


Nowadays, needlework came to a new level of technology. What you just won't see! Embroidery, knitting, felting, sewing and other different types of creative art. Weaving beads today is also one of the popular types of needlework. This is a rather time-consuming process that requires perfection and excerpt. Ready works can serve as an eternity. Today we want to share with you an example of making a bead peony. Such a flower will delight with its beauty over the years.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes


In this master class, we will not use a wire for weaving, and we take a thread or a fishing line as a fastening. This will significantly speed up the manufacturing process.

To work, we will need:

  1. Several bead colors. Choose at your discretion;
  2. Special needles for weaving;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Threads;
  5. Ready skelter or wire.

We proceed to the petal lobes.

Our flower will consist of different types and sizes of petals. We are preparing a thread and needle to work. And we ride the beads on this weaving scheme.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Now we need to fix the edges of the leaves so that they have smooth edges. We ride the residual thread of the beads and add them to again.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

We form our future flower in advance, alternating petals of different sizes. And we sew them among themselves.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

We form the core of the flower.

We carry out the core of the "Cross" technique. On the data photo schemes depicts all technology. The main thing is to be attentive and adhere to the technique of manufacture.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

The following image shows the core manufacturer scheme.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

So that the core is dense and performed the function of the base, fix the button to weaving. Then connect the base with the stem thin wire.

Finished petals are sewn and fixed to the base. Now we need to make stamens. We recruit the desired amount of beads on the thread and, skipping the first, we bring the thread back through the whole range.

The greater the number of stamens, the more beautiful and the pione will turn out.

We draw up a cup for the base of the peony.

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We will use the "brick" technique of weaving. We take a thread with 2 needles and in the middle We place 2 bispers. The second permeate the cross-shaped form. Thus we form a chain, the amount of bead depends on the desired size. We connect two edges with each other, forming a circle. This is the beginning of our cup. Further in the photo shows a follow-up scheme.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Then, leaning on the scheme, tie additional leaves.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Only leaves remained. Preparing a thread with a needle, in one row we ride the color of the beads that suits you. And then in a checker, we ride one bisery.

It is necessary to make 1 leaves from the diagrams. The edges align the extra thread.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Here is such a beauty.

Beaded peony: master class with weaving and video schemes

Video on the topic

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