Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes


Bead palm trees - excellent interior decoration and perfect gift for loved ones. Works from beads are valued all over the world for their uniqueness, durability and extraordinary beauty. Each such craft is a real work of art.

To create palm trees, one of the simplest techniques is used - needle weaving. This type of beadwork is easily mastered and does not require special skills and skills, so ideal for beginner needlewomen. The essence of the needle weaving is as follows: according to the scheme, a certain amount of beads is recruited on the wire, then the wire is in the opposite direction, avoiding the latter. The resulting "needle" is fixed, tighten and proceed to the creation of the following. Thus, branches of trees, leaves, as well as plant petals are made.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

The proposed master class contains detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make palm trees from the beads of needle weaving technique.

Master players

Beginner needlewomen are difficult to determine the choice of accessories necessary for the operation. It is not easy to navigate in the presented manifold of specialized goods. However, it should be noted that in beadwork, as in any other form of craft, there is a necessary set of tools that facilitate labor. We are talking about a spinner for beads. This simple accessory helps at times to reduce the time of stripping beads on the wire and relieve the work of the Creator. An indispensable tool for weaving leaves. To date, there are two types of this device: manual and electric. The choice is yours.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

For the manufacture of trees, it takes a rather thin, but plastic wire, so in beads most often used wire from copper, less often bronze. Today in specialized stores you can find a large assortment of wire containing copper, different colors and sizes. The wire size depends on its thickness and is indicated in millimeters: 0.2; 0.3; 0.6 mm.

Buyers have the opportunity to choose a wire in the color of Biseer, this is an unconditional plus. By minuses include relatively high cost of the coil and a small metrar. As a rule, in one submern contains 10-50 m wire.

Alternatively, you can offer to use the winding copper wire, which is sold on the radio rolls (the length of the maid is about 300 m), or a copper cable from the electrical store. The shortcomings of the latter include a rather long and time-consuming process for extracting wires from the cable.

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Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

When choosing a bead, it is necessary to pay special attention to its size and shape. In our case, a round bead of a small diameter will be required. For convenience, information on the definition of dimensions is presented below.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

The process of manufacturing our exotic souvenir can be divided into three stages: preparation, weaving, assembly. For clarity, each stage contains a photo. So, proceed.

Stage of preparation

At this stage, it is necessary to deal with what materials and tools will be needed for work. Our composition consists of three trees and bases. For simplicity, the required amount of material is indicated, based on the flow rate per palm.

To create leaves, we will need:

  • Round beads of two shades: light green and golden, about 50 and 30 g;
  • Copper wire for beadwork, ∅ 0.3 mm - 30 m.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

For the trunk it is necessary to prepare:

  • copper wire, ∅ 1 mm - 2 m;
  • Threads for decor - 2 pcs.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

To prepare the base of the crafts, it is used: a small rounded shape from any material, plaster or alabaster, PVA glue, super-glue, acrylic paints, decorative stones and shells for decoration.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Stage of weaving

Preparatory activities behind, proceed to weaving leaves. So that our tropical trees looked more naturally, the leaves of different lengths are located on the trunk in 3 rows. In this case, we use different schemes of the crowns for each level.

For the first row you will need 6-8 leaves, 9 steam needles in each. The wire consumption for each sheet is about 70 cm. The layering scheme of the sheet of palm of the 1st row is attached.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

The 2nd and 3rd row consist of 10-12 leaves of 11 steam needles in each. One sheet will need 80-90 cm wire.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Measure and cut off about 2 m wire. We take 7 bisperin light green and we ride them, add another 2 golden shade. Then bending the wire in half and, not the touch of the last beads, we draw the wire through the remaining 8 in the opposite direction, as shown in the photo.

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Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Tighten the work, spreading the ends of the wire in different directions. The first needle is a sheet of leaf ready.

In the same sequence, we recruit 5 green and 2 gold beads on the right wire. Next, we produce wire in the polar direction, by passing extreme. With left wire carry out similar actions. It turned out three needles.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Fix the resulting "trident", twisting the wire two or three times. We wear green beads, tighten the wire 1 time.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

We divor the ends of the wire in different directions and continue to weave the needles on the same principle, repeating steps 2-3.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

The needles are ready, now it is necessary to create a leaf with a leg, for this twist the ends of the wire into one and put 10 green beads.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

The first instance is ready.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Using the schemes, continue to perform the remaining parts of the crown.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

The resulting leaves must be given a form. To do this, we use a finger, put the sheet on it and smooth on the shape of a finger.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Cooking the trunk: we take the wire with a diameter of 1 mm, cut 5 of the same segments of 40 cm, fold, align, wind up the thread to strengthen.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Insert the first rods in the barrel in a circle, fix the structure of the thread.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Similar method in a circle, alternating leaves, fasteners to the barrel 2 and 3 rows, observing the distance between them, about 9-10 mm. We work on the trunk to the end, winding it with the thread, align.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Stage assembly

All three palm trees are ready. It remains to collect them in one composition. We prepare the gypsum mixture, pour it into the form, insert our palm trees. Let the craft dry.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

Now you can proceed to the decor. Dye tree trunks and island acrylic paints. Decorate it with seashells and pebbles. Our man-made product for home decoration is ready.

Palm from beads with his own hands: Master class with photo schemes

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