How to make the electric warm floor with your own hands?


Not so long ago, the heated systems appeared are increasingly popular. By producing repairs in the bathroom, kitchen, toilet or hallway, they are placed under the tile, so that in the end, it is not free to get a bosy feet coating, but a warm floor. And this is not a complete list of those places where such a type of heating is set. It is mounted everywhere, where it is necessary to make the floor at least a little warmer (including in the nursery, and in the bedroom, and on the loggia with a balcony).

How to make the electric warm floor with your own hands?

Warm floor.

Therefore, an important task at the initial stage is to accurately determine what role such a heat source will be carried out: full-fledged room heating or additional.

The main component of the electrical heating system of the floor is a cable that converts electricity energy to heat. The main indicator is the specific heat generation. The error will assume that it is better to purchase a cable with a maximum value, since with a maximum specific heat release, the cable may not heat the sex surface (concrete tie) to the entire power, when its thickness is insignificant. As a result, it is possible to overheat the heat carrier insulation, then a short circuit and failure of the cable, which involves conducting expensive repairs, including dismantling the concrete surface.

How to make the electric warm floor with your own hands?

Cable warm floor can be mounted in a special grid, it facilitates its laying.

Safety and simplicity of laying provide an excellent opportunity to equip the electric warm floor with their own hands. And as a pleasant award for all the attached efforts there will be a comfortable floor surface and, although small, but still saving the family budget.

Most, having decided to equip the warm floor with their own hands, plan this operation as one of the final stages of repair work, previously aligning the surfaces of the walls and shocking. But this decision is rooted, since the floor is your own hands, working on the basis of electrical cables, requires laying a separate electrical wiring line. The need to lay the latter occurs before the start of wall and even ceiling work. Simultaneously on the wall, the control unit of the warm electric floor is mounted.

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There are different options for mounting a warm floor: without the heat insulating layer and with it. Fastening methods are also different: on a metal grid or on the mounting tape. Yes, and the warm floor systems are like a heating cable or in the form of a special rug, in which the cable is packed with a mesh with an already pledged installation step. Such a warm floor is called more cable.

Make a smooth floor with your own hands

How to make the electric warm floor with your own hands?

Floor alignment is made on the lighthouses installed.

In the case when the warm floor assumes the role of the main heating, then it is mandatory to lay a layer of thermal insulation. As such, the best use polystyrene foam plates (density 35). Their thickness will be determined by the fact that it is directly located under the germ plate.

If the floors are insulated in the apartment higher than on the first floor, the layer is selected in 20 mm, for the floors of the first floor apartments with heated basement, the thickness of the insulation will be 30 mm. For floors on balconies, balconies, with unwapped under them basements on the first floor, the layer thickness is provided for at least 50 mm. And where the concrete surface is placed straight on the surface of the Earth, 100 mm.

The layer of insulation layer is carried out by means of special adhesives or dowels (this is carried out in the next stage of installation when the grid is fixed). The surface of the floor should have evenness, not to have visible distillations, recesses and large cracks. If something on the sex surface is detected from the listed, then:

  • Perform a screed if there are significant surfaces of the surface, the floor is aligned;
  • Separate flaws are close to cement mortar.

How to make the electric warm floor with your own hands?

Types of laying cable for a warm floor.

Before placing the thermal insulator, the surface is ground, thanks to which the development of mold is excluded. And gluing increases the degree of adhesion of materials.

The polystyrene foam plates are glued either attached by dowels in several places. On the entire surface, the plaster grid is fixed due to plastic clips or dowels with washers, the length of which is equal to the double layer of the heat insulator. Such fasteners will provide additional fixation of the plates to the floor surface.

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Calculate the length of the cable and laying step

The cable-covered surface should be about 80% of the total area of ​​the room. For one meter, the square lay the power (for the main type of heating) about 180-200 W per sq.m. Before laying, checking the resistance of the cable section, which is permissible to each side of the parties not more than 10% of the value marked in the supasport. The styling of the cable is not performed where household appliances are worthwhile, which do not have legs with large furniture items. Provide the gap between the cable and the wall in the range of 5-7 cm.

How to make the electric warm floor with your own hands?

Cable laying scheme with dimensions.

Find out such a nuance: at what distance is the cable laying among them? Since Ignoring this indicator entails overheating with all the aggravating consequences.

Counting a step for laying the cable is performed so. It is found out the heating area, since this value according to the formula must be multiplied by 100 and divided into cable length.

It will not be superfluous that the segment of the two-core cable has a connection with a heating wire only from one end, while a single-core cable is on both.

We carry out preparatory work

Until the installation of the thermostat, it is determined with the place in the wall for its installation and then cut out the deepening and strokes to the floor. At the place through alabaster, they strengthen the mounting box under the thermostat. It comes out of the corrugated tube. The latter put in a latter recess and close up with alabaster. The end of the tube by 40 cm is shown in the heating area. And there is so that in the center of the rear of the cable is a thermal sensor. Control so that the pipe does not formed steep bends. Under its end (at the location of the sensor), put the material for the elevation and location of the sensor right under the floor so that it is fixed correctly. The end of the tube is firmly closed with a tape, in order to exclude the solution to it in the manufacture of a screed.

Put the warm floor with your own hands

How to make the electric warm floor with your own hands?

The procedure for performing work when laying a warm floor.

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The cable is laid zigzag, providing a calculated step. It is fixed to the metal grid by means of plastic screeds of minimum length.

At the end of the laying, the cable resistance is monitored and recorded, draw a plan for the placement of turns, is connected and observed for the operation of the system. Then everything turns off and remove the thermostat until the final completion of all finishing procedures.

Pour balm tie

The screed is laid using a sand solution with cement in a 3/1 ratio with the inclusion of special plasticizers or ready-made tiery mixes.

The fill thickness must be at least 3-4 cm. Admissible to add to the solution of fiber solid. After the screed is dry, laid outdoor tile, cycling a special composition of the glue for a warm floor. The absolute readiness of the surface to operation happens after 28 days. Throughout this period, the heating system of the floor is prohibited by electricity.

How to make the electric warm floor with your own hands?

Chatting of the warm floor should be at least 3-4 cm.

When the installation of such heating systems are performed in separate rooms, the requirements for an independent device of electric heating floor are much simplified. It is not a prerequisite for the thermal insulation of the surface. Therefore, the attachment of turns of the wires produce a mounting ribbon directly to the base. It is permissible to lay the power slightly less than 120-180 W per sq.m. The end of the wire that falls under the basic heating elements, in order to prevent overheating, over is closed with cork fine insulation (2-3 mm). Fix the turns of the wire to the petals of the mounting ribbon are much easier. But it should be monitored if cable turns are perpendicular to the connecting slab seams, it is advisable to perform them with a crescent with some reserve. Then, in case of deformation of the plates, the tension will be able to avoid tension during temperature drops. Other significant differences in the installation of warm heating systems are not available.

The rules for installation of warm electric flooring systems described herein and the entire sequence of actions will help to successfully perform self-laying of the cable to the home master, which is first faced with such a procedure.

If you follow all the advice, the warm floor in the apartment will last long, without requiring repair and replacement.

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