How to make slopes input door from MDF


Personally, I, with the panels of MDF, met for a very long time, even in those days when only "dedicated" knew the decoding of this abbreviation. Since then, not one repair has been made, and this material never disappointed.

How to make slopes input door from MDF

Door slope

And even when the case was touched by the finishes of the slopes of the entrance, the first thought was about MDF panels.


How to make slopes input door from MDF

Out of doors

There are three main criteria for which finishing materials are selected, and this concerns not only door slopes, but also the entire repair in general.

  1. Price-quality ratio.
  2. Convenience and simplicity in the installation.
  3. Exterior aesthetics.

The MDF panels respond to all of the listed qualities, which makes them popular among specialists and customers.

In order not to be unfounded, I will give small lists of positive and negative qualities inherent in this material.

Pluses of MDF.

How to make slopes input door from MDF

Finishing door slope

  • The relatively low cost is not only the panels themselves, but also the entire repair of slopes taking into account all components.
  • Easy installation, which can be produced in two ways, the conversation about which will go too below.
  • Aesthetic appearance. The MDF panels are produced with imitation of natural wood of various breeds. The color scheme is so diverse that it can be selected for any design room.
  • The dense structure of the material creates additional heat and noise insulation, which is especially relevant to finishing the slopes of the input door, where cold zones are traditionally located.
  • Full environmental friendliness. The basis of MDF is a wood chip, which is completely harmless to healthy as the polymers that are used as part of the panels.

But you should not immediately run to the store and buy MDF panels for the repair of the whole apartment, like any other material, they have a number of their drawbacks.

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Cons MDF.

How to make slopes input door from MDF

Finishing of MDF discharge

  • Very low resistance to mechanical damage. Any acute or solid item leaves scratches on the panel that cannot be embedded or renovated.
  • Only one scratch, may lead to alteration of all slopes.
  • MDF does not like a large amount of water, and if the wet cleaning will withstand such panels without problems, then the full wash will lead to their destruction.

As can be seen, the ratio of quality characteristics is almost the same, so the door slides from MDF is a choice of each, but in defense of this material, I would like to say - there are no ideal materials, and everyone has its own list of minuses, which is often much longer than the list of advantages.

The question is solved, and therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to make high-quality slopes that will not look "as a saddle on a cow"

Fashion first

How to make slopes input door from MDF

Suns for doors from MDF

Installation on the cut. For this we will need:

  • Drill and screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  • Wooden timber.
  • Roulette and pencil.
  • A sharp knife or jigsaw.
  • MDF panels and decorative components in the form of corners suitable in color.
  • Grinding for walls and impregnation for a wooden bar.

At first, we prepare the walls and bars, processing them with impregnation and soil, respectively. Of course, this stage can be skipped, but there is a possibility that under the slopes will begin to gather, hated builders, moisture, which will eat the tree and panels themselves.

Tip! Before buying a bar, you need to measure the distance from the door frame to the wall. From this size you need to subtract 7 mm, it will be the necessary thickness of the bar. With this installation, the "spike" panel can be started for the box, it will look good and do not need to glue, the corner is added.

How to make slopes input door from MDF

Finish door slope in the apartment

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On each slope, there are two bar. They are attached to a dowel, straight to the wall in increasing about 50 cm. The first timber is adjacent to the door frame, and the second is set to the wall with the angle of the wall. The space between the guides can be additionally insulated or filling out by mounting foam.

In order to make a slope, you may have to cut the panel along, the main thing is that it is not already sloping.

The MDF is sprinkled in height and is attached to the bruises guides with the help of self-tapping hats, which will "drown" in the panel and then close the decorative corner.

Next, it remains only to fix the corners with the help of glue and the decoration of the slopes can be considered complete.

Interesting! The second bar, going to the wall with the wall, may be thinner first. In this case, the panel will go at an angle and create a visual expansion of the day.

Method of the second

How to make slopes input door from MDF

Finishing of MDF discharge

Installation of panels on the finished surface. It is somewhat more complicated to make such slopes, but, since cold zones are most often formed in the area of ​​the entrance door, this method will additionally insulate and isolates the wall.

For such a decoration, there will be a more extensive set of tools and materials, as well as a certain skill in plaster.


  1. Rule.
  2. Spatula or trowel.
  3. Pistol under liquid nails.


  1. Plastering mixture.
  2. Liquid Nails.
  3. Lighthouses, two pieces on the slope.
  4. MDF panels and decorative corners.


As in the first version, first a stingy wall, it will never be superfluous. Next, we install beacons for which the coating will be equalized. This can be done with liquid nails or perlabaster solution.

The space between the lighthouses and the beacons themselves are coated with a layer of plastering mixture, and the surplus remove the rule to create a smooth surface.

Important! The layer of plaster should be about 7 mm less than the box of the inlet door. This will allow you to install the panel to the box with the box.

How to make slopes input door from MDF

Door slope in the apartment

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Now, the plaster must be allowed to carefully dry and only after that you can move to the installation of the panels.

Panels are attached using liquid nails, which are applied both on the panel itself and on the walls. The panel is tightly pressed against the surface and is kept in this position for some time, as a rule, it is only a few minutes.

Sucks are ready, and you can install corners. All the same liquid nails are suitable or any other glue capable of combining plastic with a paper surface of the panel.


As can be seen, it is not so difficult to make the slopes. Mass options, and MDF is only one of them.

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