Types of finish outdoor coatings


Recently, the decorative finish of the house turned into pleasure. Now there are no problems with the choice of floor coverings, cladding for ceilings and walls. Bold design decisions can be embodied and not think about where to find a particular decorative product.

The finishing of the sexes are proceeded when finishing works on the walls and ceilings have already been completed. The finish flooring is placed according to the general interior and design. Floor finishing materials should not only correspond to the color solving of the rooms, but also optimally approach the purpose of the premises. Modern floor coverings meet all these requirements.

Types of finish outdoor coatings

Moreover, they can be very easy to mount, even the amateur in construction can be cope with styling. But, sometimes, the variety of materials can put in a dead end. Many are lost in the abundance of outdoor products. In order to clearly know exactly what floor is needed in the house room, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​the types of flooring.

In general, the types of flooring can be divided into groups of installation method:

  1. The first group will include rolled materials. They are very easy to mount. Rolls are rolled and attached with plinths.
  2. The second group will present prefabricated structures. These are boarded facilities, whose planks are attached with the help of special locks.
  3. And finally, the third group includes materials that are mounted for a long period of time. Laying requires the use of glue or cement mortar.

Determine the floor for the house will also help the purpose of the rooms and characteristics of the material. For example, in the kitchen no good owner will post a carpet cover, as it knows that in this room is necessary moisture-resistant material. The circle of floor products is already narrowed due to the special purpose of the room.

Rolled materials

Types of finish outdoor coatings

This product group is characterized by simplicity. The coating is rolled on the base, it is consistent with some time and then fastened with plinths or double-sided tape depending on the type of roll material. In this group, the following types of flooring are distinguished:

  • Linoleum
  • Carpet
  • Cork material

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Types of finish outdoor coatings

Linoleum took a strong position in the construction market. Its democratic pricing policy and wear resistance became decisive factors when choosing a coverage in favor of linoleum. Rich color solutions, textures allow you to drain the product in any room with the most unusual design.

However, not all types of linoleum are distinguished by high wear-resistant qualities. Simple and inexpensive types of linoleum are made of material not too high quality, they will serve no more than a year.

It is believed that the linoleum is made only from synthetic fibers. But there is a natural look of linoleum. It can rarely meet, because in terms of cost it is significantly superior to the laminate. The mass consumption is popular with synthetic type. Of course, talking about ecology here is simply inappropriate.

Types of finish outdoor coatings

Carpet ranks second after linoleum in his species group. This is a soft and comfortable coating. It is accepted in bedrooms or children's rooms. The product is separated on the natural and synthetic fiber.

Carpet has practically no deficiencies except one. It is very difficult to clean. All dust and crumbs are somewhat in the vile, as at the base. Even the most powerful vacuum cleaner is unlikely to get dirt out of the base.

Cork coating is a sufficiently soft wood material. It is comfortable to walk barefoot, the product is warm and pleasant to the touch. In terms of aesthetic appearance, it wins, as it looks very interesting and unusual. However, the material is vulnerable to any mechanical impact. It is very easy to break.

Prefabricated designs

This group of flooring has only two types of products. Their installation involves laying boards, which occurs with the help of a lock system.

These include:

  • Laminate.
  • Parquet board.

Laminate Evoids great popularity. Its acceptable cost and positive characteristics attract the consumer more and more. Produce from wood waste, sawdust is fastened with each other by resin and press. Approximately 80% material consists of wood dust.

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The material can be selected according to the class of wear-resistance. The higher the class, the longer it will delight his rich appearance. The optimal solution for the house will be 32 class laminate. It is divided into ordinary, moisture-resistant and waterproof types.

The last type of coating can be kept in the bathroom, moisture-resistant fit in the kitchen at home. In the rest of the premises, ordinary laminate is mounted. The rich color palette, textures allow you to find compliance for any designer solution.

Parquet board - This is a completely natural product, consisting of either plywood fiber, or from various wood breeds. The last method of manufacture implies an impressive tablet thickness.

The only lack of parquet is his fear of moisture. However, recently manufacturers have found a solution - the board is soaked with special moisture-resistant compositions. Now the parquet board does not have vulnerable places and rightfully occupies a leading place in quality and rich appearance.

Full outdoor materials

This group includes materials, laying which is made thoroughly and for a long period of time. As a rule, installation requires the use of adhesive or cement solutions.

Often, a special mixture is poured on the base as a finite coating at home. With these materials, designers embody their most bold fantasies.

The species of this group of materials include:

  • Ceramic tile.
  • Bulk polymer floor.
  • Glass structures.

Ceramic tile and its unique properties have always attracted the consumer. This is an indispensable material for the kitchen and a bathroom. It has a number of such advantages as hygiene, strength, water resistance and a variety of color solutions.

Many manufacturers are added to the material of porcelain stoneware to give even greater product strength. Indoor, decorated tiles, mold or fungus will not appear.

The hygiene and environmental friendliness of the product led it to the ranks of the most famous and reliable flooring. Often, tiles are used as a finishing coating on the "Warm floor" system. Proper laying and proper care guarantees a long service life of the coating.

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Bulk polymer flooring It is a mixture of components that include epoxy resins. With this unusual type of flooring, you can work wonders with the base. Specialists pour the solution into forms, and a special substrate allows you to introduce a variety of ornaments, drawings and photos. This is done by imposing the desired ornament under a transparent polymer base layer. A sense of the volume and realism of the drawing is created.

The bulk floor has a number of such advantages as high wear resistance, strength, water resistance and long service life. However, the environmentally friendliness of the material is still arguing. By and large, the bulk sex is the composition of chemical elements that does not pose a threat to health, as manufacturers declare.

Glass structures represent a transparent product in combination with other outdoor materials. Someone is interesting to lay this unusual view of the coating in the bathrooms. But, as a rule, designers combine the glass elements of the floors with other more durable outdoor materials. For example, with the help of glass, you can arrange the middle of the living room, which will instantly attract the attention of the guests and will make it seek to look at the bold designer solution.

Regardless of how the design of the rooms of the house, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the quality characteristics of the material. The purpose of the houses at home also plays a big role when choosing. Try to pay attention not only to the color solutions of materials, but also on the product production method, the types of components and their suitability for use in residential premises. The presence of certificates and factory labeling on the product is required.

If they are missing, the material is not recommended. Given all these nuances and knowing the overall hierarchy of floor coverings, you can safely choose and mount the finish coating.

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